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  Author (up) Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Aberle, K.S.; Hamann, H.; Drögemüller, C.; Distl, O. Genetic diversity in German draught horse breeds compared with a group of primitive, riding and wild horses by means of microsatellite DNA markers 2004 Animal Genetics 5184 35 270-277 details   doi
Berger J, Reproductive fates of dispersers in a harem-dwelling ungulate: the wild horse 1987 Mammalian Dispersal Patterns: The Effects of Social Structure on Population Genetics 940 41-54 details   openurl
Boice, R. Behavioral comparability of wild and domesticated rats 1981 Behavior Genetics 4144 11 545-553 details   openurl
Bouchard, T.J.J.; Loehlin, J.C. Genes, evolution, and personality 2001 Behavior Genetics 4142 31 243-273 details   openurl
Bouman Jg, Breeding Przewalski horse in captivity 1979 Genetics and Herdeditary Diseases of the Przewalski horse 955 details   openurl
Bouman Jg, A possible stallion exchange strategy in order to decrease inbreeding in the Przewalski horse 1979 Genetics and Hereditary Diseases of the Przewalski horse 954 119 details   openurl
Bouman Jg, Does inbreeding ocur in free living horses? 1979 Genetics and Hereditary Diseases of the Przewalski horse 956 125-132 details   openurl
Bouman-Heinsdijk I, Does inbreeding occur in free living horses? 1979 Genetics and Hereditary Diseases of the Przewalski Horse 958 details   openurl
Breen, M.; Downs, P.; Irvin, Z.; Bell, K. Intrageneric amplification of horse microsatellite markers with emphasis on the Przewalski's horse (E. przewalskii) 1994 Animal Genetics 2246 25 401-405 details   openurl
Hedrick, P.W.; Parker, K.M.; Miller, E.L.; Miller, P.S. Major Histocompatibility Complex Variation in the Endangered Przewalski's Horse 1999 Genetics 5043 152 1701-1710 details   url
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