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Allen, D.; Tanner, K. Putting the horse back in front of the cart: using visions and decisions about high-quality learning experiences to drive course design 2007 CBE Life Sciences Education 3999 6 85-89 details   doi
Bertolucci, C.; Giannetto, C.; Fazio, F.; Piccione, G. Seasonal variations in daily rhythms of activity in athletic horses 2008 Animal 4823 2 1055-1060 details   doi
Casella, S.; Fazio, F.; Giannetto, C.; Giudice, E.; Piccione, G. Influence of transportation on serum concentrations of acute phase proteins in horse 2012 Research in Veterinary Science 5843 93 914-917 details   doi
Deutsche Reiterliche Vereinigung e.V. (FN); Miesner,Susanne; Putz, Michael; Plewa ,Martin Richtlinien für Reiten und Fahren – Band 1 2005 4400 details   isbn
Flannery, B. Relational discrimination learning in horses 1997 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 3557 54 267-280 details   doi
Hvorecny, L.M.; Grudowski, J.L.; Blakeslee, C.J.; Simmons, T.L.; Roy, P.R.; Brooks, J.A.; Hanner, R.M.; Beigel, M.E.; Karson, M.A.; Nichols, R.H.; Holm, J.B.; Boal, J.G. Octopuses (Octopus bimaculoides) and cuttlefishes (Sepia pharaonis, S. officinalis) can conditionally discriminate 2007 Animal Cognition 2405 details   doi
Keeling, L.J.; Jonare, L.; Lanneborn, L. Investigating horse–human interactions: The effect of a nervous human 2009 The Veterinary Journal 5908 181 70-71 details   doi
Moehlman, P.D.; Kebede, F.; Yohannes, H. The African wild ass (Equus africanus): conservation status in the horn of Africa 1998 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 2380 60 115-124 details   doi
Savage; , A.O.; Kirsten Leong; Laura Graham; Anne Behavioral indices of estrus in a group of captive African elephants (Loxodonta africana) 2005 Zoo Biology 3552 24 311-329 details   doi
Thiruvenkadan, A.K.; Kandasamy, N.; Panneerselvam, S. Coat colour inheritance in horses 2008 Livestock Science 4776 117 109-129 details   doi
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