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  Author (up) Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Á. Miklósi The Evolution of Cognition 1999 Animal Cognition 3247 2 179-180 details   doi
Aberle, K.S.; Hamann, H.; Drögemüller, C.; Distl, O. Genetic diversity in German draught horse breeds compared with a group of primitive, riding and wild horses by means of microsatellite DNA markers 2004 Animal Genetics 5184 35 270-277 details   doi
Abeyesinghe, S.M.; Nicol, C.J.; Hartnell, S.J.; Wathes, C.M. Can domestic fowl, Gallus gallus domesticus, show self-control? 2005 Animal Behaviour. 2897 70 1-11 details   url
Adachi, I.; Kuwahata, H.; Fujita, K. Dogs recall their owner's face upon hearing the owner's voice 2007 Animal Cognition 4222 10 17-21 details   doi
Adams, E.S. Bayesian analysis of linear dominance hierarchies 2005 Animal Behaviour. 451 69 1191-1201 details   doi
Addessi, E.; Visalberghi, E. Social facilitation of eating novel food in tufted capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella): input provided by group members and responses affected in the observer 2001 Animal Cognition 3382 4 297-303 details   doi
Agrillo, C.; Dadda, M.; Bisazza, A. Quantity discrimination in female mosquitofish 2007 Animal cognition 339 10 63-70 details   doi
Ahrendt, L.P.; Christensen, J.W.; Ladewig, J. The ability of horses to learn an instrumental task through social observation 2012 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 5773 139 105-113 details   doi
Ahrendt, L.P.; Labouriau, R.; Malmkvist, J.; Nicol, C.J.; Christensen, J.W. Development of a standard test to assess negative reinforcement learning in horses 2015 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 6650 169 38-42 details   doi
Akins, C.K.; Klein, E.D.; Zentall, T.R. Imitative learning in Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) using the bidirectional control procedure 2002 Animal learning & behavior 239 30 275-281 details   openurl
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