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  Author (up) Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
ALEXANDER, F Digestion in the horse 1963 Zoologische Garten 636 259-268 details   openurl
Alexander, F.; Davies, M.E. Production and fermentation of lactate by bacteria in the alimentary canal of the horse and pig 1963 Journal of comparative pathology 120 73 1-8 details   openurl
Ayres, C.M.; Davey, L.M.; German, W.J. Cerebral Hydatidosis. Clinical Case Report With A Review Of Pathogenesis 1963 Journal of Neurosurgery 2748 20 371-377 details   openurl
Bonifay M-F, Présence d`Equus Hydruntinus dans la grotte de Rigabe. 1963 951 49 159-170 details   openurl
Flade Je, F.W. Beitrag zum Problem der Trächtigkeitsdauer und zu ihrer faktoriellen Abhängigkeit beim Pferd 1963 1089 505-520 details   openurl
Giles J.K et al Methods of Training Horses 1963 5623 details   openurl
Göbel ,F.; Zeeb,K. Primitivpferde und ihre Haltung 1963 1118 18 64-79 details   openurl
Orr Djc, Grazing sucession in Ngorongoro Crater 1963 1441 details   openurl
Pienaar U De V, The large mammals of the Kruger National Park – Their distribution and present – day status 1963 1471 6 1-37 details   openurl
Talbot, L.M.; Talbot, M.H. The Wildebeest in Western Masailand 1963 2347 details   openurl
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