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Author (up) Dubcová, J.; Bartošová, J.; Komárková, M. pdf  openurl
  Title Impact of weaning method on weanlings’ weight gain in domestic horses Type Conference Article
  Year 2012 Publication Proceedings of the 2. International Equine Science Meeting Abbreviated Journal Proc. 2. Int. Equine. Sci. Mtg  
  Volume in press Issue Pages  
  Keywords Horse, Equus caballus, weaning, weight gain  
  Abstract Artificial weaning is associated with various stresses for the foal, such as loss of the mother, feeding changes, new and unfamiliar environment, etc. We investigated the impact of two different methods of abrupt weaning on weight gain in group housed Kladruby horses born 2009 (National Stud Kladruby nad Labem, CZ). Two groups of the foals were weaned abruptly at age from 5,5 to 8 months and transported to the other facility but the first group (G1, N=14) spent one week in their home environment after their mothers were led away. The other foals (G2, N=15) were moved away immediately after separation from the mothers (i.e. they lost the mother and known environment at one time). Foals were weighed: at the weaning day, weekly within the first month and then monthly up to 6 months after weaning. Neither birth nor weaning weight differed significantly between the two groups kept under similar nutrition. We hypothesised that a week spent in the home environment should reduce foal’s weight loss usually following the loss of the mother and moving to the unknown environment. The weaning type significantly influenced weight gain the foals reached one week after weaning (p < 0.001, GLM, PROC GLM, SAS). Contrary to our expectations, G1 foals lost their weight whereas G2 ones gained weight during the same period (-4.9 vs. +3.2 kg). G1 foals reached back their weaning weight within 3 weeks after weaning. The weight of the foals at 6 months after weaning was still marginally higher in G2 than G1foals (388.2 vs. 365.7 kg, p < 0.07). We found lower detrimental effect on weight gain in G2 foals (i.e. weaned and immediately moved) compared to G1 foals (weaned and stayed before moved). Thus, our results indicate lower stress induced to the foals in more radical type of weaning. Supported by AWIN, EU FP7 project No. 266213.  
  Corporate Author Dubcová, J. Thesis  
  Publisher Xenophon Publishing Place of Publication Wald Editor Krueger, K.  
  Language Summary Language Original Title  
  Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title  
  Series Volume Series Issue Edition  
  ISSN 978-3-9808134-26 ISBN Medium  
  Area Expedition Conference  
  Notes Approved no  
  Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 5543  
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