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Author (up) Mendoza, S.P.; Mason, W. A (eds) isbn  openurl
  Title Primate Social Conflict Type Book Whole
  Year 1993 Publication Abbreviated Journal  
  Volume Issue Pages  
  Abstract This book examines conflict as a normal and recurrent feature of primate social life, emphasizing that the study of aggression and social conflict is important to understanding the basic processes that contribute to social order. The authors go well beyond the usual view which tends to equate social conflict with fights over food, mates, or social supremacy, and analyze the diverse manifestations and significance of conflict in a variety of case studies. Contributors are scientists with field and laboratory experience in anthropology, behavioral endocrinology, ethology, and psychology. Utilizing the growing body of research on life-span development in primatology, the authors offer more extensive analyses of the complexity of primate social relationships.

“I like the idea of social conflict as opposed to aggression as such. Too much of the focus on conflict has been on aggressive behavior, which is probably the most striking behavior observed in the field. The fact that conflict does not lead to aggression in all cases, that conflict is generally followed by some sort of reconciliation, and the consequences for fitness and future social life are important topics with respect to non-human primate society that should have considerable relevance to thinking about human social conflict.” -- Charles T. Snowdon, University of Wisconsin, Madison

William A. Mason is Research Scientist at the California Regional Primate Research Center and Professor Emeritus of Psychology at the University of California. Sally P. Mendoza is Associate Professor of Psychology and Research Scientist at the California Regional Primate Research Center.

1. Primate Social Conflict: An Overview of Sources, Forms, and Consequences

William A. Mason and Sally P. Mendoza

2. The Nature of Social Conflict: A Psycho-Ethological Perspective

William A. Mason

3. The Evolution of Social Conflict among Female Primates

Joan B. Silk

4. Social Conflict on First Encounters

Sally P. Mendoza

5. Reconciliation among Primates: A Review of Empirical Evidence and Theoretical Issues

Frans B. M. de Waal

6. Social Conflict in Adult Male Relationships in a Free-Ranging Group of Japanese Monkeys

Naosuke Itoigawa

7. The Physiology of Dominance in Stable versus Unstable Social Hierarchies

Robert M. Sapolsky

8. Temperament and Mother-Infant Conflict in Macaques: A Transactional Analysis

William A. Mason, D.D. Long, and Sally P. Mendoza

9. Impact on Foraging Demands on Conflict within Mother-Infants Dyads

Michael W. Andrews, Gayle Sunderland, and Leonard A. Rosenblum

10. Coordination and Conflict in Callicebus Social Groups

Charles R. Menzel

11. Social Conflict in Two Monogamous New World Primates: Pairs and Rivals

Gustl Anzenberger

12. Social Conflict and Reproductive Suppression in Marmoset and Tamarin Monkeys

David H. Abbott

13. Biological Antecedents of Human Aggression

Lionel Tiger

14. Conflict as a Constructive Force in Social Life

David M. Lyons

  Corporate Author Thesis  
  Publisher Place of Publication Editor Mendoza, S.P.;Mason, W. A  
  Language Summary Language Original Title  
  Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title  
  Series Volume Series Issue Edition  
  ISSN ISBN 978-0-7914-1241-1 Medium  
  Area Expedition Conference  
  Notes Approved no  
  Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 4874  
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