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Author (up) Poletaeva, I.I.; Popova, N.V.; Romanova, L.G. doi  openurl
  Title Genetic aspects of animal reasoning Type Journal Article
  Year 1993 Publication Behavior Genetics Abbreviated Journal  
  Volume 23 Issue 5 Pages 467-475  
  Abstract This paper reviews the investigations of Prof. L. V. Krushinsky and his colleagues into the genetics of complex behaviors in mammals. The ability of animals to extrapolate the direction of a food stimulus movement was investigated in wild and domesticated foxes (including different fur-color mutants), wild brown rats, and laboratory rats and mice. Wild animals (raised in the laboratory) were shown to be superior to their respective domesticated forms on performance of the extrapolation task, especially in their scores for the first presentation, in which no previous experience could be used. Laboratory rats and mice demonstrated a low level of extrapolation performance. This means that only a few laboratory animals were capable of solving the task, i.e., the percentage of correct solutions was equivalent to chance. The brain weight selection program resulted in two mice strains with a 20% (90-mg) difference in brain weight. Ability to solve the extrapolation task was present in low-brain weight mice in generations 7-11 but declined with further selection. Investigation of extrapolation ability in mice with different chromosomal anomalies demonstrated that animals with Robertsonian translocations Rb(8,17) 1lem and Rb(8,17) 6Sic were capable of solving this task in a statistically significant majority of cases, while mice with fusion of other chromosomes, as well as CBA normal karyotype mice, performed no better than expected by chance. Mice with two types of partial trisomies and animals homo- and heterozygous for translocations were also tested. Although mice with T6 trisomy performed no better than expected by chance, animals with trisomy for a chromosome 17 fragment solved the task successfully. Thus, a genetic component underlying the ability to solve the extrapolation task was demonstrated in three animal species. The extrapolation task in animals is considered to reveal a general capacity for elementary reasoning. The genetic basis of this capacity is very complex.  
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  Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 3089  
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