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Author (up) Norris, M.J. url  openurl
  Title Group effects on the activity and behaviour of adult males of the desert locust (Schistocerca gregaria Forsk.) in relation to sexual maturation Type Journal Article
  Year 1962 Publication Animal Behaviour. Abbreviated Journal Anim. Behav.  
  Volume 10 Issue 3-4 Pages 275-291  
  Abstract During the pre-maturation period crowded males of Schistocerca gregaria are more active than isolated ones but the greater part of their extra activity is not locomotory but consists of the kicking movements made in response to contact with other locusts. Isolated males walk less often during this period but tend to jump (or fly) more than crowded ones. Activity increases with maturity and the increase is greater in the isolated males so that in spite of the absence of mechanical stimulation by other locusts their locomotor activity is now at least as great as that of the crowded ones and their jumping activity greater. Within one batch there is a tendency for those males which are most active during the first two weeks of adult life to mature earliest. The activity of young males crowded with fledglings is at first similar to that of males crowded with older locusts, but after the first two weeks the activity of both mature and immature males is depressed by crowding with fledglings. Mature males habitually isolated become less active when temporarily crowded with fledglings, but not when crowded with mature males. Mature and immature males habitually crowded with fledglings become more active when temporarily isolated and still more active when crowded with each other, or with other mature males. The inhibiting effect of the fledglings on maturation and their depressive effect on activity should in natural conditions promote synchronization of maturation and the cohesion of the group. There was little difference in activity between young males kept in single pairs and in isolation, except that in one experiment the isolated ones jumped more often. Young males kept in pairs with mature males are more active during the first week of adult life than those kept in pairs with each other. The males paired with mature males were also seen feeding much less often than those paired with each other. This was the only treatment in which a significant effect on the frequency of feeding was recorded. The femoral vibrations made by both mature and immature males in response to stimulation by mature males, occur less often in habitually crowded males than in those temporarily crowded or kept with one mature male only. This is presumably the result of habituation to the stimulus. The behaviour of wild Schistocerca males in a large outdoor cage was very similar to that of a low density laboratory group. All results suggest that there is an association between high activity and rapid maturation. This is compatible with the conclusion from earlier work that a low level of feeding is associated with rapid maturation.  
  Corporate Author Thesis  
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  Language Summary Language Original Title  
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  Area Expedition Conference  
  Notes Approved no  
  Call Number Serial 2158  
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