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Author (up) Cloutier, S.; Newberry, R.C.; Honda, K.; Alldredge, J.R. url  doi
  Title Cannibalistic behaviour spread by social learning Type Journal Article
  Year 2002 Publication Animal Behaviour. Abbreviated Journal Anim. Behav.  
  Volume 63 Issue 6 Pages 1153-1162  
  Abstract We hypothesized that social learning is involved in the spread of cannibalism in domestic fowlGallus gallus domesticus . To investigate this hypothesis without harming birds, we used an inanimate chicken model as our cannibalism stimulus. We randomly assigned flocks of 12 White Leghorn pullets to one of two treatments: (1) flocks with two trained demonstrators (N=9) and (2) control flocks (N=8). Demonstrators were trained to pierce a membrane covering a dish of chicken blood and consume the blood. To assess the effect of access to the cannibalism stimulus during demonstrations, we randomly assigned observer pairs to one of two observer treatments: (1) observe stimulus through a wire mesh partition and (2) observe stimulus within the same enclosure. We conducted five 10-min demonstration sessions, each followed by a 10-min test of each observer pair in the absence of demonstrators, over a period of 15 days when the birds were 41-55 days of age, and two further tests at 63-64 and 91-92 days of age. Pairs that observed demonstrators piercing a membrane and consuming blood were more likely to perform this task when tested than control pairs. Learning of the task was enhanced by direct access to the cannibalism stimulus rather than observing it through a wire mesh partition. Blood consumption during tests was increased by direct access to the cannibalism stimulus during demonstration sessions. The birds made bigger holes in the membrane when tested after observing trained demonstrators and after having direct access to the stimulus. Our results provide the first experimental evidence that social learning can contribute to the spread of cannibalistic behaviour in domestic fowl. We suggest that stimulus enhancement and observational conditioning were the social-learning mechanisms involved. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  
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