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  Author (up) Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Alexander, F.; Davies, M.E. Studies on vitamin B12 in the horse 1969 The British veterinary journal 116 125 169-176 details   openurl
Barton, M.D.; Hughes, K.L. Ecology of Rhodococcus equi 1984 Veterinary Microbiology 2688 9 65-76 details   openurl
Bazovska, S.; Awad-Masalmeh, M.; Kmety, E.; Spalekova, M. [Legionella antibodies in domestic animals] 1992 Ceskoslovenska Epidemiologie, Mikrobiologie, Imunologie 2669 41 268-273 details   openurl
Hinson, R.E. Effects of UCS preexposure on excitatory and inhibitory rabbit eyelid conditioning: an associative effect of conditioned contextual stimuli 1982 Journal of Experimental Psychology. Animal Behavior Processes 2787 8 49-61 details   openurl
Jordan, J. [Modern views on the structure and function of the vomeronasal (Jacobson's) organ in mammals] 1970 Otolaryngologia Polska. The Polish Otolaryngology 4315 24 457-462 details   openurl
McHugh, C.P. Ecology of a semi-isolated population of adult Anopheles freeborni: abundance, trophic status, parity, survivorship, gonotrophic cycle length, and host selection 1989 The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2673 41 169-176 details   openurl
Menges, R.W.; Furcolow, M.L.; Selby, L.A.; Habermann, R.T.; Smith, C.D. Ecologic studies of histoplasmosis 1967 American Journal of Epidemiology 2747 85 108-119 details   openurl
Nowlan, S.S.; Deibel, R.H. Group Q streptococci. I. Ecology, serology, physiology, and relationship to established enterococci 1967 Journal of Bacteriology 2746 94 291-296 details   openurl
Passler, S.; Pfeffer, M. Detection of antibodies to alphaviruses and discrimination between antibodies to eastern and western equine encephalitis viruses in rabbit sera using a recombinant antigen and virus-specific monoclonal antibodies 2003 Journal of Veterinary Medicine. B, Infectious Diseases and Veterinary Public Health 2639 50 265-269 details   openurl
Patris, B.; Perrier, G.; Schaal, B.; Coureaud, G. Early development of filial preferences in the rabbit: implications of nursing- and pheromone-induced odour learning? 2008 Animal Behaviour. 4646 76 305-314 details   doi
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