Balakrishnan, G., Hu, Y., & Spiro, T. G. (2006). Temperature-jump apparatus with Raman detection based on a solid-state tunable (1.80-2.05 microm) kHz optical parametric oscillator laser. Appl Spectrosc, 60(4), 347–351.
Abstract: The operating characteristics of a pulsed (10 ns) tunable near-infrared (NIR) laser source are described for temperature-jump (T-jump) applications. A Q-switched Nd:YLF laser (approximately 10 ns pulses) with a 1 kHz repetition rate is used to pump a potassium titanyl arsenate (KTA) crystal-based optical parametric oscillator (OPO), producing approximately 1 mJ NIR pulses that are tunable (1.80-2.05 microm) across the 1.9 microm vibrational overtone band of water. This T-jump source has been coupled to a deep ultraviolet (UV) probe laser for Raman studies of protein dynamics. T-jumps of up to 30 degrees C, as measured via the O-H stretching Raman band of water, are readily achieved. Application to cytochrome c unfolding is demonstrated.
Bykov, S., Lednev, I., Ianoul, A., Mikhonin, A., Munro, C., & Asher, S. A. (2005). Steady-state and transient ultraviolet resonance Raman spectrometer for the 193-270 nm spectral region. Appl Spectrosc, 59(12), 1541–1552.
Abstract: We describe a state-of-the-art tunable ultraviolet (UV) Raman spectrometer for the 193-270 nm spectral region. This instrument allows for steady-state and transient UV Raman measurements. We utilize a 5 kHz Ti-sapphire continuously tunable laser (approximately 20 ns pulse width) between 193 nm and 240 nm for steady-state measurements. For transient Raman measurements we utilize one Coherent Infinity YAG laser to generate nanosecond infrared (IR) pump laser pulses to generate a temperature jump (T-jump) and a second Coherent Infinity YAG laser that is frequency tripled and Raman shifted into the deep UV (204 nm) for transient UV Raman excitation. Numerous other UV excitation frequencies can be utilized for selective excitation of chromophoric groups for transient Raman measurements. We constructed a subtractive dispersion double monochromator to minimize stray light. We utilize a new charge-coupled device (CCD) camera that responds efficiently to UV light, as opposed to the previous CCD and photodiode detectors, which required intensifiers for detecting UV light. For the T-jump measurements we use a second camera to simultaneously acquire the Raman spectra of the water stretching bands (2500-4000 cm(-1)) whose band-shape and frequency report the sample temperature.
Haruta, N., & Kitagawa, T. (2002). Time-resolved UV resonance Raman investigation of protein folding using a rapid mixer: characterization of kinetic folding intermediates of apomyoglobin. Biochemistry, 41(21), 6595–6604.
Abstract: The 244-nm excited transient UV resonance Raman spectra are observed for the refolding intermediates of horse apomyoglobin (h-apoMb) with a newly constructed mixed flow cell system, and the results are interpreted on the basis of the spectra observed for the equilibrium acid unfolding of the same protein. The dead time of mixing, which was determined with the appearance of UV Raman bands of imidazolium upon mixing of imidazole with acid, was 150 micros under the flow rate that was adopted. The pH-jump experiments of h-apoMb from pH 2.2 to 5.6 conducted with this device demonstrated the presence of three folding intermediates. On the basis of the analysis of W3 and W7 bands of Trp7 and Trp14, the first intermediate, formed before 250 micros, involved incorporation of Trp14 into the alpha-helix from a random coil. The frequency shift of the W3 band of Trp14 observed for this process was reproduced with a model peptide of the A helix when it forms the alpha-helix. In the second intermediate, formed around 1 ms after the start of refolding, the surroundings of both Trp7 and Trp14 were significantly hydrophobic, suggesting the formation of the hydrophobic core. In the third intermediate appearing around 3 ms, the hydrophobicity was relaxed to the same level as that of the pH 4 equilibrium intermediate, which was investigated in detail with the stationary state technique. The change from the third intermediate to the native state needs more time than 40 ms, while the appearance of the native spectrum after the mixing of the same solutions was confirmed separately.
Hirota, S., Suzuki, M., & Watanabe, Y. (2004). Hydrophobic effect of trityrosine on heme ligand exchange during folding of cytochrome c. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 314(2), 452–458.
Abstract: Effect of a hydrophobic peptide on folding of oxidized cytochrome c (cyt c) is studied with trityrosine. Folding of cyt c was initiated by pH jump from 2.3 (acid-unfolded) to 4.2 (folded). The Soret band of the 2-ms transient absorption spectrum during folding decreased its intensity and red-shifted from 397 to 400 nm by interaction with trityrosine, whereas tyrosinol caused no significant effect. The change in the transient absorption spectrum by interaction with trityrosine was similar to that obtained with 100 mM imidazole, which showed that the population of the intermediate His/His coordinated species increased during folding of cyt c by interaction with trityrosine. The absorption change was biphasic, the fast phase (82+/-9s(-1)) corresponding to the transition from the His/H(2)O to the His/Met coordinated species, whereas the slow phase (24+/-3s(-1)) from His/His to His/Met. By addition of trityrosine, the relative ratio of the slow phase increased, due to increase of the His/His species at the initial stage of folding. According to the resonance Raman spectra of cyt c, the high-spin 6-coordinate and low-spin 6-coordinate species were dominated at pH 2.3 and 4.2, respectively, and these species were not affected by addition of trityrosine. These results demonstrated that the His/His species increased by interaction with trityrosine at the initial stage of cyt c folding, whereas the heme coordination structure was not affected by trityrosine when the protein was completely unfolded or folded. Hydrophobic peptides thus may be useful to study the effects of hydrophobic interactions on protein folding.
Hoang, L., Maity, H., Krishna, M. M. G., Lin, Y., & Englander, S. W. (2003). Folding units govern the cytochrome c alkaline transition. J Mol Biol, 331(1), 37–43.
Abstract: The alkaline transition of cytochrome c is a model for protein structural switching in which the normal heme ligand is replaced by another group. Stopped flow data following a jump to high pH detect two slow kinetic phases, suggesting two rate-limiting structure changes. Results described here indicate that these events are controlled by the same structural unfolding reactions that account for the first two steps in the reversible unfolding pathway of cytochrome c. These and other results show that the cooperative folding-unfolding behavior of protein foldons can account for a variety of functional activities in addition to determining folding pathways.
Ridge, J. A., Baldwin, R. L., & Labhardt, A. M. (1981). Nature of the fast and slow refolding reactions of iron(III) cytochrome c. Biochemistry, 20(6), 1622–1630.
Abstract: The fast and slow refolding reactions of iron(III) cytochrome c (Fe(III) cyt c), previously studied by Ikai et al. (Ikai, A., Fish, W. W., & Tanford, C. (1973) J. Mol. Biol. 73, 165--184), have been reinvestigated. The fast reaction has the major amplitude (78%) and is 100-fold faster than the slow reaction in these conditions (pH 7.2, 25 degrees C, 1.75 M guanidine hydrochloride). We show here that native cyt c is the product formed in the fast reaction as well as in the slow reaction. Two probes have been used to test for formation of native cyt c. absorbance in the 695-nm band and rate of reduction of by L-ascorbate. Different unfolded species (UF, US) give rise to the fast and slow refolding reactions, as shown both by refolding assays at different times after unfolding (“double-jump” experiments) and by the formation of native cyt c in each of the fast and slow refolding reactions. Thus the fast refolding reaction is UF leads to N and the slow refolding reaction is Us leads to N, where N is native cyt c, and there is a US in equilibrium UF equilibrium in unfolded cyt c. The results are consistent with the UF in equilibrium US reaction being proline isomerization, but this has not yet been tested in detail. Folding intermediates have been detected in both reactions. In the UF leads to N reaction, the Soret absorbance change precedes the recovery of the native 695-nm band spectrum, showing that Soret absorbance monitors the formation of a folding intermediate. In the US leads to N reaction an ascorbate-reducible intermediate has been found at an early stage in folding and the Soret absorbance change occurs together with the change at 695 nm as N is formed in the final stage of folding.
Steinhoff, H. J., Schrader, J., & Schlitter, J. (1992). Temperature-jump studies and polarized absorption spectroscopy of methemoglobin-thiocyanate single crystals. Biochim Biophys Acta, 1121(3), 269–278.
Abstract: Association equilibria and association kinetics of the thiocyanate binding reaction to methemoglobin in single crystals and solution are studied using temperature-jump technique and polarized absorption spectroscopy. Different kinetic constants are found for the reaction in solution and crystal phase for the alpha- and beta-subunits of the methemoglobin tetramer. The reduction of the reactivity of the alpha- and beta-subunits in crystalline phase is 6-fold and 2.4-fold, respectively, compared to the values found in solution. The intramolecular binding reaction of the N epsilon of the distal histidine E7 which is observed in methemoglobin in solution cannot be detected in single crystals. Our results suggest that crystallization of hemoglobin has little influence on small-scale structural fluctuations which are necessary for ligands to get to the binding sites and large-scale structural motions are suppressed.