Kaseda, Y., & Khalil, A. M. (1996). Harem size and reproductive success of stallions in Misaki feral horses. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 47(3-4), 163–173.
Abstract: Over a 16-year period (1979-1994), long-term investigations were carried out on 14 Misaki feral stallions to analyze changes in harem size and the reproductive success. Harem size changed with the age of the stallions. Most stallions formed harem groups with four to five mares at the age of 4-6 and then the number of mares increased rapidly to the maximum at the age of 6-9 years. Thereafter, harem size decreased gradually to a minimum with advancing age. The harem size of 60 stable harem groups ranged from 1 to 9, and the average varied from a minimum mean of 1.8 in 1988 to a maximum mean of 5.3 in 1982. Mean harem size increased as adult sex ratio increased and a significant and positive correlation was found between them. One hundred and ninety-eight sire-foal pairs were determined by a paternity test with blood types and consort relations between stallions and mares during the study period. Out of 99 foals which were born in the stable harem groups, the true sires of 84 foals (85%) were the harem stallions in which the foals were born but the remaining 15 foals (15%) were sired by other harem stallions. Two out of three stallions which were studied throughout their lifetime produced 24 and 25 foals in 10 and 11 years of their reproductive lifespan, respectively. Another one produced only five foals in 6 years. The number of foals sired by the harem stallions was less than two over harem size 7 and some of the foals born in the harem were sired by other harem stallions. These results suggest that if a particular stallion monopolizes too many mares, he could not sire so many offspring because he could not always prevent his rival stallions from mating with his mares in wild or feral circumstances.
Landaeta-Hernández, A. J., Chenoweth, P. J., Randles, R., Littell, R., Rae, O., & Chase, C. C. (2005). Identifying the social dominance order in a mixed breed herd: a practical methodology. Revista Científica, 15(2), 148–154.
Abstract: The major objective of this study was to identify a simple and accurate method of assessing differences in female social status. Three methods of estimating dominance value (DV) were compared in beef cows of three breed-types; Angus (A; n=10), Brahman (B; n=10), and Senepol (S; n=10). Cows were equitably assigned to two groups of fifteen each, allocated into separate pastures and containing equal number of animals by breed. Agonistic interactions were recorded for 45 d of study, in two 1 h periods during concentrate feeding using the method of competitive orders winner/loser. Methods of estimating DV included: I) Ratio between individuals dominated and total encountered, II) Ratio between encounters won to total encounters, III) Proportion of individuals dominated to total herdmates. Due to the different level of interactivity evidenced among animals as well as between and within social orders, method III with subsequent arc-sin transformation was considered as the most practical and accurate method for estimating DV and subsequent allocation of cows into a social dominance order. In addition, a breed effect was found on social dominance. Senepol cows obtained greater DV`s (1.24 ± 0.08) than Angus (0.97 ± 0.08; P<0.03) and Brahman cows (0.76 ± 0.08; P<0.005).
Millspaugh, J. J., Brundige, G. C., Gitzen, R. A., & Raedeke, K. J. (2004). Herd organization of cow elk in Custer State Park, South Dakota. Wildl Soc Bull, 32(2), 506–514.
Abstract: nderstanding herd organization is important when considering management alternatives designed to benefit or manipulate elk (Cervus elaphus) populations. We studied the seasonal and annual herd organization of cow elk in Custer State Park, South Dakota from 1993-1997 by examining seasonal subherd range size, spatial arrangement, overlap, and site fidelity. Based on social interaction analyses, we combined locations of radiocol-lared cow elk to delineate subherds. We computed 95% kernel home ranges with least-squares cross validation for each subherd by season and year. Subherd overlap and fidelity by season and year were computed using the Volume of Intersection Index (VI) statistic. We identified 5 relatively discrete, resident cow-calf subherds. We observed little overlap in utilization distributions of adjacent subherds. The mean VI score across all subherds and time points (n=140) was 0.06 (SE=0.009), indicating an average 6% overlap in subherd area utilization. Subherd overlap between pairs was 0.08 in fall (SE= 0.021), 0.06 in winter (SE=0.018), 0.06 in spring (SE=0.2), and 0.05 in summer (SE= 0.016). Range sizes were not different between any pairs of seasons or years (F13,52=0.7, P=0.75). Subherd fidelity ranged from 0.41 (SE=0.033) to 0.60 (SE=0.018) overall, indicating differential use within the subherd boundary across years. The ability to distinguish discrete cow-calf subherd units is consistent with other studies and may aid elk management in Custer State Park. However, use patterns within subherd boundaries were inconsistent across years and may reflect human disturbances (e.g., hunting and logging activities), differences in our sampling approach, or changes in matriarchal leadership. Further evaluation into factors affecting space-use patterns is necessary to predict changes in range use within the subherd boundary.
Moehlman, P. D. (1998). Feral asses (Equus africanus): intraspecific variation in social organization in arid and mesic habitats. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 60(2-3), 171–195.
Abstract: Feral asses have been studied in the arid habitats of the southwestern United States [Moehlman, P.D., 1974. Behavior and ecology of feral asses (Equus asinus). PhD dissertation, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 251 pp.; Moehlman, P.D., 1979. Behavior and ecology of feral asses (Equus asinus). Nat. Geogr. Soc. Res. Reports 1970, 405-411.; Woodward, S.L., 1979. The social system of feral asses (Equus asinus). Z. Tierpsychol. 49, 304-316] and in the mesic habitat of Ossabaw Island, Georgia [Moehlman, P.D., 1979, ibid; McCort, W.D., 1980. The feral asses (Equus asinus) of Ossabaw Island, Georgia. PhD dissertation, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, 219 pp]. The feral ass populations in these two locales exhibited intraspecific variation in polygynous mating systems and social organization which were consistent with the ecological classification of mating systems of Emlen and Oring (1977) [Emlen, S.T., Oring, S.W., 1977. Ecology, sexual selection, and the evolution of mating systems. Science 197 (4300), 215-223]. Feral asses in the arid environment have a `resource defense' polygynous mating system, and those in the mesic habitat exhibit `female (harem) defense' polygyny. The intraspecific variation observed in feral asses encompasses the interspecific variation observed in the family Equidae.
Moehlman, P. D., Fowler, L. E., & Roe, J. H. (1998). Feral asses (Equus africanus) of Volcano Alcedo, Galapagos: behavioral ecology, spatial distribution, and social organization. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 60(2-3), 197–210.
Abstract: Feral asses were studied on Volcano Alcedo, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador, during the wet season of 1980. On the volcano rim during March/April, two stable groups were observed to have a `female (harem) defense' polygynous mating system [Emlen, S.T., Oring, S.W., 1977. Ecology, sexual selection, and the evolution of mating systems. Science 197 (4300), pp. 215-223] and social behavior patterns and feeding ecology similar to feral asses living in a habitat where forage and climate are similar, e.g., Ossabaw Island, Georgia [Moehlman, P.D., 1979. Behavior and ecology of feral asses (Equus asinus). Nat. Geogr. Soc. Res. Rep., 1970, pp. 405-411; Moehlman, P.D., 1997. Feral asses (Equus africanus): intraspecific variation in social organization in arid and mesic habitats. J. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., this issue; McCort, W.D., 1980. The feral asses (Equus asinus) of Ossabaw Island, Georgia., PhD Dissertation, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, 219 pp.].
Vidya, T. N. C., & Sukumar, R. (2005). Social and reproductive behaviour in elephants. Curr Sci, 89(7), 1200–1207.
Abstract: We present a review of studies on elephant social and reproductive behaviour. While the social organization of the African savannah elephant (Loxodonta africana africana) has been intensively studied,that of the African forest elephant (Loxodonta africana cyclotis) and the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) are poorly understood. Noninvasive molecular methods are useful in combination with behavioural data in understanding social organization and dispersal strategies. The ecological determinants of social organization, and the importance of matriarchal leadership to social groups, and relative importance of different forms of communication under various ecological conditions remain interesting topics that await investigation. Reproductive behaviour also has been examined in detail only in the African savannah elephant, although rigorous chemical analyses continue to be carried out using captive elephants of both species. Improved laboratory techniques may enable future work on reproductive signalling in free-ranging elephants, allowing for comprehensive studies of male-male interactions and mate choice by females.