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Kaseda, Y., & Khalil, A. M. (1996). Harem size and reproductive success of stallions in Misaki feral horses. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 47(3-4), 163–173.
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Landaeta-Hernández, A. J., Chenoweth, P. J., Randles, R., Littell, R., Rae, O., & Chase, C. C. (2005). Identifying the social dominance order in a mixed breed herd: a practical methodology. Revista Científica, 15(2), 148–154.
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Millspaugh, J. J., Brundige, G. C., Gitzen, R. A., & Raedeke, K. J. (2004). Herd organization of cow elk in Custer State Park, South Dakota. Wildl Soc Bull, 32(2), 506–514.
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Moehlman, P. D. (1998). Feral asses (Equus africanus): intraspecific variation in social organization in arid and mesic habitats. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 60(2-3), 171–195.
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Moehlman, P. D., Fowler, L. E., & Roe, J. H. (1998). Feral asses (Equus africanus) of Volcano Alcedo, Galapagos: behavioral ecology, spatial distribution, and social organization. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 60(2-3), 197–210.
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Vidya, T. N. C., & Sukumar, R. (2005). Social and reproductive behaviour in elephants. Curr Sci, 89(7), 1200–1207.
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