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Bell, A.M. Evolutionary biology: animal personalities 2007 Nature 4099 447 539-540 details   doi
Drent, P.J.; van Oers, K.; van Noordwijk, A.J. Realized heritability of personalities in the great tit (Parus major) 2003 Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society 591 270 45-51 details   doi
Dunbar, R.I.M. Male and female brain evolution is subject to contrasting selection pressures in primates 2007 BMC Biology 2100 5 21 details   doi
Hare, B.; Plyusnina, I.; Ignacio, N.; Schepina, O.; Stepika, A.; Wrangham, R.; Trut, L. Social cognitive evolution in captive foxes is a correlated by-product of experimental domestication 2005 Current biology : CB 594 15 226-230 details   doi
Ricard, A.; Chanu, I. Genetic parameters of eventing horse competition in France 2001 Genetics, Selection, Evolution. : GSE 3728 33 175-190 details   doi
Seyfarth, R.M.; Cheney, D.L. Cognitive strategies and the representation of social relations by monkeys 2001 Nebraska Symposium on Motivation. Nebraska Symposium on Motivation 345 47 145-177 details   openurl
Stock, K.F.; Distl, O. Evaluation of expected response to selection for orthopedic health and performance traits in Hanoverian Warmblood horses 2005 American Journal of Veterinary Research 3713 66 1371-1379 details   openurl
Suzuki, Y.; Toquenaga, Y. Effects of information and group structure on evolution of altruism: analysis of two-score model by covariance and contextual analyses 2005 Journal of theoretical biology 556 232 191-201 details   doi
Wolf, M.; van Doorn, G.S.; Leimar, O.; Weissing, F.J. Life-history trade-offs favour the evolution of animal personalities 2007 Nature 4098 447 581-584 details   doi
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