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Herholz, C.P.; Gerber, V.; Tschudi, P.; Straub, R.; Imhof, A.; Busato, A. Use of volumetric capnography to identify pulmonary dysfunction in horses with and without clinically apparent recurrent airway obstruction 2003 American Journal of Veterinary Research 3724 64 338-345 details   openurl
Rietmann, T.R.; Stauffacher, M.; Bernasconi, P.; Auer, J.A.; Weishaupt, M.A. The association between heart rate, heart rate variability, endocrine and behavioural pain measures in horses suffering from laminitis 2004 Journal of Veterinary Medicine. A, Physiology, Pathology, Clinical Medicine 1899 51 218-225 details   doi
Robert, C.; Valette, J.P.; Denoix, J.M. Correlation between routine radiographic findings and early racing career in French trotters 2006 Equine Veterinary Journal. Supplement 4002 473-478 details   openurl
Senior, J.M.; Pinchbeck, G.L.; Allister, R.; Dugdale, A.H.A.; Clark, L.; Clutton, R.E.; Coumbe, K.; Dyson, S.; Clegg, P.D. Post anaesthetic colic in horses: a preventable complication? 2006 Equine Veterinary Journal 1860 38 479-484 details   openurl
Staniar, W.B.; Kronfeld, D.S.; Hoffman, R.M.; Wilson, J.A.; Harris, P.A. Weight prediction from linear measures of growing Thoroughbreds 2004 Equine veterinary journal 1806 36 149-154 details   doi
van der Kolk, J.H.; Nachreiner, R.F.; Schott, H.C.; Refsal, K.R.; Zanella, A.J. Salivary and plasma concentration of cortisol in normal horses and horses with Cushing's disease 2001 Equine Veterinary Journal 4281 33 211-213 details   openurl
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