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Robert, C.; Audigie, F.; Valette, J.P.; Pourcelot, P.; Denoix, J.M. Effects of treadmill speed on the mechanics of the back in the trotting saddlehorse 2001 Equine Veterinary Journal. Supplement 4050 154-159 details   openurl
Robert, C.; Valette, J.P.; Denoix, J.M. Correlation between routine radiographic findings and early racing career in French trotters 2006 Equine Veterinary Journal. Supplement 4002 473-478 details   openurl
Robert, C.; Valette, J.P.; Denoix, J.M. The effects of treadmill inclination and speed on the activity of three trunk muscles in the trotting horse 2001 Equine Veterinary Journal 4052 33 466-472 details   openurl
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