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  Author (up) Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Alexander, D.J. Ecological aspects of influenza A viruses in animals and their relationship to human influenza: a review 1982 Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 2689 75 799-811 details   openurl
Ayres, C.M.; Davey, L.M.; German, W.J. Cerebral Hydatidosis. Clinical Case Report With A Review Of Pathogenesis 1963 Journal of Neurosurgery 2748 20 371-377 details   openurl
Barker, S.C. The Australian paralysis tick may be the missing link in the transmission of Hendra virus from bats to horses to humans 2003 Medical Hypotheses 2641 60 481-483 details   openurl
Barros, A.T. Seasonality and relative abundance of Tabanidae (Diptera) captured on horses in the Pantanal, Brazil 2001 Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 2644 96 917-923 details   openurl
Barton, M.D.; Hughes, K.L. Ecology of Rhodococcus equi 1984 Veterinary Microbiology 2688 9 65-76 details   openurl
Barton, R.A. Neocortex size and behavioural ecology in primates 1996 Proceedings of the Royal Society B 4783 263 173-177 details   doi
Barton, R.A.; Byrne, R.W.; Whiten, A. Ecology, feeding competition and social structure in baboons 1996 Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 807 38 321-329 details   doi
Bast, T.F.; Whitney, E.; Benach, J.L. Considerations on the ecology of several arboviruses in eastern Long Island 1973 The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2715 22 109-115 details   openurl
Beerwerth, W.; Schurmann, J. [Contribution to the ecology of mycobacteria] 1969 Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene. 1. Abt. Medizinisch-Hygienische Bakteriologie, Virusforschung und Parasitologie. Originale 2743 211 58-69 details   openurl
Berger, J Wild horses of the Great Basin 1986 University of Chicago Press, 659 details   isbn
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