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Bering, J.M. A critical review of the “enculturation hypothesis”: the effects of human rearing on great ape social cognition 2004 Animal Cognition 2543 7 201-212 details   doi
Biro, D.; Inoue-Nakamura, N.; Tonooka, R.; Yamakoshi, G.; Sousa, C.; Matsuzawa, T. Cultural innovation and transmission of tool use in wild chimpanzees: evidence from field experiments 2003 Animal Cognition 2560 6 213-223 details   doi
de Waal, F.B. Cultural primatology comes of age 1999 Nature 196 399 635-636 details   doi
de Waal, F.B.M. Silent invasion: Imanishi's primatology and cultural bias in science 2003 Animal cognition 178 6 293-299 details   doi
Lee, J.; Paik, M. Sex preferences and fertility in South Korea during the year of the Horse 2006 Demography 1867 43 269-292 details   openurl
Matsuzawa, T. The Ai project: historical and ecological contexts 2003 Animal Cognition 2552 6 199-211 details   doi
Whiten, A. The second inheritance system of chimpanzees and humans 2005 Nature 730 437 52-55 details   doi
Whiten, A.; Goodall, J.; McGrew, W.C.; Nishida, T.; Reynolds, V.; Sugiyama, Y.; Tutin, C.E.; Wrangham, R.W.; Boesch, C. Cultures in chimpanzees 1999 Nature 742 399 682-685 details   doi
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