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  Author (up) Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Boesch, C. Cooperative hunting in wild chimpanzees 1994 Animal Behaviour. 4715 48 653-667 details   doi
Boesch, C. Teaching among wild chimpanzees 1991 Animal Behaviour. 4707 41 530-532 details   doi
Whiten, A.; Boesch, C. The cultures of chimpanzees 2001 Scientific American 740 284 60-67 details   openurl
Whiten, A.; Goodall, J.; McGrew, W.C.; Nishida, T.; Reynolds, V.; Sugiyama, Y.; Tutin, C.E.; Wrangham, R.W.; Boesch, C. Cultures in chimpanzees 1999 Nature 742 399 682-685 details   doi
Wittig, R.M.; Boesch, C. “Decision-making” in conflicts of wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes): an extension of the Relational Model 2003 Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 2206 54 491-504 details   doi
Wittig, R.M.; Boesch, C. The Choice of Post-conflict Interactions in Wild Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) 2003 Behaviour 2207 140 1527-1559 details   doi
Wittig, R.M.; Boesch, C. Food Competition and Linear Dominance Hierarchy Among Female Chimpanzees of the Ta National Park 2003 International Journal of Primatology 2205 24 847-867 details   doi
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