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  Author Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Tooze, Z.J.; Harrington, F.H.; Fentress, J.C. Individually distinct vocalizations in timber wolves, Canis lupus 1990 Anim Behav 6468 40 details   doi
Byrne, R.W.; Whiten, A. Tactical deception in primates: the 1990 database 1990 Primate Reports 6172 27 1-101 details   openurl
Petherick, J.C.; Rutter, S.M. Quantifying motivation using a computer-controlled push-door 1990 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 6165 27 159-167 details   doi
Smith, S.F.; Appleby, M.C.; Hughes, B.O. Problem solving by domestic hens: opening doors to reach nest sites 1990 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 6164 28 287-292 details   doi
McGhee, J.R.; Mestecky, J. In defence of mucosal surfaces. Development of novel vaccines for IgA responses protective at the portals of entry of microbial pathogens. 1990 5999 4 315-341 details   openurl
Edgar, G.K.; Smith, A.T. Hemifield differences in perceived spatial frequency 1990 Perception 5374 19 759-766 details   doi
Wittling, W. Psychophysiological correlates of human brain asymmetry: Blood pressure changes during lateralized presentation of an emotionally laden film 1990 Neuropsychologia 5352 28 457-470 details   doi
Wittling, W.; Pflüger, M. Neuroendocrine hemisphere asymmetries: Salivary cortisol secretion during lateralized viewing of emotion-related and neutral films 1990 Brain and Cognition 5350 14 243-265 details   doi
Byrne, R.W.; Whiten, A.; Henzi, S.P. Social relationships of mountain baboons: Leadership and affiliation in a non-female-bonded monkey 1990 American journal of primatology 5309 20 313-329 details   doi
Hostikka, S.L.; Eddy, R.L.; Byers, M.G.; Hoyhtya, M.; Shows, T.B.; Tryggvason, K. Identification of a distinct type IV collagen alpha chain with restricted kidney distribution and assignment of its gene to the locus of X chromosome-linked Alport syndrome 1990 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 5291 87 1606-1610 details   doi
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