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  Author Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Crowell-Davis, S.L. Nursing behaviour and maternal aggression among Welsh ponies (Equus caballus) 1985 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 6504 14 11-25 details   doi
Sasväri, L. Different Observational Learning Capacity in Juvenile and Adult Individuals of Congeneric Bird Species 1985 Zeitschrift für Tierpsychologie 6169 69 293-304 details   doi
Kummer, H.; Goodall, J. Conditions of Innovative Behaviour in Primates 1985 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. B, Biological Sciences 5751 308 203-214 details   url
Vrba, Elisabeth S. Environment and evolution: alternative causes of the temporal distribution of evolutionary events 1985 South African Journal of Science 5463 81 229-236 details   openurl
Koyama, N. Playmate relationships among individuals of the Japanese monkey troop in arashiyama 1985 Primates 5327 26 390-406-406 details   doi
Veevers, J.E. The Social Meaning of Pets -- Alternative Roles for Companion Animals 1985 Marriage & Family Review 5069 8 11-30 details   doi
Trivers, R.L. Social Evolution 1985 4906 details   openurl
Smuts, B.B. Sex and Friendship in Baboons 1985 4871 details   openurl
Huff, A.N.; Meacham, T.N.; Wahlberg, M.L. Feeds and feeding: A review 1985 Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 4667 5 96-108 details   doi
Dalin, G.; Magnusson, L.E.; Thafvelin, B.C. Retrospective study of hindquarter asymmetry in Standardbred trotters and its correlation with performance 1985 Equine Vet. J. 4579 17 292-296 details   openurl
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