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  Author Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Joslin, P.W.B. Movements and home sites of timber wolves in Algonquin Park 1967 Am Zool 6471 7 details   openurl
Mantel, N. The Detection of Disease Clustering and a Generalized Regression Approach 1967 Cancer Res 5034 27 209-220 details   url
Podhajsky, A. The Complete Training of Horse and Rider In the Principles of Classical Horsemanship 1967 5015 details   isbn
Klimke, R (ed) Military. Geschichte, Training, Wettkampf. 1967 4435 details   openurl
Goldman, Alvin I. A Causal Theory of Knowing 1967 The Journal of Philosophy 4194 64 357-372 details   doi
Sachs, E. Dissociation of learning in rats and its similarities to dissociative states in man 1967 Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Psychopathological Association 2814 55 249-304 details   openurl
Menges, R.W.; Furcolow, M.L.; Selby, L.A.; Habermann, R.T.; Smith, C.D. Ecologic studies of histoplasmosis 1967 American Journal of Epidemiology 2747 85 108-119 details   openurl
Nowlan, S.S.; Deibel, R.H. Group Q streptococci. I. Ecology, serology, physiology, and relationship to established enterococci 1967 Journal of Bacteriology 2746 94 291-296 details   openurl
Washino, R.K.; Tempelis, C.H. Host-feeding patterns of Anopheles freeborni in the Sacramento Valley, California 1967 Journal of Medical Entomology 2745 4 311-314 details   openurl
Breummer, F The wild horses of Sable Island 1967 Animals 2248 10 14-17 details   openurl
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