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  Author (up) Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Alexander, R, MCN et al Fast locomotion of some african ungulates 1977 Journal of Zoology 130 183 291-300 details   doi
Bard Jbl, A unity underlying the different zebra stripping patterns 1977 923 183 527-539 details   openurl
Berger J, Predation, sex ratios, and male competition in equids 1983 939 201 205-216 details   openurl
de Villiers, M.S.; Richardson, P.R.K.; van Jaarsveld, A.S. Patterns of coalition formation and spatial association in a social carnivore, the African wild dog (Lycaon pictus) 2003 Journal of Zoology 5249 260 377-389 details   doi
King, S.R.B.; Gurnell, J. Scent-marking behaviour by stallions: an assessment of function in a reintroduced population of Przewalski horses (Equus ferus przewalskii) 2007 Journal of Zoology 2315 272 30-36 details   doi
Leadbeater, E. What evolves in the evolution of social learning? 2015 Journal of Zoology 6015 295 4-11 details   doi
Mace, G.M.; Harvey, P.H.; Clutton-Brock, T.H. Brain size and ecology in small mammals 1981 Journal of Zoology 5455 193 333-354 details   doi
NOVELLIE PA et al, Factors affecting the seasonal movements of Cape mountain zebras in the Mountain Zebra National Park 1988 1424 23 13-19 details   openurl
TURNER JR JW et al, Elimination marking behavior in feral horses 1981 1666 59 1561-1566 details   openurl
Weckerly, Floyd W. Social bonding and aggression in female Roosevelt elk 1999 Canadian Journal of Zoology 4268 77 1379-1384 details   doi
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