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Steinhoff, H. J., Schrader, J., & Schlitter, J. (1992). Temperature-jump studies and polarized absorption spectroscopy of methemoglobin-thiocyanate single crystals. Biochim Biophys Acta, 1121(3), 269–278.
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Novacek, M. J. (1992). Mammalian phylogeny: shaking the tree. Nature, 356(6365), 121–125.
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Seyfarth, R. M., & Cheney, D. L. (1992). Meaning and mind in monkeys. Sci Am, 267(6), 122–128.
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Dugatkin, L. A., & Godin, J. G. (1992). Reversal of female mate choice by copying in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata). Proc Biol Sci, 249(1325), 179–184.
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Pruett-Jones, S. (1992). Independent Versus Nonindependent Mate Choice: Do Females Copy Each Other? Am Nat, 140(6), 1000–1009.
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