Ehardt, C. L., & Bernstein, I. S. (1992). Conflict intervention behaviour by adult male macaques: structural and functional aspects. In A. H. Harcourt, & F. B. M. de Waal (Eds.), Coalitions and Alliances in Humans and Other Animals (pp. 83–111). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Eisgruber, H., & Stolle, F. A. (1992). [Clostridia in carcasses and fresh meat--a literature review]. Zentralbl Veterinarmed B, 39(10), 746–754.
Abstract: Clostridia are of large clinical importance as well as in the field of food hygiene, where they are responsible for spoilage but they also have a certain significance as food poisoning organisms. Information on the ecology of Clostridia in samples of deep muscle tissue of slaughtered animals is insufficient. This article is intended to increase the knowledge on the occurrence of different Clostridia species in slaughtered animals. The main emphasis is put on the significance of clostridia in meat hygiene. The theoretical basis of the so called original content of microorganisms (intrinsic bacteria), the factors and pathways of Clostridia spreading in muscles and organs are demonstrated.
Elzenga, J. W.,. (1992). Why zebras are striped. Swara, 15(4), 28–30.
Gutierrez Rincon, J. A., Vives Turco, J., Muro Martinez, I., & Casas Vaque, I. (1992). A comparative study of the metabolic effort expended by horse riders during a jumping competition. Br J Sports Med, 26(1), 33–35.
Abstract: The three main Olympic horse riding disciplines are dressage, jumping, and three-day eventing (including dressage, cross country and jumping). In the jumping discipline (obstacle race), the 'team' (horse rider) is judged under the different conditions that might take place in a varied run. The horse is expected to show power and ability; the rider must show riding skill and good physical condition. However, the different conditions encountered by the rider during competition (duration of event, continuous isometric working level, especially in the inferior trunk, lead us to consider the need for a rider to develop different metabolic pathways to meet the high energy requirements of the competition.
Harcourt, A. H. (1992). Coalitions and alliances: are primates more complex than non-primates? In A. H. Harcourt, & F. B. M. de Waal (Eds.), Coalitions and alliances in humans and other animals. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Harkins, J. D., Kamerling, S. G., & Church, G. (1992). Effect of competition on performance of thoroughbred racehorses. J Appl Physiol, 72(3), 836–841.
Abstract: The effect of competition and the influence of age and sex on performance were examined in a study of 18 Thoroughbred racehorses. The horses performed two solo and two competitive runs at 1,200 and 1,600 m for a total of eight runs. No group ran faster during competition, which may have been a reflection of the quality of horses used for this study and their susceptibility to stress-induced impairment of performance. Males showed no significant difference between competitive and solo run times, whereas females were consistently slower during competition. Males ran significantly faster than females in all runs. There was no difference in run times due to age, which may have been due to the high mean age (5.9 yr) of the group. The slower competitive run times may have occurred because of an earlier onset of fatigue when compared with solo runs. Plasma lactate was significantly greater for the 1,200-m competitive than for the solo runs.
Hertsch, B. (1992). [The appearance of stress on the movement apparatus in dressage, jumping and versatility horses]. Dtsch Tierarztl Wochenschr, 99(1), 36–39.
Abstract: Jumping and military (three days events) horses are exposed, during sports activities, to a particularly high stress especially in the region of the extremities (limbs). The genesis of tendon, joint and bone diseases are traced in accordance to the centers of the load during movement sequence. A special statistics on injuries concerning the German competition horses does not exist yet. Out of the available statistics about the German competition horses it is not obvious that as a result of its use as sports horses a particular high loss occur among these horses.
Kabuga, J. D. (1992). Social relationships in N'dama cattle during supplementary feeding. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 34(4), 285–290.
Abstract: Social relationships of 30 N'dama cows during supplementary feeding, post-grazing, were studied over a period of 1.5 years. Dominance ranks determined during idling and feeding periods were strongly correlated (Spearman's rank correlation (rs = 0.964, P < 0.01). The number of animals dominated by a cow during feeding was strongly (P < 0.01) related to liveweight (r = 0.822) and age (r = 0.755). Low status cows ate less frequently than medium and high status animals, while middle ranking cows were ejected more frequently from the feed trough than other dominance groups. Animals had preferences in the use of feed troughs, with social rank being the dominant factor determining the location of feed trough space used. Cows of similar status were generally preferred feeding and movement neighbours and antagonists. However, the dominance rank of an animal and its preferred neighbour during idling were not significantly correlated (rs = 0.220, P > 0.05). Voluntary leadership ranks into and out of the pen were, respectively, related closely (P < 0.01) to feeding dominance ranks (rs = 0.661, 0.640) and idling dominance ranks (rs = 0.621, 0.669).
Kacelnik, A., & Todd, I. A. (1992). Psychological mechanisms and the Marginal Value Theorem: effect of variability in travel time on patch exploitation. Anim. Behav., 43(2), 313–322.
Abstract: The Marginal Value Theorem (MVT) describes the behaviour that maximizes the ratio of expected gain over expected foraging time in a patchy environment. When travel time is variable, the MVT rationale and its predictions are sensitive only to the mean travel time and not to the spread or skew of the distribution. Two mechanistic arguments contradict these predictions. First, tests of the MVT have previously shown that there is a disproportionate influence of the last travel time, and second, psychological models of information processing suggest that memory for time intervals is strongly dependent on the scatter of the distribution experienced. These mechanistic concepts, combined with Jensen's inequality, suggest that patch exploitation should decrease as the scatter of the travel distribution increases. In a Skinner box experiment with pigeons, Columba livia, the problem was examined by simulating three environments with identical patches and the same mean travel time, but different travel time variability. Patch exploitation decreased with increasing variance in travel time. The results are used to argue in favour of the inclusion of realistic psychological properties as constraints in functional models of behaviour. Although both the MVT and the mechanistic models account for some features of the results, none of them can explain all the findings.
Keiper, R., & Receveur, H. (1992). Social interactions of free-ranging Przewalski horses in semi-reserves in the Netherlands. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 33(4), 303–318.
Abstract: Social interactions were recorded in two bands of free-ranging Przewalski horses living on large (greater than 30 ha) pastures in the Netherlands. The average number of aggressive interactions per hour was 8.86 at Lelystad and 10.36 at Noorderheide. The most common aggressive interactions were lower intensity, lower cost displacements (17.2% of all aggressive acts at Lelystad, 13.2% at Noorderheide), threats to bite (42.3% and 40.7%, respectively) and threats to kick (15.4% and 23.9%, respectively). Analysis of aggression revealed that a clear, linear dominance hierarchy was present in each band. For each band there was a positive and highly significant correlation between the age of a horse and its rank in the hierarchy. In each band, the stallion was not the highest ranked horse. Non-agonistic behaviors exceeded the number of agonistic interactions (1253 vs. 558 for Lelystad; 1257 vs. 995 at Noorderheide). There was a negative correlation between the rank of a horse in the dominance hierarchy and the number of non-agonistic behaviors displayed. The group displaying the highest number of non-agonistic interactions were foals (48.9% of total non-agonistic behaviors at Lelystad; 51.1% at Noorderheide). The non-agonistic/agonistic ratio was greater than 1 for yearlings and the band stallion, as was also the case for foals, but was less than 1 for males.