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Author Ahmadinejad, M.
Title Influence of Sex and Age on Color discrimination in caspian Pony Type Conference Article
Year 2008 Publication IESM 2008 Abbreviated Journal
Volume Issue Pages
Abstract Although an early and influential review led to the often-cited conclusion that color discrimination is rare among mammals, more recent findings suggest that it is actually widespread. According to jacobes, all non-nocturnal mammalian species that have adequately exmined show some color vision capacity. Data on the presence and characteristics and the influence of sex and age on color vision in the horse, remain spares and non in Caspian pony. Eight Caspian ponies were presented with a series of two-choice color vs. grey discrimination problems. One mare pony was eliminated due to traumatic injury to her eye. Experiments were performed in a box of 3 * 3 meter containing a wall with two translucent panels that were illuminated from behind by light projected through color or grey filters to provide the discriminative stimuli. Ponies were first adopted to the stall (box) with two panels in it and then learned to push one of the panels in order to receive the food rewards behind positive stimuli in an achromatic light-dark discrimination task. The ponies were then tested on their abilities to discriminate between grey and four individual colors; red; 617nm, yellow; 581nm, green; 538nm and blue 470 nm. The answer to the question \“do the ponies see color\” was yes but sex and age had no influence on the color discrimination of the ponies .
Corporate Author Ahmadinejad, M. Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference IESM 2008
Notes Talk 15 min IESM 2008 Approved yes
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 4501
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Author Proops, L.; McComb, K.; Reby, D.
Title Horse-human interactions: Attention attribution and the use of human cues by domestic horses (Equus caballus). Type Conference Article
Year 2008 Publication IESM 2008 Abbreviated Journal
Volume Issue Pages
Keywords social cognition; animal-human interaction; horses; attention
Abstract Recent research has shown that domestic dogs are particularly good at reading human attentional cues, often outperforming chimpanzees and hand reared wolves [1, 2]. It has been suggested that the close evolutionary relationship between humans and dogs has led to the development of this ability, however very few other species have been studied [3]. We tested the ability of 24 domestic horses to discriminate between an attentive and inattentive person when choosing whom to approach for food. While the attentive person faced forwards, the inattentive person either stood with their body turned 180° away from the subject (body orientation condition), stood with their body facing forwards but their head facing away (head orientation condition) or stood facing forwards but with their eyes closed (eyes closed condition). A fourth, mixed condition was included where the attentive person stood with their body facing away from the subjects but their head turned towards the subject while the inattentive person stood with their body facing the subject but their head turned away. Horses chose the attentive person significantly more often using the body cue (n = 24, k = 19, p = 0.003), the head cue (n = 24, k = 18, p = 0.011), and the eye cue (n = 24, k = 19, p = 0.003) but not the mixed cue (n = 24, k = 13, p = 0.42). In an additional pilot study, horses were tested in an object choice task. A human experimenter cued one of two buckets by either tapping the bucket (tap condition), orienting their body towards the bucket and pointing (body and point condition), pointing while facing forwards (point condition) or orienting their body towards the bucket (body condition). If the subjects chose the correct bucket they were rewarded. Subjects were able to use the tap cue (n = 31, k = 21, p = 0.035), body + point cue (n= 31, k = 21, p = 0.035) and the point cue (n = 30, k = 21, p = 0.021) but not the body cue (n = 31, k = 11, p = 0.076). These results taken together suggest that domestic horses are also very sensitive to human attentional cues, including gaze.


social cognition, animal-human interaction, horses, attention attribution, domestication

1. Hare, B., Brown, M., Williamson, C., and Tomasello, M. (2002). The domestication of social cognition in dogs. Science 298, 1634-1636.

2. Gacsi, M., Miklosi, A., Varga, O., Topal, J., and Csanyi, V. (2004). Are readers of our face readers of our minds` Dogs (Canis familiaris) show situation-dependent recognition of human’s attention. Animal Cognition 7, 144-153.

3. Hare, B., and Tomasello, M. (2005). Human-like social skills in dogs? Trends Cogn. Sci. 9, 439-444.
Corporate Author Proops, L. Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference IESM 2008
Notes Poster IESM 2008 Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 4502
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Author Aurich, J.
Title Equine Science and Management Programme in Vienna Type Conference Article
Year 2008 Publication IESM 2008 Abbreviated Journal
Volume Issue Pages
Abstract With a growing importance of equestrian sports and horse breeding, there is an increasing need for well-trained professionals in the equine sector. While well-established vocational training programmes exist in Germany, they do neither provide qualifications for leading positions nor train for scientific work on the horse. The need for specific equine university programmes has been questioned occasionally, however, neither university programmes in equine veterinary medicine (focussing on diseased horses) nor animal science (focussing on food-producing farm animals) meet the broad requirements of today`s equine industry.

The first academic programme in equine science and management in the German-speaking countries was established in 2003 by the Universities of Veterinary Sciences and Agricultural Sciences in Vienna, Austria. The 3-year bachelor programme (180 ECTS points) includes sciences, anatomy, physiology, genetics, nutrition, ethology, economics, marketing, management, legislation, reproduction, healtcare, equitation science and organisation of breeding and equestrian sports. Courses are provided by the partner universities and by lecturers from practise and equestrian organisations including the German and Austrian equestrian federations. Lectures and seminars are complemented by a scientific thesis and placements in the equine industry.

Out of 100-150 applicants each year, 50 students are selected on the basis of their previous activities, a written test and interviews. Students are coming from Austria (40%), Germany (50%) and other countries (10%) ensuring a truly European programme. The majority of students enter the programme directly after leaving secondary school, but approx. 20% have undergone previous vocational training (e.g. Pferdewirt).

About 40% of the graduates enter into subsequent MSc programmes in animal science or agribusiness. Others are studying for an MBA or a degree in veterinary medicine, journalism, law and other disciplines. Graduates from the 2003 class finish their MSc in agriculture this year at universities in Austria, Germany and the United Kingdom and some of them will continue with a doctorate. Students not entering graduate programmes after obtaining their BSc do work as stud managers or management assistants in Germany and English-speaking countries or are employed by equestrian organisations such as the German and Austrian national federation, equestrian journals, equine nutrition companies, non-university research and consulting institutions, the Ministry of Agriculture and in a variety of other fields. The success of the Vienna equine programme has also encouraged activities at other universities and programmes with near-similar curricula have recently been established in Germany and Switzerland.

In conclusion, graduates of the Vienna equine science programme follow a wide-range of professional and academic activities within the equine industry. This spectrum is by far more extensive than the sector covered by professionals from traditional vocational training. With practical experience obtained on the job, adaequately qualified graduates will more and more obtain leading positions. In addition, the programme is a first step in the training of future researchers and teachers. By promoting and conducting research on the horse, equine science programmes do also secure the leading role of the European equine industry for the future.
Address University of Veterinary Sciences, Vienna, Austria. joerg.aurich@vu-wien.ac.at, phone +43 1 250775400, fax +43 1 250775490
Corporate Author Aurich, J. Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference IESM 2008
Notes Talk 15 min IESM 2008 Approved yes
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 4503
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Author Krueger, K. (ed)
Title Proceedings of the International Equine Science Meeting 2008 Type Conference Volume
Year 2008 Publication IESM 2008 Abbreviated Journal
Volume Issue Pages
Keywords Equine Ecology; Equine Sociality; Equine Learning; Equine Cognition; Equine Welfare
Abstract Target group: Biologists, Psychologists, Veterinarians and Professionals

Meeting target: Because the last international meeting on Equine Science took place a couple years ago, there is an urgent need for equine scientists to exchange scientific knowledge, coordinate research provide knowledge for practical application, and discus research results among themselves and with professionals who work with horses. Additionally, dialog concerning the coordination of the study “Equitation Science” in Europe is urgently needed. Coordination and cooperation shall arise from the meeting, enrich the research, and advance the application of scientific knowledge for the horses` welfare.
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Xenophon Verlag Place of Publication Wald Editor Krueger, K.
Language English Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN ISBN 978-3-9808134-0-2 Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 4508
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Author Götz, C.
Title Praxishandbuch Freispringen: Gymnastik – Training – Abwechslung Type Book Whole
Year 2008 Publication Abbreviated Journal
Volume Issue Pages 80
Abstract Aus dem Inhalt:

* Warum Freispringen?

* Die Ausstattung

* Der Ablauf

* Sehen lernen

* Freispringen aufbauen

* Fehler korrigieren


In vielen größeren Reitställen wird das Freispringen von den dortigen Ausbildern für die untergestellten Pferde angeboten. Doch auch in Eigenregie und auf kleineren Anlagen – sowohl in der Halle als auch auf dem Reitplatz – lässt sich das Freispringen organisieren und durchführen. Es bringt Abwechslung in den Trainingsalltag von Pferden aller Rassen und Reitweisen und hat auch für Pferde, die unter dem Sattel nicht springen müssen, einen hervorragenden gymnastizierenden Effekt. Für Springpferde gehört das Freispringen zu einem durchdachten Trainingskonzept zwingend dazu – lernen sie hierbei doch, Selbstvertrauen und Routine zu gewinnen und ihre Springtechnik zu verbessern. Voraussetzung ist, dass die Menschen, die das Freispringen durchführen, die Hindernisse sachkundig aufbauen, die Pferde richtig vorbereiten und den Ablauf des Freispringens den Fähigkeiten des jeweiligen Kandidaten entsprechend gestalten. Das notwendige Handwerkszeug hierfür liefert ihnen dieses verständlich geschriebene und mit vielen erläuternden Bildern und Bildabfolgen versehene Buch.

Über den Autor

Claudia Götz, geboren 1965, ist Diplomjournalistin und arbeitet unter anderem als Sachbuchautorin. Als Matrix-Rhythmus-Therapeutin verfügt sie über umfangreiches Wissen rund um Anatomie und Physiologie der Muskulatur und bildet sich zum Beispiel im Bereich Trainingslehre regelmäßig weiter. Die Berittführerin FN und begeisterte Vielseitigkeits- und Freizeitreiterin lebt in der Nähe von Regensburg.
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Cadmos Verlag Place of Publication Brunsbek Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN ISBN 978-3861274476 Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 4954
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Author Hoffmann; G.
Title Bewegungsaktivität und Stressbelastung bei Pferden in Auslaufhaltungssystemen mit verschiedenen Bewegungsangeboten Type Manuscript
Year 2008 Publication Dissertation Abbreviated Journal
Volume Issue Pages
Abstract Pferdehaltungssysteme mit angrenzenden Ausläufen gelten als eine sehr tiergerechte

Haltungsform, da sie den Tieren eine gewisse Bewegungsmöglichkeit

bieten. Ziel der vorliegenden Untersuchung war es, zu erfassen, ob der angrenzende

Auslauf selbst einen ausreichenden Anreiz zur Bewegung darstellt und wie sich verschiedene

Bewegungs- und Platzangebote auf die Bewegungsaktivität von Pferden

in einer Gruppen-Auslaufhaltung auswirken. Zudem wurde ermittelt, welche Auswirkung

die Bewegungsform bzw. –intensität auf das Wohlbefinden der Tiere hat.

Der Großteil der in Deutschland gehaltenen Pferde verbringt die meiste Zeit des

Tages im Stall, obwohl mittlerweile bekannt ist, dass Pferde unter natürlichen

Haltungsbedingungen 12 bis 16 Stunden des Tages in Bewegung verbringen. Der

Optimierung der Stallhaltungssysteme gilt daher ein besonderes Interesse.

Zu diesem Zweck wurden von September 2004 bis Oktober 2005 Versuche mit 24

Warmblutstuten im Alter von 1½ bis 3½ Jahren in Einzel- und Gruppen-

Auslaufhaltungssystemen durchgeführt. Jeweils sechs Pferde bildeten eine Versuchsgruppe.

In jeder Gruppe fanden fünf Varianten von einer ca. dreiwöchigen

Dauer statt. Die Gruppenhaltung wurde dabei durch drei unterschiedliche Zusatzbewegungsangebote

(2 Std. Weide / Tag, 2 Std. unbegrünte Koppel / Tag, 1 Std. Freilauf-

Führanlage / Tag) ergänzt. In der Einzel-Auslaufhaltung (Box mit 45 m²-großem

angrenzenden Auslauf) und in einer Versuchsvariante der Gruppenhaltung bekamen

die Pferde hingegen keine zusätzliche Bewegung außerhalb des Stallhaltungssystems

angeboten. Das Gruppenhaltungssystem selbst war durch die räumliche

Trennung der Funktionsbereiche (Liegen, Fressen, Trinken, Bewegen) gekennzeichnet

und der angrenzende Auslauf war 270 m² groß. In einer zusätzlichen Versuchsphase

fand in der Gruppenhaltung eine Erweiterung des permanent zugänglichen

Auslaufs auf insg. 540 m² statt.

Die Bewegungsaktivität wurde mit Pedometern erfasst, die an jeweils einem Hinterbein

der Pferde befestigt wurden und ergänzend fand eine Analyse von Videoaufzeichnungen

statt. Zur Beurteilung der Stressbelastung fanden Messungen der Herz192


frequenzvariabilität (Parameter HF und SD2) und der fäkalen Cortisolmetabolitenkonzentration


Die Auswertung des Bewegungsverhaltens ergab, dass eine zusätzliche zweistündige

freie Bewegung der Pferdegruppe auf einer Weide zu einer deutlichen

Steigerung der durchschnittlichen Bewegungsaktivität (149,6 Min. / Tag) führt,

ebenso wie eine einstündige Bewegung in einer Führanlage (173,0 Min. / Tag). Eine

unbegrünte Koppel regte die Pferde der Gruppenhaltung hingegen nicht zu vermehrter

Bewegung an (131,6 Min. / Tag), sondern bewirkte z. T. sogar eine Abnahme

der Bewegungsaktivität. In der Gruppen-Auslaufhaltung ohne zusätzliches Bewegungsangebot

war die Bewegungsaktivität ebenfalls gering (125,8 Min / Tag) und

während der Einzel-Auslaufhaltung ohne Zusatzbewegung zeigten die Pferde die

geringste Bewegungsaktivität (102,3 Min. / Tag).

Bei der alleinigen Analyse der Bewegungszeit im Stallhaltungssystem war kein signifikanter

Einfluss der zusätzlichen Bewegung außerhalb des Stallsystems auf die

übrige Fortbewegung feststellbar.

Auch eine Vergrößerung des an den Stall angrenzenden Auslaufs im Gruppenhaltungssystem

hatte keinen steigernden Einfluss auf das Bewegungsverhalten der


Die Stressbelastung der Pferde war in den Varianten der Gruppenhaltung mit zweistündigem

Weidegang (SD2: 82,9 ms; Cortisolmetaboliten: 29,0 nmol / kg Kot) sowie

der einstündigen Bewegung in einer Freilauf-Führanlage (SD2: 99,2 ms; Cortisolmetaboliten:

27,7 nmol / kg Kot) am geringsten. Die Untersuchungen zeigten eine

Stresszunahme in der Gruppenhaltung mit zweistündigem Auslauf auf einer unbegrünten

Koppel ohne Futterangebot (SD2: 101,3 ms; Cortisolmetaboliten:

39,6 nmol / kg Kot) sowie in der Variante der Gruppenhaltung ohne zusätzliches Bewegungsangebot

(SD2: 113,3 ms; Cortisolmetaboliten: 38,4 nmol / kg Kot). Dem

Mittelwert der Gruppe nach zu folgern hatten die Pferde während der Einzelhaltung

ohne Zusatzbewegung eine sehr große Stressbelastung (SD2: 123,8 ms; Cortisolmetaboliten:

37,5 nmol / kg Kot). Ein Vergleich der Gruppen- und Einzelhaltung hinsichtlich

der Herzfrequenzvariabilität hat jedoch gezeigt, dass insg. 70 % der Pferde

während der Haltung in einer Gruppe weniger Stress empfinden. Es gab aber auch

Zusammenfassung 193

Pferde (30 %), die in der Einzelhaltung eine abnehmende Stressbelastung zeigten,

wobei hier der Einfluss der Rangordnung eine entscheidende Rolle zu spielen


Durch die Auswertung mehrerer Messparameter (sowohl für Stress- als auch für Bewegungsverhalten)

werden gleichgerichtete Tendenzen bei den Versuchsvarianten

deutlich, allerdings ist eine eindeutige Gewichtung der Parameter nicht möglich.

Somit ist die methodische Vorgehensweise dieser Untersuchung sehr positiv und als

notwendig anzusehen, da die Messdaten auch immer gewissen Schwankungen

durch externe Einflüsse unterliegen.

Allgemein ist festzuhalten, dass Auslaufhaltungssysteme zwar eine gewisse

Anregung zur Bewegung bieten, aber mit maximal vier Stunden (insg. 62 – 248 Min.)

Bewegung pro Tag war der tägliche Anteil an Bewegung sehr viel geringer als

beispielsweise bei Pferden in freier Wildbahn oder ganzjähriger Weidehaltung. Somit

deckt ein Auslaufhaltungssystem trotz getrennter Funktionsbereiche und eines

großen Auslaufs nicht den Bewegungsbedarf der Pferde, wenn keine zusätzlichen

Bewegungsanreize und –möglichkeiten angeboten werden.

Eine zusätzliche Bewegung von Pferden ist nicht nur zur Gesunderhaltung des

Bewegungsapparates und der Körperfunktionen notwendig, sondern auch um das

Wohlbefinden und die Ausgeglichenheit der Pferde zu steigern.

[Horse husbandry systems with close-by discharge are considered to be a very livestock-

friendly housing form, as they offer a certain movement opportunity for the

animals. The aim of the present study was to examine how different movement and

space offerings affect the movement activities of horses in a group horse husbandry

with close-by discharge, and whether the discharge provides itself an adequate

incentive for movement. The impact that the form or rather intensity of movement has

on the wellbeing of the animals was also established.

Most of the horses held in Germany spend most of the day in the stable, although it is

meanwhile known that horses under natural housing conditions are 12 to 16 hours of

the day in motion. Therefore the improvement of stable housing systems applies a

special interest.

For this purpose, 24 warmblood mares, aged from 1½ to 3½ years, were studied in

single and group discharge husbandry systems from September 2004 until October

2005. Six horses formed an experimental group. In every group five variants of approximately

three weeks were proceeded. Thereby the group husbandry was supplemented

with three different additional movement opportunities (2 h pasture / day,

2 h non-grassy pasture land / day, 1 h free range horse walker / day). In the single

discharge husbandry (single box with 45 sq. m-large close-by discharge) and in one

experimental variant of the group husbandry got the horses, however, offered no additional

movement outside the husbandry system. The group husbandry system itself

was marked by the spatial division of the functional areas (lying, eating, drinking,

moving) and the close-by discharge measured 270 sq. m. In an additional phase of

the study, and expansion of the permanently accessible close-by discharge to

540 sq. m was found.

The movement activity was documented with pedometers attached respectively to

one hind leg of the horse and a supplementary analysis of video documentation. To

evaluate the stress exposure measurements of heart frequency variability (parameters

HF and SD2) and of the faecal cortisol metabolite concentration were performed.

Summary 195

The interpretation of the movement behaviour showed that additional two hours of

free movement on a pasture led to a significant increase in the average movement

activity (149.6 min / day), as well as one hour movement in a horsewalker did

(173.0 min / day). The non-grassy pasture land, however, didn’t inspire the horses of

the group husbandry to increased movement (131.6 min / day), but sometimes even

caused a decrease in movement activity. In the group discharge husbandry without

additional movement opportunities the movement activity was also low

(125.8 min / day), and during the single discharge husbandry without additional

movement the horses showed the least movement activity (102.3 min / day).

In analysing only the movement time in the stable system was no significant impact

of the additional movement outside the housing system to the rest of locomotion


As well an expansion of the close-by stable discharge in the group husbandry system

had no increasing influence on the movement behaviour of the horses.

The stress exposure of the horses was least in the variations of group husbandry

with two hours on a pasture (SD2: 82.9 ms; cortisol metabolites: 29.0 nmol / kg faeces)

as well as one hour of movement in a free range horse walker (SD2: 99.2 ms;

cortisol metabolites: 27.7 nmol / kg faeces). The studies showed a rise in stress in

group husbandry with two hours of movement on a non-grassy pasture land without

feeding opportunity (SD2: 101.3 ms; cortisol metabolites: 39.6 nmol / kg faeces) as

well as in the variation of the group husbandry without additional movement offerings

(SD2: 113.3 ms; cortisol metabolites: 38.4 nmol / kg faeces). Judging from the mean

of the group the horses had a very high stress exposure in the variation of the single

husbandry without additional movement offerings (SD2: 123.8 ms; cortisol metabolites:

37.5 nmol / kg faeces). But a comparison of the group and single husbandry in

terms of the heart frequency variability showed that alltogether 70 % of the horses

experienced less stress if hold in a group. However, some horses (30 %) showed

reducing stress in the single husbandry, whereas here the influence of social hierarchy

seems to play a decisive role.

196 Summary

In consequence of the examination of several measuring parameters (both for stressand

for movement behaviour) parallel aligned tendencies become apparent in the

experimental variants, however, is a unique weighting of the parameters not possible.

Thus, the methodological approach of this study is to be regarde as very positive and

necessary, since the data always vary with some fluctuations by external influences.

In general it can be established that discharge husbandry systems offer some incentive

for the horse to move, but with a maximum of four hours (overall 62 – 248 min) of

movement per day, the daily proportion of movement was much less than, for example,

in the case of wild horses or year-round pasture keeping. Thus, if no additional

movement incentives and possibilities are offered, the discharge husbandry system

doesn’t cover the movement needs of the horse despite separate functional areas

and a large outside discharge.

Additional movement is not only necessary to keep the musculoskeletal system and

bodily functions of the horse healthy, but also to ensure the horse’s well being and

mental balance.]
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 5660
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Author Streit, S.; Zeitler-Feicht, M. H.; Dempfle, L.
Title Gibt es in der Gruppenhaltung von Pferden bei der Abruffütterung am Automaten mehr Auseinandersetzungen als bei der Fütterung in Fressständen? [Keeping horses in groups, are there more confrontations when feeding is done with automatic feeding systems than with feeding stalls?] Type Book Chapter
Year 2008 Publication KTBL-Schriften Abbreviated Journal
Volume 471 Issue Pages
Abstract Das Droh- und Meideverhalten von 270 Pferden wurde im Fressbereich von 10 Offenlaufställen

mit Fressständen und 11 Offenlaufställen mit computergesteuerten Abrufstationen

anhand von visuellen kontinuierlichen Direktbeobachtungen erfasst. Diese erfolgten je Betrieb

über einen 24-Stunden-Tag, der nach dem Tortenstückverfahren (6x4 Stunden) zusammengesetzt


Insgesamt wurden 6297 agonistische Verhaltensweisen in, vor und hinter den

Fütterungseinrichtungen registriert (Meiden 40,6 %, Verdrängen 12,8 %, Beißen/ Hinterhandschlag/

Angehen 12,7 % und Drohen/ Drohbeißen/ Hinterhanddrohen 33,9 %). In den

Futterstationen wurden 22,5 % dieses Verhaltens beobachtet, vor und hinter den Futterstationen

77,5 %. Bei den Betrieben mit Fressständen fanden 31 % der agonistischen Verhaltensweisen

in den Ständen statt, bei den Betrieben mit Abruffütterung 21 %.

Der Einfl uss des einzelnen Betriebes (innerhalb Fütterungssystem) auf die agonistischen

Verhaltensweisen vor und hinter den Fütterungseinrichtungen war signifi kant. Die Auswertung

ergab, dass Drohgesten im Wartebereich von Abrufstationen häufi ger auftreten

als in dem von Fressständen. Demgegenüber können Pferde in Abrufstationen ungestörter

fressen. Insgesamt betrachtet war jedoch die Anzahl an sozionegativen Interaktionen im

Bereich der Futtereinrichtungen bei beiden Fütterungssystemen gering. Die agonistischen

Verhaltensweisen wurden zusätzlich noch von der Heumenge und dem Konstitutionstyp

beeinfl usst.

Der Betrieb erwies sich als maßgeblicher Einfl ussfaktor. Als Resümee ergibt sich, dass

bei ordnungsgemäßer Gruppenhaltung mit fachgerechtem Management beide Fütterungssysteme

für Pferde im Offenlaufstall geeignet sind.

[The threatening and avoiding behaviour of 270 horses living in run-out sheds was observed

at 10 stables with feeding stalls and at 11 stables with automatic feeding systems for hay

and concentrates. Every group of horses was observed on five succeeding days visually

and immediately for 6 sessions, each of 4 hours. These 6 slices form together 24 hours, a

complete day.

Altogether, 6297 agonistic behaviour patterns were registered in front of, inside and

behind the feeding stations (avoiding behaviour 40.6 %, edging out of others 12.8 %,

Auseinandersetzungen an automatischer Abruffütterung und Fressständen

KTBL-Schrift 471 79

biting/rear leg kicking/charging 12.7 % und threatening/biting threats/rear leg kicking

threats 33.9 %). 22.5 % of these types of behaviour were recorded in the feeding stations,

77.5 % together in front and behind of these. In the stables with feeding stalls there were

31 % of the observed threatening gestures inside the feeding stations, in the stables with

automatic feeders only 21 %.

The individual farm showed signifi cant infl uence on the modes of agonistic behaviour

in front and behind the feeding facilities. Threatening gestures happen more often in the

waiting area of automatic feeders than in that of feeding stalls. On the other hand horses

in computer controlled systems will be less disturbed at eating. All together the number

of negative interactions in the feeding area at both feeding systems was relatively low.

In addition the agonistic behaviour was infl uenced by the quantity of hay and the constitutional

typ of the horses.

Because of the management of the individual stable exercises the most substantial

infl uence on the behaviour of the horses, it can be said, that, correct group keeping with

professional management provided, both feeding systems are suitable for horses in run-in

Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher KTBL Place of Publication Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 5763
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Author Whitehead , H.
Title Analyzing Animal Societies. Quantitative Methods for Vertebrate Social Analysis Type Book Whole
Year 2008 Publication Abbreviated Journal
Volume Issue Pages
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher University of Chicago Press Place of Publication chicago Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes EAN: 9780226895246 Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 5838
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Author Krösbacher, A. E.
Title Das Arabische Vollblut: Eine kontrovers diskutierte Rasse: Was steckt wirklich hinter der Zucht dieser edlen Pferde? Type Manuscript
Year 2008 Publication Abbreviated Journal
Volume Issue Pages
Corporate Author Thesis Bachelor's thesis
Publisher University for Veterinarian Medicine Vienna Place of Publication Vienna Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 6544
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Author Smith, B.R.; Blumstein, D.T.
Title Fitness consequences of personality: a meta-analysis Type Journal Article
Year 2008 Publication Behavioral Ecology Abbreviated Journal Behav. Ecol.
Volume 19 Issue 2 Pages 448-455
Abstract The study of nonhuman personality capitalizes on the fact that individuals of many species behave in predictable, variable, and quantifiable ways. Although a few empirical studies have examined the ultimate consequences of personality differences, there has been no synthesis of results. We conducted a formal meta-analysis of published studies reporting fitness consequences of single personality dimensions to identify general trends across species. We found bolder individuals had increased reproductive success, particularly in males, but incurred a survival cost, thus, supporting the hypothesis that variation in boldness was maintained due to a “trade-off” in fitness consequences across contexts. Potential mechanisms maintaining variation in exploration and aggression are not as clear. Exploration had a positive effect only on survival, whereas aggression had a positive effect on both reproductive success and, not significantly, on survival. Such results would suggest that selection is driving populations to become more explorative and aggressive. However, limitations in meta-analytic techniques preclude us from testing for the effects of fluctuating environmental conditions or other forms of selection on these dimensions. Results do, however, provide evidence for general relationships between personality and fitness, and we provide a framework for future studies to follow in the hopes of spurring more in-depth, long-term research into the evolutionary mechanisms maintaining variation in personality dimensions and overall behavioral syndromes. We conclude with a discussion on how understanding and managing personality traits may play a key role in the captive breeding and recovery programs of endangered species.
Corporate Author Thesis
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Area Expedition Conference
Notes 10.1093/beheco/arm144 Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 5226
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