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Author Burla,J.B.; Rufener, C.; Bachmann, I.; Gygax, L.; Patt, A.; Hillmann, E.
Title Effect of varying dimensions of the littered lying area on the lying behaviour of group-housed horses (Equus ferus caballus) Type Conference Article
Year 2015 Publication Proceedings of the 3. International Equine Science Meeting Abbreviated Journal (up) Proc. 3. Int. Equine. Sci. Mtg
Volume Issue Pages
Keywords group housing, lying behaviour, littered lying area, rubber mats
Abstract Although horses can sleep while standing, recumbency is required for REM sleep and since all sleep stages must be completed for an entire sleep cycle, the opportunity for recumbency is essential for animal welfare. Observations on feral horses indicate a minimal lying duration of 30 min, preferably on a deformable and dry ground. In contrast to feral horses, lying behaviour in stabled horses is often affected by the dimensions of the provided lying area and rank.

In Switzerland, minimum requirements (MR) for the littered lying area are established by law to ensure animal welfare (BLV, 2008) (A/N: approximately match German recommendations (BMEL, 2009)). The aim of this study was to assess the adequacy of the dimensions of the minimum requirements for group-housed horses by investigating 38 horses in 8 groups. Further, hard rubber mats were provided supplementary in order to assess their suitability as an alternative to litter. Four treatments were each applied in randomised order:

– 0x MR: no litter + 1.5x MR with rubber mats

– 0.5x MR: 0.5x MR with litter + 1x MR with rubber mats

– 1x MR: 1x MR with litter; 0.5x MR with rubber mats

– 1.5x MR: 1.5x MR with litter + no rubber mats

For each treatment, after a habituation period of 8 days, lying behaviour was recorded (video, accelerometers) continuously for 72 hrs. Statistical analysis was performed using mixed effects models.

Regardless of the ground chosen, the duration of recumbency per 24 hrs was increasing with increasing dimensions of the littered area (F1,93 = 12.9, p = 0.0005; Fig. 1). Whereas the effect flattened from 1x to 1.5x MR, the duration spent on litter – a deformable ground – was increasing continuously (F1,62 = 23.1, p < 0.0001). Further, the proportion of lateral recumbency was increased with increased dimensions of the littered area (F1,79 = 12.3, p = 0.0007). Regarding the number of lying bouts, no differences were apparent between treatments providing litter, but recumbency occurred very seldom if only rubber mats were provided (F1,93 = 14.7, p = 0.0002). Further, low-ranking horses spent more lying bouts on rubber mats than high-ranking horses (F1,29 = 4.4, p = 0.04). Additionally, the larger the dimensions of the littered area the more horses were present in the lying area at the moment of lying down (F1,79 = 6.6, p = 0.01). Moreover, low-ranking horses showed considerably higher percentages of involuntarily terminated lying bouts than high-ranking horses if 0.5x and 1x MR were littered (F1,76 = 8.43, p = 0.005).

Although the indicated minimal lying duration was averagely performed, large individual differences occurred and at least 8% were lying down less than 30 min per 24 hrs in every treatment. Further, the inclusion of social parameters indicated a beneficial effect of an exceedance of the minimum requirements especially for low-ranking horses. Therefore, the minimum requirements established by Swiss law can be stated as adequate but should be perceived as minimum and not optimum dimensions.
Corporate Author Burla,J.B. Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 5879
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Author Rose-Meierhöfer, S.; Standke, K.; Hoffmann, G.
Title Auswirkungen verschiedener Gruppengrößen auf Bewegungsaktivität, Body Condition Score, Liege- und Sozialverhalten bei Jungpferden Type Journal Article
Year 2010 Publication Züchtungskunde Abbreviated Journal (up) Züchtungskunde
Volume 82 Issue 4 Pages 282–291
Keywords Liegen, Aktivität, Gruppenhaltung, Jungpferde, Sozialverhalten, Body Condition Score [Lying behaviour, activity behaviour, group housing, young horses, social behaviour, Body Condition Score]
Abstract Ziel der Untersuchung war es, herauszufinden, welche Auswirkungen eine Erhöhung der

Gruppengröße bei Jungpferden auf die Bewegungsaktivität, das Liege- und Sozialverhalten

und die Körperkondition hat. Hierfür wurden insgesamt 42 Pferde im Alter von ein

bis zwei Jahren in Laufstallhaltung in die Untersuchung einbezogen. Die Jungpferde aus

der Bewegungs- und Liegeverhaltensanalyse waren in zwei Kleingruppen (acht und

11 Tiere) und einer Großgruppe (23 Tiere) aufgestallt.

In der Bewegungsaktivität waren deutliche Unterschiede zu erkennen. Es ließ sich ein

positiver Einfluss einer höheren Tierzahl nachweisen, aber kein Einfluss des Alters. Beim

Ruheverhalten konnten höhere Liegezeiten und -frequenzen mit einer Zunahme der

Gruppengröße und eine Abnahme der Liegezeit mit zunehmendem Alter ermittelt werden.

Eine Störung des Liegeverhaltens durch Gruppengrößen, die nicht der natürlichen

Herdenstruktur des Pferdes entsprechen, wurde nicht nachgewiesen. Jedoch hatte die

Haltung der Jährlinge in der großen Gruppe einen Anstieg der repulsiven Verhaltensweisen

zur Konsequenz. Zudem zeigte die Bestimmung des Body Condition Scores

Unterschiede in der Körperkondition bei den Jährlingen der Groß- bzw. der Kleingruppe.

Einem Mangel an Bewegung, der für das Auftreten von Gliedmaßenerkrankungen und

Verhaltensstörungen verantwortlich gemacht wird, kann durch die Haltung von Jungpferden

in großen Gruppen entgegengewirkt werden.

[It is often discussed that the inactivity of horses causes diseases of their musculoskeletal system. Due to these problems the objective of the investigation was to quantify if the size of a group has an effect on the behaviour of young horses. Data from 42 horses in the age of one to two years have been involved in the investigation. The data of two small groups were compared with data of one big group with 23 horses. The movement and lying behaviour of 28 horses were measured with ALT pedometers. The social behaviour of 33 yearlings was documented by direct observation. The results show that the median of the movement time of horses in group A is 82 minutes per day. In group B this increases to a median of 101 and group C reaches the highest median of 149. In the case of lying time an increasing group size leads to a longer duration and a higher frequency of lying, whereas an increase in the age reduces the lying duration. International research studies have shown that keeping of horses in big group husbandry systems is not very common by the owners of horses. In contrast these investigations have shown that horse keeping in big groups has no negative influence on the social behaviour and the Body Condition Score of young horses.]
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 5671
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