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Author Gatta, D.; Baragli, P.; Ferrarini, N.; Ciattini, F.; Sighieri, C.; Colombani, B.
Title Fitness evaluation in endurance horses by standardised exercise test on treadmill Type Journal Article
Year 1998 Publication Ippologia Abbreviated Journal Valutazione dello stato di allenamento del cavallo da endurance mediante test standardizzato su trea
Volume 9 Issue 4 Pages 57-69
Keywords Endurance; Horses; Treadmill
Abstract Endurance horses, like marathon runners, undertake sub-maximal, longterm physical exercises and in both cases thermoregulation plays a critical role. A standardised sub-maximal treadmill test was used to assess fitness and training state in endurance horses. Literature reports that trained human athletes dissipate head load better than not trained ones; in this study parameters related to thermoregulation were recorded together with other haematologic and metabolic ones. Six endurance horses, divided into two groups according to their training state, performed two submaximal tests at a distance of one week. Blood samples were collected at rest, during exercise, at the end and during recovery (10, 30 and 60 minutes after work). Heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR), rectal (RT) and skin (ST) temperatures were monitored through the exercise (and recovery for HR). HR resulted significantly lower (P<0.01) in trained horses than in untrained ones, especially during recovery. Also rectal and skin temperatures resulted significantly lower (P<0.05) in trained horses and ST increased more gradually during exercise. The values of haematocrit and haemoglobin resulted significantly lower (P<0.05) at rest, during exercise and recovery samples. In this study, the parameters related to thermoregulation, in accordance with data from human athletes, resulted significantly different in trained and untrained horses, while other parameters didn't vary significantly between the two groups. Thermoregulatory responses to exercise-generated heat load in a standardised test, studied by simple parameters, can thus offer useful information about fitness and training state of endurance horses.
Address Dipto. Anat., Biochim. Fisiol. Vet., Univ. degli Studi di Pisa
Corporate Author Thesis
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Area Expedition Conference
Notes Cited By (since 1996): 2; Export Date: 13 November 2008; Source: Scopus Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 4655
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Author Uller, C.; Lewis, J.
Title Horses (Equus caballus) select the greater of two quantities in small numerical contrasts Type Journal Article
Year 2009 Publication Animal Cognition Abbreviated Journal Anim. Cogn.
Volume 12 Issue 5 Pages 733-738
Keywords Quantity representation – Horses – Number discrimination
Abstract Abstract  The ability to select the greater numerosity over another in small sets seems to stem from the calculation of which set contains more, and has been taken as evidence of a primordial representation at the roots of the primate numerical system. We tested 56 horses (Equus caballus) in a paradigm previously used with human infants and nonhuman primates. Horses saw two quantities paired in contrasts—2 versus 1, 3 versus 2, 6 versus 4 and a control for volume, 2 versus 1 big—and had to make a choice by snout touching the container holding the numerosity selected. The horses spontaneously selected the greater of the two quantities when the numerosities were small. These results add to evidence showing spontaneous quantity assessment in a variety of species.
Corporate Author Thesis
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Area Expedition Conference
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Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 5028
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Author Rose-Meierhöfer, S.; Standke, K.; Hoffmann, G.
Title Auswirkungen verschiedener Gruppengrößen auf Bewegungsaktivität, Body Condition Score, Liege- und Sozialverhalten bei Jungpferden Type Journal Article
Year 2010 Publication Züchtungskunde Abbreviated Journal Züchtungskunde
Volume 82 Issue 4 Pages 282–291
Keywords Liegen, Aktivität, Gruppenhaltung, Jungpferde, Sozialverhalten, Body Condition Score [Lying behaviour, activity behaviour, group housing, young horses, social behaviour, Body Condition Score]
Abstract Ziel der Untersuchung war es, herauszufinden, welche Auswirkungen eine Erhöhung der

Gruppengröße bei Jungpferden auf die Bewegungsaktivität, das Liege- und Sozialverhalten

und die Körperkondition hat. Hierfür wurden insgesamt 42 Pferde im Alter von ein

bis zwei Jahren in Laufstallhaltung in die Untersuchung einbezogen. Die Jungpferde aus

der Bewegungs- und Liegeverhaltensanalyse waren in zwei Kleingruppen (acht und

11 Tiere) und einer Großgruppe (23 Tiere) aufgestallt.

In der Bewegungsaktivität waren deutliche Unterschiede zu erkennen. Es ließ sich ein

positiver Einfluss einer höheren Tierzahl nachweisen, aber kein Einfluss des Alters. Beim

Ruheverhalten konnten höhere Liegezeiten und -frequenzen mit einer Zunahme der

Gruppengröße und eine Abnahme der Liegezeit mit zunehmendem Alter ermittelt werden.

Eine Störung des Liegeverhaltens durch Gruppengrößen, die nicht der natürlichen

Herdenstruktur des Pferdes entsprechen, wurde nicht nachgewiesen. Jedoch hatte die

Haltung der Jährlinge in der großen Gruppe einen Anstieg der repulsiven Verhaltensweisen

zur Konsequenz. Zudem zeigte die Bestimmung des Body Condition Scores

Unterschiede in der Körperkondition bei den Jährlingen der Groß- bzw. der Kleingruppe.

Einem Mangel an Bewegung, der für das Auftreten von Gliedmaßenerkrankungen und

Verhaltensstörungen verantwortlich gemacht wird, kann durch die Haltung von Jungpferden

in großen Gruppen entgegengewirkt werden.

[It is often discussed that the inactivity of horses causes diseases of their musculoskeletal system. Due to these problems the objective of the investigation was to quantify if the size of a group has an effect on the behaviour of young horses. Data from 42 horses in the age of one to two years have been involved in the investigation. The data of two small groups were compared with data of one big group with 23 horses. The movement and lying behaviour of 28 horses were measured with ALT pedometers. The social behaviour of 33 yearlings was documented by direct observation. The results show that the median of the movement time of horses in group A is 82 minutes per day. In group B this increases to a median of 101 and group C reaches the highest median of 149. In the case of lying time an increasing group size leads to a longer duration and a higher frequency of lying, whereas an increase in the age reduces the lying duration. International research studies have shown that keeping of horses in big group husbandry systems is not very common by the owners of horses. In contrast these investigations have shown that horse keeping in big groups has no negative influence on the social behaviour and the Body Condition Score of young horses.]
Corporate Author Thesis
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Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN (up) ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 5671
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Author Flauger, B.; Krueger, K.
Title Aggressionslevel und Platzangebot bei Pferden (Equus caballus) [ Aggression level and enclosure size in horses (Equus caballus)] Type Journal Article
Year 2013 Publication Pferdeheilkunde Abbreviated Journal
Volume 29 Issue 4 Pages 495-504
Keywords Aggression / Verletzungsgefahr / Sozialverhalten / Gruppenhaltung / Pferdehaltung / Eingliederung von Pferden [aggression / injury risk / social behaviour / group housing / horse management / introduction of horses]
Abstract Viele Pferdebesitzer bevorzugen aus Angst vor aggressiven Interaktionen und Verletzungsgefahr der Tiere untereinander die Einzelhaltung, obwohl von Tierschutzorganisationen die Gruppenhaltung für Pferde empfohlen wird. In dieser Studie beobachteten wir während des alltäglichen Soziallebens als auch bei der Eingliederung von neuen Gruppenmitgliedern das Sozialverhalten, insbesondere das Aggressionsverhalten, von elf Gruppen domestizierter Pferde (Equus caballus) verschiedener Größe und Zusammensetzung. Während des alltäglichen Soziallebens hatten die Gruppe und der Paddock-Typ (Gras / kein Gras) keinen Einfluss auf die Verhaltensweisen, wohingegen die Paddockgröße unter 10000 m2 einen signifikanten Einfluss auf die submissiven Verhaltensweisen (GzLM; n=56; t=-2.061, P=0.044) und einen nicht signifikanten Einfluss auf die aggressiven Verhaltensweisen (GzLM; n=56; t=-1.782, P=0.081) hatte. Allerdings verringerten sich sowohl die aggressiven als auch die submissiven Verhaltensweisen mit steigendem Platzangebot bis zu 10000 m2 (Spearman rank Korrelation; n=56; aggressive Verhaltensweisen: r = -0.313, P = 0.019; submissive Verhaltensweisen: r = -0.328, P = 0.014). Während den Eingliederungen reduzierten sich die Aggressionen pro Stunde mit der Vergrößerung des Platzangebotes (Spearman rank Korrelation; n=28; r=-0.402, P=0.034). Dies zeigte sich noch deutlicher, wenn Beobachtungen mit einem Platzangebot von über 10000 m2 ausgeschlos- sen wurden (Spearman rank Korrelation; n=23; r=-0.549, P=0.007). Während des alltäglichen Soziallebens näherte sich der Aggressionslevel der Nulllinie an, wenn das Platzangebot pro Pferd mehr als 331 m2 betrug. Deshalb empfehlen wir zur Reduzierung des Aggressionslevels und des Verletzungsrisikos von sozial gehaltenen Pferdegruppen ein Platzangebot von mindestens 331 m2 pro Pferd.

[Even though animal welfare organisations propose group housing for horse welfare, many owners stable horses individually for fear of aggressive interactions and injury risks. In the present study we observed social behaviour, and especially aggressiveness, in eleven domestic horse groups (Equus caballus) of different size and composition, in basic social situations and when new group members were introduced. During basic social situations, the group and the type of paddock (grass / no grass) had no effect on any of the behaviours, where- as the enclosure size below 10,000 m2 had a significant effect on submissive behaviour (GzLM; n=56; t=-2.061, P=0.044) and an insignificant effect on aggressive behaviour (GzLM; n=56; t=-1.782, P=0.081). However, aggressive and submissive behaviour dimi- nished with the increase of enclosure sizes up to 10,000 m2 (Spearman rank correlation; n = 56; aggressive behaviour: r = -0.313, P=0.019; submissive behaviour: r=-0.328, P=0.014). During introductions, aggression levels per hour decreased with any increase of enclosure size (Spearman rank correlation; n=28; r=-0.402, P=0.034) and even more when enclosure sizes above 10,000 m2 were excluded (Spearman rank correlation; n=23; r=-0.549, P=0.007). During basic social situations the aggression level approached zero when the space allowance was more than 331 m2 per horse. We therefore recommend keeping horse groups in an enclosure with at least 331 m2 per horse to reduce aggression and injuries.]
Corporate Author Thesis
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Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN (up) ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 5714
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Author Obergfell, J.
Title Einf lus s v on St ruktur e l ement en auf da s Li eg ev e rha l t en v on Pf e rden in Gruppenha l tung unt e r Be rücks i cht igung de s Ag g r e s s i ons v e rha l t ens Type Manuscript
Year 2012 Publication Abbreviated Journal
Volume Issue Pages
Keywords Pferde, Ruheverhalten, Liegeverhalten, Aggressionsverhalten, Strukturelemente, Rangordnung [horses, rest behavior, lying behavior, aggression behavior, structural elements, rank order]
Abstract Durch die vorliegende Studie wurde der Einfluss von Strukturelementen auf das Liege- und Aggressionsverhalten von Pferden in Gruppenhaltung untersucht. Die Strukturelemente sollten Rückzugsmöglichkeiten bieten, sowie in ihrem Bereich zur Aufhebung der Individualdistanz führen und dadurch die Fläche relativ vergrößern. Für die Versuche stellte das Haupt- und Landesgestüt Marbach drei unabhängige Pferdegruppen mit verschiedener Herdengröße zur Verfügung, die jeweils in Einraum- Innenlaufställen gehalten wurden. Die Datenerfassung fand zwischen 23 und sieben Uhr statt. Insgesamt wurden 366 Stunden Videomaterial ausgewertet. Beim Ruheverhalten wurden mit Hilfe des event-sampling- Verfahrens die Parameter Gesamtliegedauer, Dauer in Seitenlage, Dauer der Einzelphasen in

Seitenlage und Abliegehäufigkeit pro Nacht erfasst. Es wurden Versuchsphasen ohne

Strukturelemente und mit hängenden Planen als Strukturierung durchgeführt. Im ersten Stall

kamen außerdem über einander gestapelte Strohballen zum Einsatz. Diese Art der

Strukturierung stellte sich jedoch als nicht praktikabel heraus und führte im Vergleich zu den Planen zu einer signifikanten Verschlechterung der Gesamtliegedauer. In Stall 1 konnte man eine tendenzielle Verbesserung der Parameter Gesamtliegedauer und Gesamtdauer in Seitenlage durch das Anbringen von Planen sehen. In Stall 3 dagegen verschlechterte sich das Ruheverhalten in den Versuchsphasen mit Planen gegenüber den Versuchsphasen ohne Struktur. Die Werte der Gesamtdauer in Seitenlage nahmen signifikant ab. In Stall 2 zeigten sich keine Unterschiede in den verschiedenen Versuchsphasen. Möglicherweise ist die Wirkung der Strukturelemente auf das Liegeverhalten abhängig von der Flächengröße. Stall 1 hatte bezogen auf die Leitlinien des BMELV die größte und Stall 3 die kleinste Fläche. Bei den anderen Parametern des Liegeverhaltens gab es keine signifikanten Unterschiede in den verschiedenen Versuchsphasen. Mit Hilfe des time-sampling-Verfahrens wurde die Anzahl gleichzeitig liegender Pferde und gleichzeitig liegender Pferde in Seitenlage bestimmt. Auch hier zeigten sich keine Unterschiede in den verschiedenen Versuchsphasen. Bei der Gegenüberstellung der Werte der Gesamtliegedauer und der Gesamtdauer in Seitenlage mit dem Alter der Pferde (Stall 1 und Stall 3) und mit dem Integrationszeitpunkt (Stall 1) konnte kein Zusammenhang festgestellt werden. Beim Aggressionsverhalten wurden mit Hilfe des

event-sampling-Verfahrens in den Ställen 2 und 3 verschiedene Arten von Aggressionen

erfasst, die dann in die drei Intensitätsgrade Low-Level-, Mid-Level- und High-Level-

Aggressionen unterteilt wurden. Neben der Anzahl wurde die Dauer der verschiedenen

Aggressionen bewertet. Insgesamt konnte eine positive Wirkung der Planen auf das

Aggressionsverhalten beobachtet werden. Die Gesamtanzahl an Aggressionen nahm in beiden

Ställen tendenziell in den Versuchsphasen mit Planen ab. In Stall 3 konnte, wenn man die

Aggressionen stundenweise betrachtet, ein signifikanter Unterschied festgestellt werden.

Auch der Hinterhandschlag und die Aggressionen, welche das Ruheverhalten stören,

verringerten sich tendenziell nach dem Anbringen von Strukturelementen. In beiden Ställen

nahm die relative Häufigkeit von Mid-Level-Aggressionen nach dem Anbringen von Planen

zu. Dagegen konnte bei den High-Level-Aggressionen und in Stall 3 bei den Low-Level-

Aggressionen eine relative Abnahme beobachtet werden. Sowohl die Anzahl als auch die

Dauer der Mid-Level-Aggressionen verringerten sich in Stall 3 stundenweise betrachtet

signifikant in den Versuchsphasen mit Planen. In Stall 2 war bei den High-Level-

Aggressionen sowohl bei der Dauer als auch bei der Anzahl eine signifikante Abnahme zu

sehen. Wenn man das Aggressionsverhalten in Bezug zu der Fläche in den zwei Ställen

betrachtet, schien diese vor allem einen Einfluss auf die High-Level-Aggressionen zu

nehmen. Mit Hilfe des Rangindex der Pferde im Stall 3 wurde eine Rangordnung aufgestellt.

Zwischen dem Platz der Pferde in der Rangordnung und den Parametern des Ruheverhaltens

(Gesamtliegedauer, Gesamtdauer in Seitenlage) sowie dem Alter der Pferde konnte kein

Zusammenhang festgestellt werden. Zwischen dem Rangindex und der Gesamtanzahl an

Aggressionen bestand dagegen ein hoch signifikanter Zusammenhang. Im Rahmen dieser

Studie ist das Anbringen von Strukturelementen in Bezug auf das Aggressionsverhalten in

Einraum-Innenlaufställen von Pferden zu empfehlen. Die Wirkung auf das Liegeverhalten der

Pferde sollte in weiteren Studien untersucht werden.

[In this study the influence of structural elements on lying and aggression behavior in horses

kept in groups was exanimated. Structural elements should offer the possibility of retreat.

Furthermore, within the respective area, the individual distance should be limited, thus

increasing the overall space relatively. For the studies the “Haupt- und Landesgestüt

Marbach” provided three non-related groups of different sized horses, each kept in separate

“Einraum-Innenlaufställen”. Data collection took place between 11 pm and 7 am. Altogether,

366 hours of video material were analyzed. Using the event-sampling-method, the following

parameters within the horses´ resting behavior were determined: The total lying period, the

total lying period in lateral position, the periods of the single lying in lateral position and the

frequency of lying down. Test phases were carried out without structural elements and with

hanging canvases as structural elements. In the first stable there were also three bales of straw

piled up on top of each other. This kind of structuring emerged as impractical and in

comparison to the canvas, led to a significant deterioration to the total period of lying. After

the canvases were fixed in the first stable, a slight improvement with the parameters of total

lying period and total lying period in the lateral position could be seen. In contrast, the resting

behavior in stable 3 worsened in the test phases with the canvases in comparison to the test phases without structural elements. The values for the total lying period in the lateral position

decreased significantly. In stable 2, there were no differences in the different test phases.

Possibly the effect of the structural elements is dependent of the space. Stable 1 had the

largest space and stable 3 the least space referred to the guideline of the BMELV. The other

parameters of the lying behavior showed no significant differences in the different test phases.

The number of horses lying at the same time, and the number of horses lying at the same time

in the lateral position were detected with the aid of the time-sampling-method. There were

also no differences between the different test phases. If the values of the total lying period and

the total lying period in lateral position were compared to the age of the horses (stable 1 and

stable 3) and to the point of integration (stable 1), there was no correlation.

Different kinds of aggression were detected by the means of the event-sampling-method in

stable 2 and 3 and were subdivided into the three levels of intensity: Low-level-, mid-level

and high-level-aggressions. Both the number and the duration of the different aggressions

were evaluated. All in all a positive influence of the canvas on the aggression behavior could

be observed. In both stables, the total number of aggressions decreased in the test phases with

canvases. In stable 3 a significant difference could be detected, if the aggressions were

observed per hour. Also hind limb kicks and aggressions disturbing the resting behavior,

decreased by trend, after fixing the canvases in the stable. In both stables the relative

frequency of mid-level-aggressions increased after the canvases were mounted. In contrast

there was a relative decrease at the high-level-aggressions and in stable 3 at the low-levelaggressions.

The number and the duration of the mid-level-aggressions in stable 3 decreased,

when considered by the hour in the test phases with canvases. In stable 2 a significant

decrease in duration and number of high-level-aggressions was observed. When examining

aggression behavior in reference to space in the two stables, high-level-aggressions seemed to

be mostly influenced. In stable 3 a rank order was established with the aid of the rank index of

the horses. There was no correlation between the horses´ rank and the parameters of the

resting behavior (the total lying period, the total lying period in lateral position) and between

horses´ rank and age. In contrast, there was a high significant correlation between the rank

index and the total number of aggressions. In context to this study, structural elements in

“Einraum-Innenlaufställen” (BMELV 2009) seem to have a positive influence on the

aggression behavior and thus seem to be recommendable. The influence on the lying behavior

should be investigated in further studies.]
Corporate Author Thesis Ph.D. thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Karlsruhe Editor
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Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN (up) ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 5772
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Author Kedzierski, W.; Wilk, I.; Janczarek, I.
Title Physiological response to the first saddling and first mounting of horses: comparison of two sympathetic training methods Type Journal Article
Year 2014 Publication Animal Science Papers and Reports Abbreviated Journal
Volume 32 Issue 3 Pages 219-228
Keywords cortisol / emotional reaction/ horses / natural training / stress
Abstract There is not much research done on the influence of sympathetic training on the emotional reaction

of horses. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the emotional response and the stress level

in horses to two sympathetic training methods: (1) with the use of the “round pen technique” (RP),

and (2) in which the RP was not applied (SH). Twenty two half-bred Anglo-Arab horses (2.5

years ±3 months of age) were subject to an initial training. Eleven horses were randomly included

to the RP method and the other 11 horses for the SH method. Heart rate (HR) and saliva cortisol

concentration were measured as indicators of horse emotional arousal and stress level, respectively.

The HR values were analysed: at rest, during the habituation period, just after the first saddling

and tightening of the girth, during the first time a human leaned over the horse’s back, and during

the mounting of the horse. Saliva samples were taken before and 15 min after each training session

studied. After saddling, the HR occurred significantly higher when the RP technique was used. The

significant increase in saliva cortisol concentration was observed only after the first mounting of

the horse. Generally, the use of the RP technique did not involve more important physiological

reactions in the trained horses than did the SH method.
Corporate Author Thesis
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Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN (up) ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 5816
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Author McGreevy, P.; Yeates, J.
Title Horses (Equus caballus) Type Book Chapter
Year 2018 Publication Companion Animal Care and Welfare Abbreviated Journal
Volume Issue Pages
Keywords animal company; behavioural signs; diseases; domestic horses; euthanasia; human interaction; nutritional requirements
Abstract Summary Domestic horses are equid members of the class Mammalia, order Perissodactyla, and family Equidae. Horses are obligate herbivores, with nutritional requirements as listed in a table. Adequate space is necessary for exercise, exploration, flight, sharing resources, play, and rolling. Company is essential for all horses, including stallions. Company provides opportunities for mutual grooming and play and allows horses to stand head-to-tail to remove flies. Unhandled horses may respond to humans as they would to predators, whereas handled horses' responses depend on their previous interactions with humans. Horses can suffer from several diseases as listed in another table. The best method of euthanasia of horses is usually sedation followed by either cranial shooting or the injection of an overdose of pentobarbitone into the jugular vein. Behavioural signs of distress can include increased locomotory activity, vigilance behaviours, neighing, snorting, pawing, nibbling walls and buckets, defaecation, rearing, kicking stable walls or doors, and high-stepping 'prancing'.
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Wiley Online Books Abbreviated Series Title Companion Animal Care and Welfare
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN (up) ISBN 9781119333708 Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes doi:10.1002/9781119333708.ch13 Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 6506
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Author Sigurjónsdóttir, H.; Haraldsson, H.
Title Significance of Group Composition for the Welfare of Pastured Horses Type Journal Article
Year 2018 Publication Animals Abbreviated Journal Animals
Volume 9 Issue 1 Pages 14
Keywords horse welfare; aggression; allogrooming; pastured horses; Icelandic horse
Abstract Simple Summary

Because of their social nature, horses need to have plenty of opportunities to interact with others to establish bonds and learn from their elders. Comparison of social behaviour of 426 horses in 20 groups of Icelandic horses in pastures, showed that aggression was lowest where the group composition was like the natural system, i.e., with a stallion, mares and their young foals. In groups without a stallion, the presence of foals is also associated with low aggression. Stability of the group with respect to group composition is of great importance; the horses are less aggressive in the more stable groups. The highest aggression was found in groups of unfamiliar yearlings. The horses allogroomed more in groups with relatively more young horses, which suggests they are forming bonds. Later, they groom less but prefer certain individuals. Horse owners should all be aware of the importance of planning the composition of horse groups and to keep the membership as stable as possible in order to ensure good welfare.


We explore how herd composition and management factors correlate with frequencies of social interactions in horse groups. Since the welfare of horses correlates with low aggression levels and social contact opportunities, information of this kind is important. The data are a collection of records of social interactions of 426 Icelandic horses in 20 groups of at least eight horses. The complexities and limitations of the data prohibit useful statistical modelling so the results are presented descriptively. Interesting and informative patterns emerge which can be of use both in management and in future studies. Of special interest are the low levels of agonistic behaviours in breeding groups where one stallion was present. The horses were less agonistic when in groups with young foals and where group membership was stable. Unfamiliar yearlings in peer groups were especially aggressive. Allogrooming was most frequent in groups with relatively more young horses and in unstable and small groups. Interestingly, the horses allogroomed more if they had few preferred allogrooming partners. The findings show that composition (age/sex) and stability of groups are of great importance with respect to aggression levels and opportunities for establishing bonds.
Corporate Author Thesis
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Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN (up) ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 6585
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Author Golynski, M.; Szczepanik, M.P.; Wilkolek, P.M.; Adamek, L.R.; Sitkowski, W.; Taszkun, I.
Title Influence of hair clipping on transepidermal water loss values in horses: a pilot study Type Journal Article
Year 2018 Publication Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences Abbreviated Journal
Volume vol. 21 Issue No 1 Pages
Keywords horses; transepidermal water loss; clipping
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn Place of Publication Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN (up) ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 6612
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Author Ratzlaff, M.H.; Wilson, P.D.; Hyde, M.L.; Balch, O.K.; Grant, B.D.
Title Relationship between locomotor forces, hoof position and joint motion during the support phase of the stride of galloping horses Type Journal Article
Year 1993 Publication Acta Anatomica Abbreviated Journal Acta Anat (Basel)
Volume 146 Issue 2-3 Pages 200-204
Keywords Animals; Equipment Design; Hoof and Claw/*physiology; Horses/*physiology; Joints/*physiology; *Locomotion; Motor Activity/*physiology; Physiology/instrumentation; *Posture; Shoes; Transducers
Abstract Three methods were used simultaneously to determine the relationships between the vertical forces exerted on the hooves and the positions of the limbs and hooves at the times of peak vertical forces from 2 horses galloping on a track straightaway. Vertical forces were recorded from an instrumented shoe, fetlock joint motion was measured with an electrogoniometer and the angles of the carpus, fetlock and hoof were determined from slow-motion films. At hoof contact, the mean angles of the carpus and fetlock were 181-182 degrees and 199-206 degrees, respectively. Peak vertical forces on the heel occurred at or near maximum extension of the carpal and fetlock joints. Peak forces on the toe occurred during flexion of the fetlock joint and at mean hoof angles of 28-31 degrees from the horizontal. The mean angles of the hoof from the horizontal at the time of heel contact were 6-7 degrees. Hoof lift occurred at mean carpal angles of 173-174 degrees and mean fetlock angles of 199-200 degrees.
Address Department of Veterinary and Comparative Anatomy, Pharmacology and Physiology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Washington State University, Pullman 99164-6520
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
Language English Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN (up) 0001-5180 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes PMID:8470468 Approved no
Call Number refbase @ user @ Serial 1945
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