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Author Rose-Meierhöfer, S.; Standke, K.; Hoffmann, G.
Title (up) Auswirkungen verschiedener Gruppengrößen auf Bewegungsaktivität, Body Condition Score, Liege- und Sozialverhalten bei Jungpferden Type Journal Article
Year 2010 Publication Züchtungskunde Abbreviated Journal Züchtungskunde
Volume 82 Issue 4 Pages 282–291
Keywords Liegen, Aktivität, Gruppenhaltung, Jungpferde, Sozialverhalten, Body Condition Score [Lying behaviour, activity behaviour, group housing, young horses, social behaviour, Body Condition Score]
Abstract Ziel der Untersuchung war es, herauszufinden, welche Auswirkungen eine Erhöhung der

Gruppengröße bei Jungpferden auf die Bewegungsaktivität, das Liege- und Sozialverhalten

und die Körperkondition hat. Hierfür wurden insgesamt 42 Pferde im Alter von ein

bis zwei Jahren in Laufstallhaltung in die Untersuchung einbezogen. Die Jungpferde aus

der Bewegungs- und Liegeverhaltensanalyse waren in zwei Kleingruppen (acht und

11 Tiere) und einer Großgruppe (23 Tiere) aufgestallt.

In der Bewegungsaktivität waren deutliche Unterschiede zu erkennen. Es ließ sich ein

positiver Einfluss einer höheren Tierzahl nachweisen, aber kein Einfluss des Alters. Beim

Ruheverhalten konnten höhere Liegezeiten und -frequenzen mit einer Zunahme der

Gruppengröße und eine Abnahme der Liegezeit mit zunehmendem Alter ermittelt werden.

Eine Störung des Liegeverhaltens durch Gruppengrößen, die nicht der natürlichen

Herdenstruktur des Pferdes entsprechen, wurde nicht nachgewiesen. Jedoch hatte die

Haltung der Jährlinge in der großen Gruppe einen Anstieg der repulsiven Verhaltensweisen

zur Konsequenz. Zudem zeigte die Bestimmung des Body Condition Scores

Unterschiede in der Körperkondition bei den Jährlingen der Groß- bzw. der Kleingruppe.

Einem Mangel an Bewegung, der für das Auftreten von Gliedmaßenerkrankungen und

Verhaltensstörungen verantwortlich gemacht wird, kann durch die Haltung von Jungpferden

in großen Gruppen entgegengewirkt werden.

[It is often discussed that the inactivity of horses causes diseases of their musculoskeletal system. Due to these problems the objective of the investigation was to quantify if the size of a group has an effect on the behaviour of young horses. Data from 42 horses in the age of one to two years have been involved in the investigation. The data of two small groups were compared with data of one big group with 23 horses. The movement and lying behaviour of 28 horses were measured with ALT pedometers. The social behaviour of 33 yearlings was documented by direct observation. The results show that the median of the movement time of horses in group A is 82 minutes per day. In group B this increases to a median of 101 and group C reaches the highest median of 149. In the case of lying time an increasing group size leads to a longer duration and a higher frequency of lying, whereas an increase in the age reduces the lying duration. International research studies have shown that keeping of horses in big group husbandry systems is not very common by the owners of horses. In contrast these investigations have shown that horse keeping in big groups has no negative influence on the social behaviour and the Body Condition Score of young horses.]
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Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 5671
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Author Zeitler-Feicht, M. H.; Streit, S.; Dempfle, L.
Title (up) Automatic feeding systems for horses in group housing systems with regard to animal welfare. Part 1: Feeding stalls versus automatic feeding systems Type Journal Article
Year 2010 Publication Tierärztliche Praxis Großtiere Abbreviated Journal Tierärztl Prax
Volume 38 Issue G Pages 363-370
Keywords Pferd, Fütterungseinrichtungen, soziale Interaktionen, Herzfrequenz, Verletzungsrisiko, Betriebseinfluss [Horse, feeding stations, social interactions, heart rate, risk of injury, individual farm management]
Abstract Gegenstand und Ziel: Überprüfung der Tiergerechtheit von Abrufstationen

für Kraftfutter und Heu in der Gruppenhaltung von Pferden anhand

ethologischer und physiologischer Parameter im Vergleich zu konventionellen

Fressständen. Material und Methoden: Die Verhaltensbeobachtungen

fanden in 11 bzw. 10 Offenlaufställen mit Abrufstationen

bzw. Fressständen statt. 270 Pferde wurden individuell unterschieden.

Untersuchungsparameter waren: Drohverhalten mit und ohne Verletzungsrisiko,

Meideverhalten, Verdrängung aus dem Fressstand sowie

Herzfrequenz und Integumentverletzungen. In jedem Betrieb erfolgten

kontinuierliche Direktbeobachtungen für je einen 24-Stunden-Tag (Tortenstückverfahren).

Ergebnisse: Im Wartebereich der Abrufautomaten

traten signifikant mehr Drohgesten ohne bzw. mit Verletzungsgefahr je

Pferd und Tag (8,6 bzw. 3,0) auf als im Wartebereich der Fressstände

(3,4 bzw. 0,9). Demgegenüber konnten die Pferde in Abrufstationen

(1,4 Drohgesten je Pferd und Tag) ungestörter fressen als in Fressständen

(3,2 Drohgesten je Pferd und Tag). Insgesamt betrachtet ergab sich

jedoch bei beiden Fütterungssystemen eine geringe Anzahl an sozionegativen

Interaktionen im Bereich der Futtereinrichtungen. Die Herzfrequenz

lag im Warteareal im Durchschnitt im physiologischen Bereich

(44,59 ± 11,73 Schläge/min). Integumentverletzungen im Zusammenhang

mit dem Fütterungssystem traten nicht auf. Der wichtigste Einflussfaktor

auf die Untersuchungskriterien war der Betrieb (Fläche, Konzeption,

Management). Schlussfolgerung: Unter dem Aspekt der Tiergerechtheit

hinsichtlich des Stress- und Verletzungsrisikos durch soziale

Interaktionen eignen sich bei ordnungsgemäßer Gruppenhaltung mit

fachgerechtem Management sowohl Fressstände als auch Abrufstationen

für Pferde im Offenlaufstall.

[Objective: A comparison with regard to animal welfare of feeding

stalls and automatic feeding systems for hay and concentrates in group

housing systems for horses using parameters of ethology and physiology.

Material and method: The observations of animal behaviour took

place in 10 stables with feeding stalls and in 11 stables with automatic

feeding systems. The field around the feeding systems was divided into

three areas with comparable dimensions (waiting area, exit area and

inside of the feeding system). 270 horses were individually observed.

Parameters of research comprised: threatening behaviour with and

without risk of injury, avoiding behaviour, ”chasing away from the feeding

place”, as well as heart rate and injuries of the integument. Every

group of horses was continuously observed for 24 hours. This observation

took place on four different days and comprised six sessions, each

of 4 hours. Results: In the waiting area of the automatic systems there

were significantly more threatening gestures with and without risk of

injuries for each horse and day (8.6 and 3.0, respectively) than in the

waiting area of the feeding stalls. In contrast, the horses could eat more

relaxed in the automatic systems (1.4 threatening gestures for each

horse and day) than in the feeding stalls (3.2 threatening gestures for

each horse and day). All together the number of negative interactions in

the feeding area of both feeding systems was relatively low. The heart

rate was within the physiological range (44,59 ± 11,73 beats/min) in

the waiting area. There were no injuries of the integument in correlation

with the feeding systems. The most important factor of the observation

criteria was the individual group housing system with its different dimension,

conception and management. Conclusion: Under the aspect

of animal welfare both feeding systems are suitable for horses with respect

to the risk of stress and injuries by social interactions and under

the condition of proper group housing with professional management.]
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Area Expedition Conference
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Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 5765
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Author Zeitler-Feicht, M. H.; Streit, S.; Dempfle, L.
Title (up) Automatic feeding systems for horses in group housing systems with regard to animal welfare. Part 2: Comparison of different automatic feeding systems Type Journal Article
Year 2011 Publication Tierärztliche Praxis Großtiere Abbreviated Journal Tierärztl Prax
Volume 39 Issue G Pages 33-40
Keywords Pferd, Fütterungssystem, Bauvarianten, soziale Interaktionen, Besuchshäufigkeit, Aufenthaltsdauer, Herzfrequenz, Verletzungsrisiko [Horse, feeding system, different types of construction, social interactions, visiting frequency, duration of stay, heart rate, risk of injury]
Abstract Ziel: Überprüfung der Tiergerechtheit von in der Bauweise unterschiedlichen

Futterabrufstationen für Pferde in Gruppenhaltung anhand ethologischer

und physiologischer Parameter. Material und Methoden: In 32

Offenlaufställen (452 Pferde) mit computergesteuerten Abrufstationen

für Kraftfutter und Heu erfolgten kontinuierliche Direktbeobachtungen

für je einen 24-Stunden-Tag (Tortenstückverfahren). Erfasst wurden: Aufenthaltsdauer,

Besuchshäufigkeit, Droh- und Meideverhalten im Fütterungsbereich,

Blockaden sowie Herzfrequenz und Integumentverletzungen.

Ergebnisse: Eine Durchlaufstation reduzierte die Zahl der Auseinandersetzungen

im Fütterungsbereich signifikant. Ansonsten erhöhten die

für das fressende Pferd tiergerechten Varianten (Fressstand mit Eingangssperre,

ohne Austreibehilfe) Besuchshäufigkeit und Aufenthaltsdauer und

steigerten somit auch die Anzahl an Drohgesten je Tier und Tag. Insgesamt

betrachtet kann jedoch die Anzahl an sozionegativen Interaktionen

im Fütterungsbereich der Abrufstationen als relativ gering eingestuft

werden. Die Herzfrequenz lag im Warteareal bei den meisten Pferden im

physiologischen Bereich (45,1 ± 12,42 Schläge/min), erhöhte sich jedoch

in der Abrufstation um ca. 20 Schläge/min. Einige Tiere zeigten möglicherweise

stressbedingt kurzfristig auffallend hohe Werte (≥ 100 Schläge/

min). Integumentverletzungen im Zusammenhang mit dem Fütterungssystem

traten nicht auf. Der wichtigste Einflussfaktor auf die Untersuchungskriterien

war der Betrieb (Fläche, Konzeption, Management).

Schlussfolgerung: Durchlaufstationen sind pferdegerechter als Rücklaufstationen.

Nicht tiergerecht sind Stationen mit stromführender Austreibehilfe.

Weitere bauliche Unterschiede der derzeitigen Futterabrufstationen

dürften eher von untergeordneter Bedeutung sein, vor allem da

Flächengebot und Konzeption der Offenstallanlage sowie das Management

die überprüften Kriterien zur Tiergerechtheit maßgeblich beeinflussen.

Untersuchungen zur Abklärung der Ursache für die vereinzelt aufgetretenen

sehr hohen Herzfrequenzwerte sollten durchgeführt werden.

Objective: Comparison with regard to animal welfare of different automatic

feeding systems for hay and concentrate in group housing systems

for horses using parameters of ethology and physiology. Material and

methods: Parameters of research comprised: duration of stay, frequency

of visit, threatening behaviour with and without risk of injury, and avoiding

behaviour as well as heart rate and injuries of the integument. 452

horses were observed at the feeding area of 32 run-out-sheds. Every group

of horses was continuously observed following the pie chart system for

24 hours. Results: The “walk-through” station significantly reduced the

number of conflicts in the feeding area, whereas those systems which are

appropriate for the feeding horses (feeding station with access barrier and

without stimulation device by electric shock) led to a higher frequency of

visits and a longer duration of stay resulting in more threatening gestures.

However, the number of negative interactions in the feeding area of the

feeding systems can all together be classified as relatively insignificant.

The heart rate was within the physiological range (45.1 ± 12.42 beats/min)

in the waiting area, but increased by approximately 20 beats/min on average

within the feeding station. Some horses showed a very high heart rate

(≥ 100 beats/min) while entering the feeding station, possibly stress-related.

There were no injuries of the integument associated with the feeding

systems. The most important factor of the observation criteria was the

individual group housing system with its different dimensions, conception

and management. Conclusion: “Walk-through” stations are better than

”walk-back” stations with regard to animal welfare. Likewise, automatic

feeding stations with a current-carrying stimulation device are not supportive

of good welfare. The other differences between the constructions

of feeding stations of present systems are probably of less importance, particularly

as it was shown that the stable (management, stable area, conception)

had a significant influence on the surveyed parameters. Investigations

to obtain information on the cause for the sporadic occurrence of

very high heart rate values should be undertaken.]
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Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 5766
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Author Krueger, K.; Esch, L.; Farmer, K.; Marr, I.
Title (up) Basic Needs in Horses?--A Literature Review Type Magazine Article
Year 2021 Publication Animals Abbreviated Journal Animals
Volume 11 Issue 6 Pages 1798
Keywords abnormal behaviour; active responses; horse; movement; passive responses; roughage; stress; social contact
Abstract Every animal species has particular environmental requirements that are essential for its welfare, and when these so-called “basic needs” are not fulfilled, the animals suffer. The basic needs of horses have been claimed to be social contact, social companionship, free movement and access to roughage. To assess whether horses suffer when one or more of the four proposed basic needs are restricted, we examined several studies (n = 38) that reported behavioural and physiological reactions to these restrictions. We assigned the studies according to the four types of responses investigated: (a) Stress, (b) Active, (c) Passive, and (d) Abnormal Behaviour. Furthermore, the number of studies indicating that horses reacted to the restrictions were compared with the number of studies reporting no reaction. The limited number of studies available on single management restrictions did not allow conclusions to be drawn on the effect of each restriction separately, especially in the case of social companionship. However, when combinations of social contact, free movement and access to roughage were restricted, many of the horses had developed responses consistent with suffering. Passive Responses, indicating acute suffering, and Abnormal Behaviour, indicating suffering currently or at some time in the past, were especially clearly demonstrated. This provides further evidence of the usefulness of assessing behavioural parameters in combination with physiological measurements when evaluating horse welfare. This meta-analysis of the literature confirms that it is justified to claim that social contact, free movement and access to roughage are basic needs in horses.
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title Animals
Series Volume 11 Series Issue 6 Edition
ISSN 2076-2615 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 6645
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Author Turner, K.K.; Nielsen, B.D.; O'Connor, C.I.; Burton, J.L.
Title (up) Bee pollen product supplementation to horses in training seems to improve feed intake: A pilot study Type Journal Article
Year 2006 Publication Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition Abbreviated Journal J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr (Berl)
Volume 90 Issue 9-10 Pages 414-420
Keywords *Animal Nutrition Physiology; Animals; Antibody Formation; Bees; Detergents; Dietary Fiber/metabolism; Dietary Supplements; *Digestion; Eating/*drug effects; Exercise Test/veterinary; Female; Heart Rate/drug effects/physiology; Horses/blood/immunology/*physiology; Leukocyte Count/*veterinary; Male; Oxygen Consumption/drug effects/physiology; Physical Conditioning, Animal/*physiology; Pilot Projects; *Pollen; Random Allocation
Abstract The objective of this study was to determine the efficacy of supplementation of Dynamic Trio 50/50, a bee pollen-based product, to improve physical fitness, blood leukocyte profiles, and nutritional variables in exercised horses. Ten Arabian horses underwent a standardised exercise test (SET), then were pair-matched by sex and fitness and randomly assigned to BP (receiving 118 g of Dynamic Trio 50/50 daily) or CO (receiving 73 g of a placebo) for a period of 42 days. A total collection was conducted from days 18 to 21 on six geldings to determine nutrient retention and neutral detergent fibre (NDF) and acid detergent fibre (ADF) digestibility. Horses were exercise conditioned and completed another SET on day 42. V160 and V200 were calculated from SET heart rates (HR). Lactate, glucose, haematocrit (HT) and haemoglobin (HB) concentrations were determined from SET blood samples. Total leukocyte count, and circulating numbers of various leukocytes and IgG, IgM and IgA concentrations were determined in rest and recovery blood samples from both SETs. Geldings on BP (n = 3) ate more feed than CO. BP had less phosphorus excretion, and tended to retain more nitrogen. BP tended to digest more NDF and ADF while having lower NDF digestibility and tending to have lower ADF digestibility. No treatment differences existed for V160 and V200, HR, lactate, HT and HB. There was a trend for lymphocyte counts to be lower in BP than CO on day 42. Dynamic Trio 50/50 supplementation may have a positive effect on performance by helping horses in training meet their potentially increased nutrient demands by increasing feed intake and thus nutrient retention.
Address Department of Animal Science, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA. kturner@uga.edu
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Language English Summary Language Original Title
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Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 0931-2439 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes PMID:16958799 Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 4237
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Author Miller, R.M.
Title (up) Behavior and misbehavior of the horse Type Journal Article
Year 2001 Publication The Veterinary Clinics of North America. Equine Practice Abbreviated Journal Vet Clin North Am Equine Pract
Volume 17 Issue 2 Pages 379-87, ix
Keywords Animals; Behavior, Animal/*physiology; Curriculum; Education, Veterinary; Horses/*physiology/*psychology; United States
Abstract For decades after the discipline of psychiatry had been established as an accepted specialty, many medical schools continued to fail to train their students in the fundamentals of this discipline. Medical students all have at least cursory exposure to psychiatric principles and basic psychology. Unfortunately, the veterinary profession has lagged behind human medicine in this regard. Until recently, veterinary students received no training in animal behavior, and there were no available residencies within our schools for developing board-certified behavioral specialists.
Corporate Author Thesis
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Language English Summary Language Original Title
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Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 0749-0739 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes PMID:15658182 Approved no
Call Number Serial 1894
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Author McDonnell, S.M.; Freeman, D.A.; Cymbaluk, N.F.; Schott, H.C. 2nd; Hinchcliff, K.; Kyle, B.
Title (up) Behavior of stabled horses provided continuous or intermittent access to drinking water Type Journal Article
Year 1999 Publication American Journal of Veterinary Research Abbreviated Journal Am J Vet Res
Volume 60 Issue 11 Pages 1451-1456
Keywords Aggression; Animal Husbandry; Animals; Behavior, Animal/*physiology; Drinking Behavior; Feeding Behavior; Female; Horses/*physiology/*psychology; Housing, Animal; Pregnancy; Pregnancy, Animal/physiology/*psychology; Social Behavior; Videotape Recording; *Water Supply
Abstract OBJECTIVE: To compare quantitative measures and clinical assessments of behavior as an indication of psychologic well-being of stabled horses provided drinking water continuously or via 1 of 3 intermittent delivery systems. ANIMALS: 22 Quarter Horse (QH) or QH-crossbred mares and 17 Belgian or Belgian-crossbred mares (study 1) and 24 QH or QH-crossbred mares and 18 Belgian or Belgian-crossbred mares (study 2). PROCEDURE: Stabled horses were provided water continuously or via 1 of 3 intermittent water delivery systems in 2 study periods during a 2-year period. Continuous 24-hour videotaped samples were used to compare quantitative measures and clinical assessments of behavior among groups provided water by the various water delivery systems. RESULTS: All horses had clinically normal behavior. Significant differences in well being were not detected among groups provided water by the various delivery systems. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Various continuous and intermittent water delivery systems can provide adequately for the psychologic well-being of stabled horses.
Address New Bolton Center, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Kennett Square 19348, USA
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Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 0002-9645 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes PMID:10566826 Approved no
Call Number refbase @ user @ Serial 1928
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Author Feist, J.D.; McCullough, D.R.
Title (up) Behavior patterns and communication in feral horses Type Journal Article
Year 1976 Publication Zeitschrift für Tierpsychologie Abbreviated Journal Z. Tierpsychol.
Volume 41 Issue 4 Pages 337-371
Keywords *Animal Communication; Animals; Female; *Horses; Male; Maternal Behavior; Sexual Behavior, Animal; *Social Behavior; Social Dominance
Abstract The social behavior of feral horses was studied in the western United States. Stable harem groups with a dominant stallion and bachelor hermaphrodite hermaphrodite groups occupied overlapping home ranges. Groups spacing, but not territoriality, was expressed. Harem group, stability resulted from strong dominance by dominant stallions, and fidelity of group members. Eliminations of group members were usually marked by urine of the dominant stallion. Hermaphrodite-hermaphrodite aggression involved spacing between harems and dominance in bachelor groups. Marking with feces was important in hermaphrodite-hermaphrodite interactions. Foaling occurred in May and early June, following the post-partum estrous. All breeding was done by harem stallions. Young were commonly nursed through yearling age. These horses showed social organizations similar to other feral horses and plains zebras.
Corporate Author Thesis
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Language English Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 0044-3573 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes PMID:983427 Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 3995
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Author Boyd, L.
Title (up) Behavior problems of equids in zoos Type Journal Article
Year 1986 Publication The Veterinary clinics of North America. Equine practice Abbreviated Journal Vet Clin North Am Equine Pract
Volume 2 Issue 3 Pages 653-664
Keywords Aerophagy/veterinary; Aggression/psychology; Animals; *Animals, Zoo; *Behavior, Animal; Coprophagia/psychology; Female; *Horses; Impotence/veterinary; Male; Mastication; Motor Activity; *Perissodactyla; Pregnancy; Sexual Behavior, Animal; Social Environment
Abstract Behavior problems in zoo equids commonly result from a failure to provide for needs basic to equine nature. Equids are gregarious, and failure to provide companions may result in pacing. Wild equids spend 60 to 70 per cent of their time grazing, and failure to provide ad libitum roughage contributes to the problems of pacing, cribbing, wood chewing, and coprophagia. Mimicking the normal processes of juvenile dispersal, bachelor-herd formation, and mate acquisition reduces the likelihood of agonistic and reproductive behavior problems. Infanticide can be avoided by introducing new stallions to herds containing only nonpregnant mares and older foals.
Corporate Author Thesis
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Language English Summary Language Original Title
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Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 0749-0739 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes PMID:3492252 Approved no
Call Number refbase @ user @ Serial 660
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Author Matzke, S.M.; Oubre, J.L.; Caranto, G.R.; Gentry, M.K.; Galbicka, G.
Title (up) Behavioral and immunological effects of exogenous butyrylcholinesterase in rhesus monkeys Type Journal Article
Year 1999 Publication Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior Abbreviated Journal Pharmacol Biochem Behav
Volume 62 Issue 3 Pages 523-530
Keywords Animals; Antibody Formation/drug effects; Behavior, Animal/*drug effects; Butyrylcholinesterase/*immunology/pharmacokinetics/*pharmacology; Cognition/drug effects; Color Perception/drug effects; Conditioning, Operant/drug effects; Discrimination Learning/drug effects; Half-Life; Horses; Humans; Macaca mulatta; Male
Abstract Although conventional therapies prevent organophosphate (OP) lethality, laboratory animals exposed to such treatments typically display behavioral incapacitation. Pretreatment with purified exogenous human or equine serum butyrylcholinesterase (Eq-BuChE), conversely, has effectively prevented OP lethality in rats and rhesus monkeys, without producing the adverse side effects associated with conventional treatments. In monkeys, however, using a commercial preparation of Eq-BuChE has been reported to incapacitate responding. In the present study, repeated administration of commercially prepared Eq-BuChE had no systematic effect on behavior in rhesus monkeys as measured by a six-item serial probe recognition task, despite 7- to 18-fold increases in baseline BuChE levels in blood. Antibody production induced by the enzyme was slight after the first injection and more pronounced following the second injection. The lack of behavioral effects, the relatively long in vivo half-life, and the previously demonstrated efficacy of BuChE as a biological scavenger for highly toxic OPs make BuChE potentially more effective than current treatment regimens for OP toxicity.
Address Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Washington, DC 20307-5100, USA
Corporate Author Thesis
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Language English Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 0091-3057 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes PMID:10080246 Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 4064
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