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Author Stucke, D.; Lebelt, D.
Title (up) “Animal Welfare Indicators (AWIN) – Erforschung von Schmerzindikatoren am Pferd” Type Conference Article
Year 2012 Publication Proceedings of the 2. International Equine Science Meeting Abbreviated Journal Proc. 2. Int. Equine. Sci. Mtg
Volume in press Issue Pages
Abstract Das EU-Projekt AWIN (Animal Welfare Indicators) hat zum Ziel, ein weltweites Netzwerk zum Thema Tierschutz und Wohlbefinden von Tieren zu erstellen, durch welches Forschungsergebnisse und neue Erkenntnisse ausgetauscht werden können. Diese Informationen sollen auch dem Gesetzgeber zur Verfügung gestellt werden, um neue Gesetze auf wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen beschließen zu können. Des Weiteren soll diese Plattform zu Trainingszwecken genutzt werden, damit Personen, die im Bereich Tierschutz arbeiten, sich fortbilden können.

In vier Arbeitsgruppen wird am Tier zum Thema Wohlbefinden und Schmerz geforscht. In der ersten Arbeitsgruppe werden Beurteilungsprotokolle für Ziegen, Schafe, Pferde, Esel und Puten erarbeitet, um Wohlbefinden und Schmerz objektiv bestimmen zu können. Dabei geht es sowohl um die Erfassung individueller Parameter, als auch um haltungsbedingte Parameter wie Tierdichte, Gruppengröße oder Mensch-Tier-Interaktion. Das Ziel dieser Protokolle ist die einfache Anwendbarkeit auf große Tierbestände.

Die zweite Arbeitsgruppe erforscht die Beziehung zwischen Wohlbefinden und Krankheit bzw. Schmerz. Der Einfluss von akuten oder chronischen Schmerzen kann das Wohlbefinden erheblich beeinträchtigen. Anhand des Krankheitsbildes der akuten und chronischen Hufrehe sowie durch den chirurgischen Eingriff einer Kastration an gesunden Pferden sollen Schmerzindikatoren am Pferd erforscht werden. Die akute Hufrehe dient als Modell für sehr starke Schmerzen. Die Schmerz-assoziierten physiologischen Parameter Herzfrequenzvariabilität und Zytokinreaktion im Blut werden bestimmt. Mit einem Schmerzbeurteilungsbogen werden außerdem ethologische Parameter wie z. B. Körperhaltung, Kopfbewegungen, Lahmheitsgrad, abnormale Gewichtsverlagerungen, Mensch-Pferd-Interaktionsverhalten und weitere physiologischen Parameter wie Atemfrequenz, Herzfrequenz, Darmgeräusch und Körpertemperatur erhoben. Durch das Krankheitsbild der chronischen Hufrehe sollen die ermittelten Schmerz-assoziierten Parameter auf ihre Aussagefähigkeit auch für weniger starke Schmerzen überprüft werden. In der Kastrationsstudie werden Basiswerte ohne Schmerzen vor dem chirurgischen Eingriff erhoben und mit den Werten nach der Kastration verglichen. Neben den oben genannten Parametern werden zusätzlich Cortisolmetaboliten im Kot bestimmt und es werden Videoaufzeichnungen von der Mimik des Pferdes gemacht und ausgewertet. Außerdem soll der Einsatz von Schmerzmitteln vor und nach der Kastration und deren Einfluss auf das Befinden des Pferdes nach der Operation erforscht werden. Das Forschungsziel der zweiten Arbeitsgruppe ist die Bestimmung von geeigneten Messparametern, durch die Schmerz objektiv beurteilt werden kann.

Die dritte Arbeitsgruppe beschäftigt sich mit dem Einfluss von pränatal erlebtem Stress auf die Individualentwicklung des Fohlens. Veränderungen in der Herdenstruktur, soziale Isolation oder abruptes Absetzen des letzten Fohlens während sensibler Trächtigkeitsphasen beeinflussen die tragende Stute und den Foetus. Nach der Geburt wird das Verhalten der Mutterstute und die Entwicklung des neugeborenen Fohlens beobachtet.

In der vierten Arbeitsgruppe schließlich wird das wissenschaftliche Netzwerk zusammengesetzt. Neben wissenschaftlichen Forschungsergebnissen und Publikationen werden auch Lernmaterialien („learning objects“) erarbeitet und zur Verfügung gestellt. „Learning objects“ sind digitale Lernmaterialien, in denen spielerisch Stück für Stück der Lerninhalt interaktiv erarbeitet werden kann.
Corporate Author Stucke, D. Thesis
Publisher Xenophon Publishing Place of Publication Wald Editor Krueger, K.
Language Deutsch Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 978-3-9808134-26 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Public Day Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 5564
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Author Dalla Costa, E.; Rabolini, A.; Scelsa, A.; Canali, E.; Minero, M.
Title (up) A study on inter-observer reliability of castration pain assessment in horses Type Conference Article
Year 2012 Publication Proceedings of the 2. International Equine Science Meeting Abbreviated Journal Proc. 2. Int. Equine. Sci. Mtg
Volume in press Issue Pages
Keywords Horse, Pain, Behavior, inter-observer reliability
Abstract Pain evaluation is a key issue for equine welfare and it is often cause of concern because it is difficult to determine its intensity and duration. This is essential when different people are looking after the animals and they need to decide when or not giving analgesics to guarantee the welfare of the subject. The most widely used technique to determine pain in horses is identifying pain related behaviors. The aim of this study was to determine inter-observer reliability of two different assessors evaluating pain related behaviors in horses undergoing castration. 8 stallions of different breed, aged between 2 and 4 years, were included in the study. All the subjects underwent routine castration (closed technique in general anesthesia). The subjects were placed in an observation box for 5 days and their behavior was recorded for 15 minutes before the surgery and 4, 8, 16, 24 and 40 hours after intervention. Two blind observers, using a given ethogram of horse pain related behaviors modified from literature (for a review Ashley, 2005), analyzed horses behavior at each interval. Descriptive statistics and K Kendall test were performed. Observers agreed significantly assessing agitation, reluctance to move, kicking the abdomen, lethargy, rolling, attention and curiosity (P<0.05), however agreement was low for head movements, stretching, flank watching, lowered head carriage, weight shifting, abnormal movement, fixed stare. Our results show that assessing pain in horses should be a cause of concern, because different pain related behaviors are difficult to identify and to have agreement between two observers. Training of care takers of horses on identification of specific behaviors is needed to standardize pain assessment. Acknowledgements: The authors wish to thank the EU VII Framework programme (FP7-KBBE-2010-4) for financing the Animal Welfare Indicators (AWIN) project and for providing funds for Emanuela Dalla Costa and Michela Minero to present this paper.
Corporate Author Dalla Costa, E. Thesis
Publisher Xenophon Publishing Place of Publication Wald Editor Krueger, K.;
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 978-3-9808134-26 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 5579
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Author Pierard, M.
Title (up) Agonistic and affiliative interactions in group housed riding horses (Equus caballus) Type Conference Article
Year 2012 Publication Proceedings of the 2. International Equine Science Meeting Abbreviated Journal Proc. 2. Int. Equine. Sci. Mtg
Volume in press Issue Pages
Keywords horse, group housing, social interactions
Abstract Group housed horses at a stud farm/riding stable in Belgium were observed on 17 days between 21 February and 25 April 2008, totalling 54hr25min of detailed data. The original group consisted of 8 Irish Cob mares, 1 Warmblood mare, 1 Arabian gelding and 2 Arabian mares. The group had been established in December 2007. During the course of the study 5 horses were removed from the group and 2 foals were born. 3 highly pregnant mares were housed adjacent to the group for part of the period. Horses were regularly used for lessons. Available surface area differed with the group on pasture at the end. Continuous all occurrence sampling of 10 agonistic and 2 affiliative behaviours was carried out for all group members present. Overall the group showed a frequency of 44.75 agonistic interactions per hour and 11.25 affiliative per hour. Of those agonistic interactions 46.3% were threats while 47% were less active interactions (displacement, being avoided), leaving only 6.7% more aggressive interactions ( mainly biting, some kicking and chasing). The effect on acting agonistically was not significant for age (p=0.1591) and borderline significant for density (p=0.0627). The analysis of the frequency of affiliative interactions showed there is no significant effect of age (p=0.1865) or density (p=0.7923). Agonistic and affiliative interactions were not significantly correlated (p=0.72). Affiliative behaviour a horse received showed a borderline effect (p=0.0787) on agonistic behaviour, as did the interaction between received agonistic and affiliative interactions (p=0.0725). Received agonistic interactions had a borderline negative effect (p=0.0656) on affiliative behaviour. A dominance hierarchy was calculated based on agonistic interactions using Empirical Bayes’ estimates based on Poisson regression with random effects. Agonistic behaviour expressed to other horses was significantly effected by relative rank (p=0.0243). Overall horses tended to be 3.7 times more aggressive towards lower ranking horses compared to higher ranking horses. Affiliative behaviour shown to other horses was not significantly influenced by the rank of the social partner (p=0.7915). Some individuals did show a significant effect whereby they showed more affiliative behaviour towards lower ranking individuals. This study was a small project to look at a practical situation of riding horses being kept in group housing. The frequent changes in group composition and available surface made it possible to look at agonistic and affiliative interactions in such circumstances. This is useful as instability in group composition is often used as main reason not to keep horses in social groups. The results from this study showed a borderline effect of density on agonistic behaviour. In reality it was also influenced by practical details, like a narrow paddock with only 2 hay crates on the smallest surface. Rank in a dominance hierarchy, based on agonistic behaviour, had a significant effect on the agonistic behaviour expressed towards higher or lower ranking horses. No injuries or escalating fights were observed. This study shows it is possible to keep a group of riding horses in a social context without excessive aggression.
Corporate Author Pierard, M. Thesis
Publisher Xenophon Publishing Place of Publication Wald Editor Krueger, K.
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 978-3-9808134-26 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 5515
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Author Mezei, A.; Posta, J.; Mihók, S.
Title (up) Analysis of eventing competition results of Hungarian Sporthorses Type Conference Article
Year 2012 Publication Proceedings of the 2. International Equine Science Meeting Abbreviated Journal Proc. 2. Int. Equine. Sci. Mtg
Volume in press Issue Pages
Keywords Sport horse, eventing, model comparison
Abstract The aim of the study was to evaluate the Hungarian Sporthorse population based on eventing competition performance. The database contained the results of 792 horses and 449 riders between 1996 and 2006. The eventing results were gathered from Hungary and other European countries. Blom transformed ranks were used to measure competition performance. Sporthorses competed in fourteen categories but only the easiest category (category ’A’) contained enough result to handle it as a single category (model I.). The other 13 categories were handled together based on professional reasons in a different model (model II.). In model III., all records were analysed together and the results were weighted according to the difficulty of the category. The competition results were classified into eight groups, each group had a weight (0-7) and it was multiplied by a constant 3, and the result of this formula was added to the original Blom score. The linear mixed models included fixed effects for age, sex, breeder, owner, location, year and random effects for animal and rider. The model II. contained one more fix effect for difficulty of the competition level. The distribution of number of horses and number of starts by sex were heterogeneous (P<0.05). For category ’A’ mares and geldings appeared in higher proportion, despite this fact ratio of stallions is greater in higher competition levels. Considering the goodness of fit in each model, model fitting to the weighted Blom scores was the best R2=0.82. In model III. every fix effects (age, sex, breeder, owner, location, year) were significant. Random effects for animal and rider were not significant, but form professional point of view they need to be included in the model. The variance components estimated for the weighted Blom scores were the highest also (0.52 rider effect, 0.09 animal effect), the animal x rider interaction effect was zero. The variance proportion of rider effect exceeded the variance proportion of animal effect in each model. Breeding values of eventing performance were predicted using model III. The reliability of the estimated breeding values was acceptable for only a few stallions. To improve the reliability of breeding values, more progenies should be used in eventing competitions (as a kind of progeny test) and more competition records needed (as a kind of own performance test).
Corporate Author Mezei, A. Thesis
Publisher Xenophon Publishing Place of Publication Wald Editor Krueger, K.
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 978-3-9808134-26 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 5548
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Author Kultus, K.B.; Balzer, H-U
Title (up) Analysis of Human-Horse-Relation Type Conference Article
Year 2012 Publication Proceedings of the 2. International Equine Science Meeting Abbreviated Journal Proc. 2. Int. Equine. Sci. Mtg
Volume in press Issue Pages
Abstract The relation between humans and animals is one of the most famous factors for animal welfare in modern housekeeping systems. Words like intuition and empathy in exposure to the horse are difficult to describe, to measure or to teach. In German speaking countries there is the sentence: a good rider knows what the horse will do before it can do it; a bad rider only reacts to what the horse has done. By using the monitoring systemsmardwatch® in connection with chronobiological regulation diagnostics it becomes possible to get insight in the interaction between human and horse.Thesmardwatch® enables measuring of so called psycho-physiologicalparameters likeskin resistance, skin potential, electromyogram and skin temperature, measured 10 times per second; it also registersbehaviorinformation as 3D-acceleration and -position and over this environment information like temperature, noise and brightness. Cutting hooves, cleaning and riding a horse are monitored for example. The data were analyzed under distinct aspectsby chronobiological regulation diagnostics developed byBalzerand Hecht (2000). The physical and vegetative activities of the human and the animalwhere pointed out separately and in their interactionat different levels. Very interesting is the influence of different humans on one horse or the influence of one human on distinct horses. The synchronies or asynchronies in the behavior of different human-horse-pairs could be proved at the level of their vegetative functions. While riding phases of exhaustion of the horse could be shown just as the increasingactivity of the rider to compensate this exhaustion. The method could be a basic approach to develop new training methods which agree with individual rhythms of riders and horses to optimize their achievement.These analysis are not only important for riding, they also give useful directions for daily contact with horses. So it will be possible to detect harmony/disharmony between human and horse for their pairing in order to teach them and to buy or sell a horse, respectively. KW horse, human, chronobiology, synchronisation, smardwatch
Corporate Author Kultus, K.B. Thesis
Publisher Xenophon Publishing Place of Publication Wald Editor Krueger, K.
Language Deutsch Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 978-3-9808134-26 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 5519
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Author Szarka, A.; Nagy, K.; Maros, K.
Title (up) Approaching a horse, approaching a human: Tolerating and seeking human contact in pastured horses Type Conference Article
Year 2012 Publication Proceedings of the 2. International Equine Science Meeting Abbreviated Journal Proc. 2. Int. Equine. Sci. Mtg
Volume in press Issue Pages
Abstract We tested untrained horses (foals and breeding mares) in 3 different breeding centres. Horses were kept in a pasture during daytime in bigger groups (median 12, min: 6, max 35 / pasture) according to age, gender and breed (hungarian halfbred, hucul, arabian and thoroughbred). To measure their reactions to an unfamiliar person we conducted an active and a passive human test. In the active human test the test person (TP) approached a focal animal in the group from a predetermined direction: from their front, from their side (left or right) or from the rear. As TP reached the horse (of app. 0.5 m distance), she tried to pet the animal’s head. The TP always chose and approached a standing or a grazing horse (ie. those that were not walking, galloping, playing etc.). The horse’s reaction to the approaching human was scored 1-5. Score 1: the horse moved away and the TP could not even approach it within 0.5 m; Score 2: the horse made max. 2 steps away, but could be reached and petted; Score 3 and Score 4: the horse stood in its place but showed different signs of discomfort (head turn – Score 3; backing ears, tail slash – Score 4); Score 5: the horse stood and did not show any sign of discomfort or actively approached the TP. There was no significant difference in the horses’ reaction between approaching from their left or right side. Approaching from their front or from their side (left or right) did not differ significantly either. However, the odds of walking away from the TP (score 1 or 2) was 2.7 (Fisher-test, p=0.039) and 3.3 (p=0.012) times higher when TP approached from the rear compared to approaching from their front or from their side (left or right), respectively. In the passive human test the TP stood immobile for 4 minutes in 5 or 10 m far from the horses during their active (grazing) or inactive (standing idle during noon) period. Horses approached TP significantly sooner (general linear model, p=0.017) when she stood 5m distance (38 ±63 s) compared to 10m (97 ±52 s). The arrival of a second horse after the first horse approached the TP showed significant high correlation with the latency of the first horse arrival (Pearson correlation, r=0.96, p<0.001). The horses were less keen (p=0.008) to approach the human when they were tested in an inactive period (177 ±110 s) compare to active period (38 ±63 s).
Corporate Author Maros, K. Thesis
Publisher Xenophon Publishing Place of Publication Wald Editor Krueger, K.;
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 978-3-9808134-26 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 5594
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Author Shultz, S.
Title (up) Are equid brains social? Exploring the evolution of equid social structure and social intelligence Type Conference Article
Year 2012 Publication Proceedings of the 2. International Equine Science Meeting Abbreviated Journal Proc. 2. Int. Equine. Sci. Mtg
Volume in press Issue Pages
Abstract The living equids display a variety of different forms of social organisation; plains (Equus quagga) and mountain zebra (Equus zebra) associate in small, closed harems, whereas the asses and Grevy’s zebra (Equus grevyi) are found in looser, more ephemeral associations. Feral domestic horses appear to be somewhat intermediate: although stallions generally maintain harems, there is some movement of individuals between groups. This talk will use several statistical approached to explore evolutionary explanations for these differences. Firstly, we will explore the relationship between brain architecture and social organisation both among the equids and across all Perissodactyls. Equids have larger relative neocortices than other Perissodactyls; within the equids, species typically found in more stable groups have larger neocortices than equids in more unstable ephemeral groups. The strong relationship between group stability and brain size and architecture mirrors that found in other mammals, including primates. Thus, living in stable social groups consistently appears to impose cognitive demands across species. In order to understand the historical trajectory resulting in the relatively large, social brains found in some species, we then reconstruct the evolutionary pathway of social living in the equids. Finally, we discuss how we can use network theory to measure social structure and how these differences may impose different cognitive demands on individuals.
Address social brain hypothesis, Bayesian modelling, social networks, brain size, social evolution
Corporate Author Shultz, S. Thesis
Publisher Xenophon Publishing Place of Publication Wald Editor Krueger, K.
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 978-3-9808134-26 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 5557
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Author Hori, Y.; Takimoto, A.; Fujita, K.
Title (up) Are there breed difference in referential behavior in horses (Equus caballus)? Type Conference Article
Year 2012 Publication Proceedings of the 2. International Equine Science Meeting Abbreviated Journal Proc. 2. Int. Equine. Sci. Mtg
Volume in press Issue Pages
Keywords breed difference, social behavior, referential behavior
Abstract Domesticated animals are characterized by variability of breeds. There is a great diversity in body size and/or coat color between different breeds. However, there are few scientific researches about difference in cognition and behavior between breeds. Comparison of behavior between breeds may be useful for the study of genetics behind the diversity of cognition and behavior. In the present study, we investigated behavioral differences between horse breeds. We tested two different breeds which have different histories, thoroughbreds and creoles. Thoroughbreds are racing horses which have been exposed to strict selection toward racing performance for about 300 years. Creoles are descendents of horses which were brought to South America by Spanish people in 15th century and used by native cowboys for riding. We compared the behavior in a difficult situation by using an “unsolvable task”. The experimenter put a food reward into a transparent box and closed it firmly so that horses could not take the reward. We compared the referential behavior (gazing behavior toward the experimenter) between thoroughbreds and creoles. We analyzed referential behavior by using generalized linear models (GLM) and model selection by Akaike’s information criterion (AIC). There were no effect of breed in the frequency and the duration of the referential behavior. But the latency before looking at the experimenter tended to be shorter in thoroughbreds than in creoles. This result suggests that there may be breed differences in horses’ social cognition and behavior. However, the effect of sex was also seen. Furthermore, we could not exclude the environmental effect (e. g. feeding environments, trainings) in this study. So we cannot explain the variation in referential behavior by breed effect only. We need to replicate the result by controlling environmental effects.
Corporate Author Hori, Y. Thesis
Publisher Xenophon Publishing Place of Publication Wald Editor Krueger, K.
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 978-3-9808134-26 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 5509
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Author Lojek, J.; Lojek, A.; Zielinska, A.
Title (up) Certain factors influencing the condition of free-ranging Konik Polski horses (Equus caballus) in the Bierza National Park Type Conference Article
Year 2012 Publication Proceedings of the 2. International Equine Science Meeting Abbreviated Journal Proc. 2. Int. Equine. Sci. Mtg
Volume in press Issue Pages
Keywords Body Condition Scoring; free-ranging; Konik Polski horses; Biebrza National Park
Abstract The objective of the study was to analyze certain factors influencing the condition of free-ranging Konik Polski horses in a fenced area measuring 200 ha located in the Biebrza National Park (Biebrza NP). The Body Condition Scoring system (BCS) was used not only as means of assessment of health and fitness of the horses but also for evaluation of the quality and productivity of the grazing area selected for horses, as well as stocking rate. Body Condition Scoring was determine with a 9-point scale by averaging the scores that were assigned to each of the six body areas that are most responsive to changes of body fat (Hennecke, 1983). The condition of horses was assessed 7 times from February 2009 to December 2011 on a total of 59 horses (3 stallions (n= 12 observations), 21 females 3–8 year olds (n=81) and 35 youngsters (up to 2 year olds) (n=88). The number (from 1 to 3) and composition of family bands varied throughout the period of investigation. The horse population in the Biebrza NP consist of horses from 3 different breeding centers. The analysis of variance (GLM) was used to investigate the effects of the fixed factors – weather conditions, family band, breeder of the horses, age and sex, on the mean of BCS points of horses (SPSS, version 19.0). The most important factor influencing the condition of free-ranging Konik Polski horses in the Biebrza NP were weather conditions, what is shown by the data concerning temperature from 3-month period preceding condition scoring (P < 0.01). This factor influenced not only animals, but also vegetation characteristics. The highest BCS means of horses (5.09) were achieved when average temperature during the 3-month period preceding condition scoring amounted between +1 to +8°C, and was better than obtained when average temperature amounted +18°C (4.80). The last temperature seems too high for horses and can be connected also with other factors, like high incidence of insects which could deteriorate grazing activity of animals. The lowest BCS means (4.56) were obtained when mean temperature was below 0°C. Other factors had no significant effect on the BCS means. As concern to breeder, the highest BCS means achieved mares from Popielno (5.08) – the oldest Polish free-ranging population of Konik Polski horses, which confirms that horses from this breeding center are justly considered to be the toughest and well adapting to difficult environmental conditions. The horses from the Biebrza NP achieved also high BCS means (4.79) which prove that they were well suited to the specific conditions of this habitat, which is overgrown mostly with forest – 73,7%, and willow and birch shrubs – 13,3% of area. The grazing area measures about 40 hectares and consists of wetlands dominated by sedges (Carex sp.). The horses moved from the Seven Island Reservation to Biebrza NP achieved the poorest results as far as adaptation to the conditions of the new habitat, and reached the lowest BCS means (4.57). The youngest horses (up to 2 year olds), 3-5 year olds, and 6-8 year olds had similar BCS means (respectively 4.94, 4.83, 4.68) which indicates good acclimatization of horses from different age categories to the grazing resources in the Biebrza NP. The highest means achieved by youngest horses indicate important trait of Konik Polski horses – mare`s careful care of offspring. The BCS means of horses from different family groups show the highest value of horses from family group of the most experienced stallion – Mrok (4.97). In every BCS scoring, stallions achieved the highest means, which was the reason to exclude their results from analysis. The results of this study suggest that the Body Condition Scoring of horses in the Biebrza National Park depends primarily on the acclimatization of horses to harsh environmental conditions and less importantly to belonging to a specific breeder, family band, age or sex.
Corporate Author Lojek, J. Thesis
Publisher Xenophon Publishing Place of Publication Wald Editor Krueger, K.
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 978-3-9808134-26 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 5504
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Author Zeitler-Feicht, M.H.; Streit, S.
Title (up) Checkpunkte für eine tiergerechte Fütterung von Pferden an Abrufautomaten Type Conference Article
Year 2012 Publication Proceedings of the 2. International Equine Science Meeting Abbreviated Journal Proc. 2. Int. Equine. Sci. Mtg
Volume in press Issue Pages
Abstract In der Offenstallhaltung von Pferden wird für die individuelle Fütterung der Fressstand, der eine art-typische synchrone Nahrungsaufnahme erlaubt, empfohlen (BMELV 2009). Seit einigen Jahren kommen jedoch vermehrt Abrufstationen für Kraft- und Raufutter zum Einsatz. Diese ermöglichen nur ein asynchrones Fressen, was das Risiko für Auseinandersetzungen im Fressbereich erhöht.

In einer repräsentativen Studie an insgesamt 567 individuell unterschiedenen Pferden in 32 Offen-laufställen mit Abrufstationen und 10 Betrieben mit Fressständen wurden die Aufenthaltsdauer und Besuchshäufigkeit sowie das Droh- und Meideverhalten der Pferde im Fütterungsbereich und die Häu-figkeit von Blockaden erfasst, des Weiteren Herzfrequenz und Integumentverletzungen. Fazit war, dass es an den Abrufstationen doppelt so oft zu Auseinandersetzungen kam als an den Fressständen. Als Ursache hierfür konnte die starke Frequentierung der Automaten eruiert werden. Umso wichtiger ist somit die tiergerechte Ausführung der Abrufautomaten. In der Studie konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass Durchlaufstationen pferdegerechter sind als Rücklaufstationen. Als nicht tiergerecht wurden Stationen mit Strom führender Austreibehilfe.eingestuft. Die für das fressende Pferd als verhaltens-gerecht empfohlene Variante (Fressstand mit Eingangssperre und ohne Austreibehilfe) führte zu einer Erhöhung der Besuchshäufigkeit und Aufenthaltsdauer und somit auch zu einer erhöhten Anzahl an Drohgesten je Tier und Tag. Die Herzfrequenz lag im Wartebereich bei den meisten Pferden im physio-logischen Bereich (45,1 ± 12,42 Schläge/min), erhöhte sich jedoch in der Abrufstation um ca. 20 Schlä-ge/min. Einige Tiere zeigten möglicherweise stressbedingt auffallend hohe Herzfrequenzwerte (&#61619; 100 Schläge/min). Integumentverletzungen im Zusammenhang mit dem Fütterungssystem traten nicht auf. Das Flächengebot und die Konzeption der Offenstallanlage sowie das Management erwiesen sich als maßgebliche Einflussfaktoren auf alle überprüften Kriterien zur Tiergerechtheit.

Um die Anzahl an Auseinandersetzungen im Fütterungsbereich von Abrufstationen zu mindern wird eine Reduzierung der Fütterungshäufigkeit von üblicherweise bis zu 24 Mahlzeiten auf nur 10 Mahlzeiten empfohlen, gemäß dem natürlichen Fressrhythmus von Pferden. Unabhängig vom Fütterungssystem traten die wenigsten Auseinandersetzungen auf, wenn die Pferde täglich etwa 1,5 kg Heu pro 100 kg Körpermasse erhielten bei zusätzlicher ad Libitum Fütterung von Stroh.

Nach bisherigen Erkenntnissen ergeben sich nachfolgende Checkpoints für Abrufautomaten:

Checkpunkte für Abrufstationen

&#61607; Schutz des Pferdes durch Trennwände über die gesamte Körperlänge

&#61607; Trennwände mit Sichtkontakt zu den anderen Pferden

&#61607; Durchlaufstationen mit separatem Ein- und Ausgang

&#61607; Eingangssperre für eine stressfreie Futteraufnahme

&#61607; Ausgang mit Pendeltüre und Rücklaufsperre

&#61607; Ausgang in einen anderen Funktionsbereich

&#61607; Ausreichend Ausweichmöglichkeiten für rangniedere Tiere

&#61607; Räumliche Trennung von Kraftfutter- und Heuautomaten

&#61607; Maximal je 10 Kraft- und Grobfutterrationen je Tier und Tag

&#61607; &#8805; 1,5 kg Heu bzw. Heulage pro 100 kg Körpermasse je Pferd und Tag

&#61607; Stroh zur freien Verfügung (Möglichkeit zum synchronen Fressen)

&#61607; Individuelles Anlernen der Pferde am Automaten erforderlich
Corporate Author Zeitler-Feicht, M.H. Thesis
Publisher Xenophon Publishing Place of Publication Wald Editor Krueger, K.
Language Deutsch Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 978-3-9808134-26 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Public Day Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 5568
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