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Author Zimmermann, W.; Zimmermann, M.
Title Operation unterm Kranichhimmel Type Conference Article
Year 2012 Publication Proceedings of the 2. International Equine Science Meeting Abbreviated Journal Proc. 2. Int. Equine. Sci. Mtg
Volume in press Issue Pages
Abstract (up) Auf dem herbstlichen Zug in den Süden rasten bis zu 80 000 Kraniche im Hortobágy Nationalpark im Osten Ungarns. Das einst von Wildtieren besiedelte Gebiet ist heute eine Kulturlandschaft aus Feldern und Weiden, wo seltene Haustierrassen wie Zackelschaf, Graurind und Noniuspferde grasen, die von Hirten mit ihren Hunden gehütet werden. Die noch erhaltenen Steppengebiete zeichnen sich durch eine große Vielfalt in Flora und Fauna aus. Sie sollen möglichst wenig betreten werden, damit vor allem die bodenbrütenden Vögel, wie z.B. die seltene Großtrappe nicht gestört werden. Deshalb wurde die Kernzone – das Pentezug-Gebiet (2400 ha) – mit Przewalskipferden und „Auerochsen“ zur natürlichen Beweidung besetzt. Bereits in den ersten Jahren fiel es auf, dass das Rind deutlich schlechter an die kalte Jahreszeit angepasst ist als das Wildpferd. Deshalb wurden beide Arten besendert, um Körpertemperatur und Herzschlagfrequenz zu messen. Außerdem sollten Gras- und Kotanalysen Aufschluss über die Unterschiede in der Futterverwertbarkeit liefern.

Der Film zeigt die chirurgische Arbeit im Feld und vermittelt einen Eindruck über die Funktion der Sender. Außerdem werden die neuen Bemühungen vorgestellt, aus dem Heckrind eine robuste Rinderrasse zu züchten, die dem Auerochsen noch ähnlicher sieht.

Ein Ziel der Untersuchungen war es, die klimatischen Grenzen zu erkennen, in denen die „Auerochsen“ einen Winter ohne Zufütterung überleben können. Diese Rinderrasse wird verstärkt zur Beweidung in Naturschutzgebieten eingesetzt, ihren Bedürfnissen wird aber nicht immer Rechnung getragen.
Corporate Author Zimmermann, W.; Thesis
Publisher Xenophon Publishing Place of Publication Wald Editor Krueger, K.
Language Deutsch Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 978-3-9808134-26 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Public Day Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 5572
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Author Gabor, V.; Gerken, M.
Title Cognitive testing in Shetland ponies (Equus caballus) using a computer based learning device Type Conference Article
Year 2012 Publication Proceedings of the 2. International Equine Science Meeting Abbreviated Journal Proc. 2. Int. Equine. Sci. Mtg
Volume in press Issue Pages
Keywords Shetland ponies, Cognitive abilities, Concept learning, Concept of sameness
Abstract (up) Complex housing environments such as group housing with automatic feeding or the close contact to humans in sports make high demands on the learning ability of the horse. These learning processes include not only habituation, sensitization and simpler forms of operant conditioning, but also stimulus generalization and possibly some type of concept learning. Studies concerning cognitive abilities in the horse increased in the last decades, but for optimizing housing conditions and horse training, deeper insight into the learning behaviour of this species is necessary. In the present study we used the advantages of a computer based learning device to train 7 Shetland ponies to solve a matching to sample task. With this more complex type of a discrimination task, animals are trained to recognize two out of three presented stimuli as identical. In a first step animals learned to operate the learning device and in further learning steps to recognize and assign geometric symbols (dot, cross, square, and triangle) presented on a LCD screen that were ‘equal’. Four of the 7 ponies could solve the given task by performing over 80% correct responses in two consecutive sessions (p < 0.001). In the subsequent transfer test with new symbols, we found that the ponies were able to transfer the learned rule. In further experiments it should be clarified whether the good learning performance of the ponies in the present study is indeed based on their capability to form an abstract concept of sameness. The present results indicate that ponies possibly posses higher cognitive abilities than so far known.
Corporate Author Gabor, V. Thesis
Publisher Xenophon Publishing Place of Publication Wald Editor Krueger, K.
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 978-3-9808134-26 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 5537
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Author Berger, A.; Wolfram, M
Title How to come together best? – Studies on integration processes of Przewalski horses into new groups (Equus ferus przewalskii) Type Conference Article
Year 2012 Publication Proceedings of the 2. International Equine Science Meeting Abbreviated Journal Proc. 2. Int. Equine. Sci. Mtg
Volume in press Issue Pages
Keywords Przewalski horse, zoo, semireserve, transportation, integration process
Abstract (up) Conservation of endangered species in zoos and other protected areas has saved several species from extinction. The Przewalski horse (Equus ferus przewalskii) is one of that species and, being an attractive large ungulate, it is a “flagship species” for conservation projects. Reintroduction into its former habitat is accompanied by many difficulties and is a great challenge. Semireserves have been defined as enclosures large enough to maintain groups of Przewalski horses throughout all seasons of the year without any supplemental provisioning. The animals are kept isolated from external human influences as far as possible, except for necessary interventions such as veterinary care. Hence, the purpose is not limited to preparing animals for survival under natural conditions, but is equally related to the need to gain experience in establishment of free-ranging populations. Naturally, horses live in groups in which all individuals are long-term acquainted with each other and a stable hierarchical system is established. In conservation management an integration of horses into strange groups is often need but at the same time implies social fights, stress and risks for the animals. We investigated the integration process of 4 Przewalski horses from Zoo Leipzig into the herd of 5 Przewalski horses in the semireserve Liebenthal (Brandenburg, Germany). Before transportation the social structure was determined in both the herd in Zoo Leipzig and in Liebenthal. After transportation the social hierarchy and the individual dominance indices were determined by daily observation. Continuous records of activity and feeding were taken from several individuals using the ETHOSYS-storage telemetry system. The automatically recorded behaviours were analysed for daily and ultradian rhythms and used for stress detection by calculating a value (DFC) representative for regularity and stability of rhythmic structures. In zoo conditions, the behaviour was very regular and the daily pattern nearly identical from day to day as expressed by DFC´s near of 100%. After transportation, the behaviour became much less regular, DFC´s dropped significantly, recovered slowly and stabilised on values typically for semireserve conditions. Social bindings and dominances of the former two herds were mainly retained. As an important result, long lasting and stepwise transition from zoo to natural habitats with special training using new observing techniques can be strongly recommended.
Corporate Author Berger, A. Thesis
Publisher Xenophon Publishing Place of Publication Wald Editor Krueger, K.
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 978-3-9808134-26 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 5513
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Author Pick, D.; Krueger, K.
Title Heuristics and complex decisions in man and horses Type Conference Article
Year 2012 Publication Proceedings of the 2. International Equine Science Meeting Abbreviated Journal Proc. 2. Int. Equine. Sci. Mtg
Volume in press Issue Pages
Abstract (up) Darwin’s claim of differences in mental abilities between man and other animals is a matter of degree rather than of kind and appears to apply nicely to a comparison of choice behaviour in humans and equine. Humans and horses make two kinds of decisions, fast reflexive decisions based on heuristics, and slower more considered decisions that require more complex cognitive processing. Heuristic use is adaptive in that decisions based on them are most often useful in helping an organism to survive while requiring little time and cognitive effort. There is considerable evidence that there is an innate basis to many heuristics in humans as well as horses. A case will be made that the investigation of heuristics specific to horses will lead to an understanding of equine behaviour that has not been possible using traditional learning theories alone. Traditional learning theories are restricted in explaining behaviour to appeals to reinforcement regimes or to the formation of associations between novel stimuli and stimuli that cause innate reflexes, but they are of no use when behaviour is controlled by stimuli that have never been reinforced or been systematically paired with other stimuli that cause reflexive responses. For example, a horse in a two-choice discrimination task may choose a familiar stimulus which has never been reinforced over a new stimulus added to the discrimination task, simply due to the use of an heuristic that usually works -- when in doubt, choose a more familiar object over an unfamiliar one. Conflict resolution strategies provide another good example of heuristic vs. slow decision making. In both humans and horses, conflict resolution strategies are used within, but not typically between social groups. Such groups can be defined as community of interest. Depending on the resource that has to be defended, groups may well be small identities, such as human families or horse harems, or large aggregations such as herds in horses, or religious groups or nations in humans. Fast and simple resolution is possible with stable social identities in simple environments, but more complicated and time consuming deliberative processes are required to resolve conflict over long-term resource acquisition, for decisions in complex conflicts situations and complex social settings.
Corporate Author Pick, D.; Krüger, K. Thesis
Publisher Xenophon Publishing Place of Publication Wald Editor Krueger, K.
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 978-3-9808134-26 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 5558
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Author Stucke, D.; Lebelt, D.
Title “Animal Welfare Indicators (AWIN) – Erforschung von Schmerzindikatoren am Pferd” Type Conference Article
Year 2012 Publication Proceedings of the 2. International Equine Science Meeting Abbreviated Journal Proc. 2. Int. Equine. Sci. Mtg
Volume in press Issue Pages
Abstract (up) Das EU-Projekt AWIN (Animal Welfare Indicators) hat zum Ziel, ein weltweites Netzwerk zum Thema Tierschutz und Wohlbefinden von Tieren zu erstellen, durch welches Forschungsergebnisse und neue Erkenntnisse ausgetauscht werden können. Diese Informationen sollen auch dem Gesetzgeber zur Verfügung gestellt werden, um neue Gesetze auf wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen beschließen zu können. Des Weiteren soll diese Plattform zu Trainingszwecken genutzt werden, damit Personen, die im Bereich Tierschutz arbeiten, sich fortbilden können.

In vier Arbeitsgruppen wird am Tier zum Thema Wohlbefinden und Schmerz geforscht. In der ersten Arbeitsgruppe werden Beurteilungsprotokolle für Ziegen, Schafe, Pferde, Esel und Puten erarbeitet, um Wohlbefinden und Schmerz objektiv bestimmen zu können. Dabei geht es sowohl um die Erfassung individueller Parameter, als auch um haltungsbedingte Parameter wie Tierdichte, Gruppengröße oder Mensch-Tier-Interaktion. Das Ziel dieser Protokolle ist die einfache Anwendbarkeit auf große Tierbestände.

Die zweite Arbeitsgruppe erforscht die Beziehung zwischen Wohlbefinden und Krankheit bzw. Schmerz. Der Einfluss von akuten oder chronischen Schmerzen kann das Wohlbefinden erheblich beeinträchtigen. Anhand des Krankheitsbildes der akuten und chronischen Hufrehe sowie durch den chirurgischen Eingriff einer Kastration an gesunden Pferden sollen Schmerzindikatoren am Pferd erforscht werden. Die akute Hufrehe dient als Modell für sehr starke Schmerzen. Die Schmerz-assoziierten physiologischen Parameter Herzfrequenzvariabilität und Zytokinreaktion im Blut werden bestimmt. Mit einem Schmerzbeurteilungsbogen werden außerdem ethologische Parameter wie z. B. Körperhaltung, Kopfbewegungen, Lahmheitsgrad, abnormale Gewichtsverlagerungen, Mensch-Pferd-Interaktionsverhalten und weitere physiologischen Parameter wie Atemfrequenz, Herzfrequenz, Darmgeräusch und Körpertemperatur erhoben. Durch das Krankheitsbild der chronischen Hufrehe sollen die ermittelten Schmerz-assoziierten Parameter auf ihre Aussagefähigkeit auch für weniger starke Schmerzen überprüft werden. In der Kastrationsstudie werden Basiswerte ohne Schmerzen vor dem chirurgischen Eingriff erhoben und mit den Werten nach der Kastration verglichen. Neben den oben genannten Parametern werden zusätzlich Cortisolmetaboliten im Kot bestimmt und es werden Videoaufzeichnungen von der Mimik des Pferdes gemacht und ausgewertet. Außerdem soll der Einsatz von Schmerzmitteln vor und nach der Kastration und deren Einfluss auf das Befinden des Pferdes nach der Operation erforscht werden. Das Forschungsziel der zweiten Arbeitsgruppe ist die Bestimmung von geeigneten Messparametern, durch die Schmerz objektiv beurteilt werden kann.

Die dritte Arbeitsgruppe beschäftigt sich mit dem Einfluss von pränatal erlebtem Stress auf die Individualentwicklung des Fohlens. Veränderungen in der Herdenstruktur, soziale Isolation oder abruptes Absetzen des letzten Fohlens während sensibler Trächtigkeitsphasen beeinflussen die tragende Stute und den Foetus. Nach der Geburt wird das Verhalten der Mutterstute und die Entwicklung des neugeborenen Fohlens beobachtet.

In der vierten Arbeitsgruppe schließlich wird das wissenschaftliche Netzwerk zusammengesetzt. Neben wissenschaftlichen Forschungsergebnissen und Publikationen werden auch Lernmaterialien („learning objects“) erarbeitet und zur Verfügung gestellt. „Learning objects“ sind digitale Lernmaterialien, in denen spielerisch Stück für Stück der Lerninhalt interaktiv erarbeitet werden kann.
Corporate Author Stucke, D. Thesis
Publisher Xenophon Publishing Place of Publication Wald Editor Krueger, K.
Language Deutsch Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 978-3-9808134-26 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Public Day Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 5564
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Author Flauger, B; Möstl, E.; Krueger., K.
Title The introduction of horses into new groups: Social interactions and cortisol release Type Conference Article
Year 2012 Publication Proceedings of the 2. International Equine Science Meeting Abbreviated Journal Proc. 2. Int. Equine. Sci. Mtg
Volume in press Issue Pages
Keywords Introduction technique; Aggression; Injury risk; Endocrine response; Stress; Integration horse
Abstract (up) Domestic horses are kept in so-called “fate societies” where they have to deal with frequent mixing. Several studies have evaluated and discussed the aggression level and injury risk during the introduction of horses into new groups, but nothing is known about the endocrine responses and thus if horses experience stress during introduction.

In this study we analysed the efficiency of four approved introduction techniques and evaluated the introduction of 30 horses into 11 different groups. Horses were introduced: 1) immediately, 2) after observing the new group for several days, 3) together with an “integration horse” after several days of observation, or 4) with a mixed strategy. Aggressive as well as positive social behaviour between the introduced horses and the group members were analysed the two hours following the introduction event. In addition, we focussed on the glucocorticoid production of the newcomer horses by measuring faecal cortisol metabolites (FCM) on the day of the introduction as well as the following three days.

For the four introduction techniques we found significant differences in the horses’ aggressive and submissive behaviour as well as in their total interactions. The introduction together with an integration horse led to significantly lower levels of aggression and less total interactions than the immediate introduction of single horses.

Horses which were introduced immediately or after an observation period showed significantly elevated levels of FCM on the first, second and third day after the introduction. For horses introduced together with an integration horse FCM were already significantly higher on the day of the introduction, indicating a stressful event before the introduction itself. In contrast, FCM levels were always very low when using the mixed technique.

In sum, horses have the ability to deal with conflict when they are introduced to new group members. The introduction event itself appears not to be as stressful as previously assumed. Standing together with an “integration horse” on a separate paddock and not being able to integrate immediately into a new group appears to be stressful for the newcomer. Based on the findings of our study we suggest to introduce new horses in group management together with a new group mate, a so-called “integration horse”. This would reduce the number of total social interactions as well as the aggression level. While this technique may be stressful for the newcomer, it lowers aggressive behaviour between the introduced horse and the group members and consequently reduces injury risks.
Corporate Author Flauger, B. Thesis
Publisher Xenophon Publishing Place of Publication Wald Editor Krueger, K.
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 978-3-9808134-26 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 5551
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Author Hori, Y.; Takimoto, A.; Fujita, K.
Title Are there breed difference in referential behavior in horses (Equus caballus)? Type Conference Article
Year 2012 Publication Proceedings of the 2. International Equine Science Meeting Abbreviated Journal Proc. 2. Int. Equine. Sci. Mtg
Volume in press Issue Pages
Keywords breed difference, social behavior, referential behavior
Abstract (up) Domesticated animals are characterized by variability of breeds. There is a great diversity in body size and/or coat color between different breeds. However, there are few scientific researches about difference in cognition and behavior between breeds. Comparison of behavior between breeds may be useful for the study of genetics behind the diversity of cognition and behavior. In the present study, we investigated behavioral differences between horse breeds. We tested two different breeds which have different histories, thoroughbreds and creoles. Thoroughbreds are racing horses which have been exposed to strict selection toward racing performance for about 300 years. Creoles are descendents of horses which were brought to South America by Spanish people in 15th century and used by native cowboys for riding. We compared the behavior in a difficult situation by using an “unsolvable task”. The experimenter put a food reward into a transparent box and closed it firmly so that horses could not take the reward. We compared the referential behavior (gazing behavior toward the experimenter) between thoroughbreds and creoles. We analyzed referential behavior by using generalized linear models (GLM) and model selection by Akaike’s information criterion (AIC). There were no effect of breed in the frequency and the duration of the referential behavior. But the latency before looking at the experimenter tended to be shorter in thoroughbreds than in creoles. This result suggests that there may be breed differences in horses’ social cognition and behavior. However, the effect of sex was also seen. Furthermore, we could not exclude the environmental effect (e. g. feeding environments, trainings) in this study. So we cannot explain the variation in referential behavior by breed effect only. We need to replicate the result by controlling environmental effects.
Corporate Author Hori, Y. Thesis
Publisher Xenophon Publishing Place of Publication Wald Editor Krueger, K.
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 978-3-9808134-26 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 5509
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Author Westermann, K.
Title The contribution of horses (Equus caballus) to human health Requirements, stresses and strains, selection, training, compensation and rectification Type Conference Article
Year 2012 Publication Proceedings of the 2. International Equine Science Meeting Abbreviated Journal Proc. 2. Int. Equine. Sci. Mtg
Volume in press Issue Pages
Keywords Therapiepferd, Anforderungen, Belastungsmomente, Auswahl, Training
Abstract (up) For a longer time, I occupy myself in my profession as a veterinarian, with the requirements and strains of horses (Equus caballus) used to contribute human health. For the first time complex and interdisciplinary scientific investigations are made to draw conclusions from determined requirements and strains of so-called therapy horses in regard to an adequate selection and training as well as compensation of physical and psychic strains and rectification of these horses. Focusing the physical and psychic resources of horses as well, it becomes obvious, that a horse which received conventional training, compensation and rectification is neither adequately prepared for its task as a therapy horse, nor adequately escorted through its employment. Therefore it is time now for hippologists and veterinarians to promote a justifiable use of horses for therapy purposes by suitable means having in mind not only the efficiency of the intervention, but also the safety of clients, therapists and horses as well as our responsibility towards the horse and animal welfare in general. For a concept profitable for all participants, different, each other complementing modules are worked out. Based on an interdisciplinary exchange of know-how and interdisciplinary cooperation, the decisive elements of a comprehensive, targeted, requirement-oriented and horse-friendly training, compensation of the horse’s strains and rectification are outlined.
Corporate Author Westermann, W. Thesis
Publisher Xenophon Publishing Place of Publication Wald Editor Krueger, K.
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 978-3-9808134-26 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 5538
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Author Burla, J.-B.; Ostertag, A.; Schulze Westerath Niklaus, H.; Hillmann, E.
Title Validation of the MSR145W Data Logger for Gait Determination in Horses (Equus caballus) Type Conference Article
Year 2012 Publication Proceedings of the 2. International Equine Science Meeting Abbreviated Journal Proc. 2. Int. Equine. Sci. Mtg
Volume in press Issue Pages
Keywords horse, activity, acceleration, gait determination
Abstract (up) Group housed horses at a stud farm/riding stable in Belgium were observed on 17 days between 21 February and 25 April 2008, totalling 54hr25min of detailed data. The original group consisted of 8 Irish Cob mares, 1 Warmblood mare, 1 Arabian gelding and 2 Arabian mares. The group had been established in December 2007. During the course of the study 5 horses were removed from the group and 2 foals were born. 3 highly pregnant mares were housed adjacent to the group for part of the period. Horses were regularly used for lessons. Available surface area differed with the group on pasture at the end. Continuous all occurrence sampling of 10 agonistic and 2 affiliative behaviours was carried out for all group members present. Overall the group showed a frequency of 44.75 agonistic interactions per hour and 11.25 affiliative per hour. Of those agonistic interactions 46.3% were threats while 47% were less active interactions (displacement, being avoided), leaving only 6.7% more aggressive interactions ( mainly biting, some kicking and chasing). The effect on acting agonistically was not significant for age (p=0.1591) and borderline significant for density (p=0.0627). The analysis of the frequency of affiliative interactions showed there is no significant effect of age (p=0.1865) or density (p=0.7923). Agonistic and affiliative interactions were not significantly correlated (p=0.72). Affiliative behaviour a horse received showed a borderline effect (p=0.0787) on agonistic behaviour, as did the interaction between received agonistic and affiliative interactions (p=0.0725). Received agonistic interactions had a borderline negative effect (p=0.0656) on affiliative behaviour. A dominance hierarchy was calculated based on agonistic interactions using Empirical Bayes’ estimates based on Poisson regression with random effects. Agonistic behaviour expressed to other horses was significantly effected by relative rank (p=0.0243). Overall horses tended to be 3.7 times more aggressive towards lower ranking horses compared to higher ranking horses. Affiliative behaviour shown to other horses was not significantly influenced by the rank of the social partner (p=0.7915). Some individuals did show a significant effect whereby they showed more affiliative behaviour towards lower ranking individuals. This study was a small project to look at a practical situation of riding horses being kept in group housing. The frequent changes in group composition and available surface made it possible to look at agonistic and affiliative interactions in such circumstances. This is useful as instability in group composition is often used as main reason not to keep horses in social groups. The results from this study showed a borderline effect of density on agonistic behaviour. In reality it was also influenced by practical details, like a narrow paddock with only 2 hay crates on the smallest surface. Rank in a dominance hierarchy, based on agonistic behaviour, had a significant effect on the agonistic behaviour expressed towards higher or lower ranking horses. No injuries or escalating fights were observed. This study shows it is possible to keep a group of riding horses in a social context without excessive aggression.
Corporate Author Burla, J.-B. Thesis
Publisher Xenophon Publishing Place of Publication Wald Editor Krueger, K.
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 978-3-9808134-26 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 5511
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Author Pierard, M.
Title Agonistic and affiliative interactions in group housed riding horses (Equus caballus) Type Conference Article
Year 2012 Publication Proceedings of the 2. International Equine Science Meeting Abbreviated Journal Proc. 2. Int. Equine. Sci. Mtg
Volume in press Issue Pages
Keywords horse, group housing, social interactions
Abstract (up) Group housed horses at a stud farm/riding stable in Belgium were observed on 17 days between 21 February and 25 April 2008, totalling 54hr25min of detailed data. The original group consisted of 8 Irish Cob mares, 1 Warmblood mare, 1 Arabian gelding and 2 Arabian mares. The group had been established in December 2007. During the course of the study 5 horses were removed from the group and 2 foals were born. 3 highly pregnant mares were housed adjacent to the group for part of the period. Horses were regularly used for lessons. Available surface area differed with the group on pasture at the end. Continuous all occurrence sampling of 10 agonistic and 2 affiliative behaviours was carried out for all group members present. Overall the group showed a frequency of 44.75 agonistic interactions per hour and 11.25 affiliative per hour. Of those agonistic interactions 46.3% were threats while 47% were less active interactions (displacement, being avoided), leaving only 6.7% more aggressive interactions ( mainly biting, some kicking and chasing). The effect on acting agonistically was not significant for age (p=0.1591) and borderline significant for density (p=0.0627). The analysis of the frequency of affiliative interactions showed there is no significant effect of age (p=0.1865) or density (p=0.7923). Agonistic and affiliative interactions were not significantly correlated (p=0.72). Affiliative behaviour a horse received showed a borderline effect (p=0.0787) on agonistic behaviour, as did the interaction between received agonistic and affiliative interactions (p=0.0725). Received agonistic interactions had a borderline negative effect (p=0.0656) on affiliative behaviour. A dominance hierarchy was calculated based on agonistic interactions using Empirical Bayes’ estimates based on Poisson regression with random effects. Agonistic behaviour expressed to other horses was significantly effected by relative rank (p=0.0243). Overall horses tended to be 3.7 times more aggressive towards lower ranking horses compared to higher ranking horses. Affiliative behaviour shown to other horses was not significantly influenced by the rank of the social partner (p=0.7915). Some individuals did show a significant effect whereby they showed more affiliative behaviour towards lower ranking individuals. This study was a small project to look at a practical situation of riding horses being kept in group housing. The frequent changes in group composition and available surface made it possible to look at agonistic and affiliative interactions in such circumstances. This is useful as instability in group composition is often used as main reason not to keep horses in social groups. The results from this study showed a borderline effect of density on agonistic behaviour. In reality it was also influenced by practical details, like a narrow paddock with only 2 hay crates on the smallest surface. Rank in a dominance hierarchy, based on agonistic behaviour, had a significant effect on the agonistic behaviour expressed towards higher or lower ranking horses. No injuries or escalating fights were observed. This study shows it is possible to keep a group of riding horses in a social context without excessive aggression.
Corporate Author Pierard, M. Thesis
Publisher Xenophon Publishing Place of Publication Wald Editor Krueger, K.
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 978-3-9808134-26 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 5515
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