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Fischhoff, I.; Dushoff, J.; Sundaresan, S.; Cordingley, J.; Rubenstein, D. Reproductive status influences group size and persistence of bonds in male plains zebra (Equus burchelli) 2009 Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 5193 63 1035-1043-1043 details   doi
Fischhoff, I.R.; Sundaresan, S.R.; Cordingley, J.; Larkin, H.M.; Sellier, M.-J.; Rubenstein, D.I. Social relationships and reproductive state influence leadership roles in movements of plains zebra, Equus burchellii 2007 Animal Behaviour. 1825 73 825-831 details   doi
Fischhoff, I.R.; Sundaresan, S.R.; Cordingley, J.; Rubenstein, D.I. Habitat use and movements of plains zebra (Equus burchelli) in response to predation danger from lions 2007 Behavioral Ecology 4360 18 725-729 details   doi
Ginsberg, J. R; Rubenstein, D. I. Sperm competiton and variation in zebra mating behaviour 1990 Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 1113 26 427-434 details   doi
Gueron, S.; Levin, S.A.; Rubenstein, D.I. The Dynamics of Herds: From Individuals to Aggregations 1996 Journal of Theoretical Biology 5253 182 85-98 details   doi
Krause Hoare; Hemelrijk; Rubenstein Leadership in fish shoals 2000 Fish and Fisheries 2067 1 82-89 details   doi
Nuñez, C.M.V.; Adelman, J.S.; Mason, C.; Rubenstein, D.I. Immunocontraception decreases group fidelity in a feral horse population during the non-breeding season 2009 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 5095 117 74-83 details   doi
Nuñez, C.M.V.; Adelman, J.S.; Smith, J.; Gesquiere, L.R.; Rubenstein, D.I. Linking social environment and stress physiology in feral mares (Equus caballus): Group transfers elevate fecal cortisol levels 2014 General and Comparative Endocrinology 5743 196 26-33 details   doi
Parker, G.A.; Rubenstein, D.I. Role assessment, reserve strategy, and acquisition of information in asymmetric animal conflicts 1981 Animal Behaviour. 5325 29 221-240 details   doi
Rubenstein D. I., Reproductive value and behavioral strategies: coming of age in monkeys and horses 1982 Perspectives in Ethology 1525 5 469-487 details   openurl
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