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Meriggi,A.; Lovari, S. A Review of Wolf Predation in Southern Europe: Does the Wolf Prefer Wild Prey to Livestock? 1996 Journal of Applled Ecology 6387 33 1561-1571 details   openurl
Zentall, T.R.; Sutton, J.E.; Sherburne, L.M. True imitative learning in pigeons 1996 Psychol Sci 6372 7 details   doi
Kruska, D. The effect of domestication on brain size and composition in the mink (Mustela vison) 1996 J Zool 6234 239 details   doi
Tomasello, M. Do apes ape? 1996 Social learning in animals: the roots of culture 5600 319-346 details   openurl
Beerda, B.; Schilder, M.B.H.; Janssen, N.S.C.R.M.; Mol, J.A. The Use of Saliva Cortisol, Urinary Cortisol, and Catecholamine Measurements for a Noninvasive Assessment of Stress Responses in Dogs 1996 Hormones and Behavior 5574 30 272-279 details   doi
Pollard, J.C.; Littlejohn, R.P. The effects of pen size on the behaviour of farmed red deer stags confined in yards 1996 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 5472 47 247-253 details   doi
Nishida, T.; Hosaka K. Coalition strategies among adult male chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains, Tanzania. 1996 Great Ape Societies. 5470 114-135 details   openurl
Salmivalli, C.; Lagerspetz, K.; Björkqvist, K.; Österman, K.; Kaukiainen, A. Bullying as a group process: Participant roles and their relations to social status within the group 1996 Aggressive Behavior 5435 22 1-15 details   doi
Frank S. A. Policing and group cohesion when resources vary. 1996 Animal Behaviour 5429 52 1163-1169 details   openurl
Gueron, S.; Levin, S.A.; Rubenstein, D.I. The Dynamics of Herds: From Individuals to Aggregations 1996 Journal of Theoretical Biology 5253 182 85-98 details   doi
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