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  Author Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Galef, B.G. Enduring social enhancement of rats' preferences for the palatable and the piquant 1989 Appetite 6567 13 81-92 details   doi
Harrington, F.H. Chorus howling by wolves: Acoustic structures, pack size and Beau Geste effect 1989 Bioacoustics 6463 2 details   doi
Lloyd, P.H.; Rasa, O.A.E. Status, reproductive success and fitness in Cape mountain zebra (Equus zebra zebra) 1989 5787 25 411-420 details   doi
Kondo, S.; Sekine, J.; Okubo, M.; Asahida, Y. The effect of group size and space allowance on the agonistic and spacing behavior of cattle 1989 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 5473 24 127-135 details   doi
Cheney, D.L.; Seyfarth, R.M. Reconciliation and redirected aggression in vervet monkeys, Behaviour 1989 Behaviour 4865 110 258-275 details   openurl
de Waal, F.B.M. Peacemaking Among Primates 1989 4924 details   openurl
Daniels, T.J.; Bekoff, M. Feralization: The making of wild domestic animals 1989 Behavioural Processes 4580 19 79-94 details   doi
McCullough, P.; Nelder, J.A. Generalized linear models. 1989 4370 details   isbn
Valone, T.J. Group foraging, public information, and patch estimation 1989 Oikos 4274 56 357-363 details   openurl
Huizinga, H.A.; van der Meij, G.J.W. Estimated parameters of performance in jumping and dressage competition of the Dutch Warmblood horse 1989 Livestock Production Science 3966 21 333-345 details   url
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