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  Author Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Harris, F. On the Use of Windows for Harmonic Analysis with the Discrete Fourier Transform 1978 Proc IEEE 6486 66 details   doi
Coblentz, B.E. The effects of feral goats (Capra hircus) on island ecosystems 1978 Biol Conserv 6250 13 details   doi
Murphy, L.B. The practical problems of recognizing and measuring fear and exploration behaviour in the domestic fowl 1978 Animal Behaviour 5640 26, Part 2 422-431 details   doi
Herron, M.A.; Martin, J.E.; Joyce, J.R. Quantitative study of the decussating optic axons in the pony, cow, sheep, and pig. 1978 American Journal of Veterinary Research 5586 39 1137-9 details   openurl
Hinde, R. A. Dominance and role—two concepts with dual meanings 1978 Journal of Social and Biological Structures 5434 1 27-38 details   doi
Stammbach, E. On Social Differentiation in Groups of Captive Female Hamadryas Baboons 1978 Behaviour 5248 67 322-338 details   doi
Ödberg, F.O. A Study of the Hearing Ability of Horses 1978 Equine Veterinary Journal 5230 10 82-84 details   doi
Parker, G.A.; MacNair, M.R. Models of parent-offspring conflict. I. Monogamy 1978 Animal Behaviour. 4901 26 97-110 details   doi
Sorensen, A.B. Mathematical Models in Sociology 1978 Annual Review of Sociology 4293 4 345-371 details   doi
Dickinson, A.; Mackintosh, N.J. Classical Conditioning in Animals 1978 Annual Review of Psychology 3539 29 587-612 details   url
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