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  Author Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Humphrey, N. K. The social function of intellect. 1976 Growing Points in Ethology 5459 303-317 details   openurl
Bernstein, I. S. Dominance, aggression and reproduction in primate societies 1976 Journal of Theoretical Biology 5441 60 459-472 details   doi
Schaller, G.B: The Serengeti Lion: A Study of Predator-Prey Relations (Wildlife Behavior and Ecology series) 1976 5159 details   isbn
Smith, J.M.; Parker, G.A. The logic of asymmetric contests 1976 Animal Behaviour. 5103 24 159-175 details   doi
Dow, M.; Ewing, A.W.; Sutherland, I. Studies on the behaviour of cyprinodont fish. III. The temporal patterning of aggression in Aphyosemion striatum (Boulenger) 1976 Behaviour 4151 59 252-268 details   openurl
Ziegler, W.H. [Endocrinological studies in arterial hypertension. Search for phaeochromocytoma] 1976 Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift 4047 106 1148-1150 details   openurl
Feist, J.D.; McCullough, D.R. Behavior patterns and communication in feral horses 1976 Zeitschrift für Tierpsychologie 3995 41 337-371 details   doi
Domjan, M. Determinants of the enhancement of flavored-water intake by prior exposure 1976 Journal of Experimental Psychology. Animal Behavior Processes 2790 2 17-27 details   openurl
Lutta, A.S. [Distribution and biology of Heptatoma pellucens in the Karelian ASSR (fam. Tabanidae)] 1976 Parazitologiia 2701 10 53-55 details   openurl
Dowdle, W.R.; Schild, G.C. Influenza: its antigenic variation and ecology 1976 Bulletin of the Pan American Health Organization 2700 10 193-195 details   openurl
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