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  Author Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Parker, G.A. Assessment strategy and the evolution of fighting behaviour 1974 Journal of Theoretical Biology 4935 47 223-243 details   doi
Hinde, R.A. Biological Bases of Human Social Behavior 1974 4849 details   openurl
Clutton-Brock, T.H. Primate social organisation and ecology 1974 4730 250 539-542 details   doi
Altmann, J. Observational Study of Behavior: Sampling Methods 1974 Behaviour 4684 49 227-266 details   doi
Andrew, R.J. Changes in visual responsiveness following intercollicular lesions and their effects on avoidance and attack 1974 Brain, Behavior and Evolution 4626 10 400-424 details   doi
Jarman, P.J . The social behaviour of antelope in relation to their ecology 1974 Behaviour 4264 48 213-267 details   doi
Geist, V. On the Relationship of Social Evolution and Ecology in Ungulates 1974 Amer. Zool. 4261 14 205-220 details   doi
McGrew WC Tool use by wild chimpanzees in feeding upon driver ants 1974 J. Hum. Evol. 3018 3 501 details   openurl
Bourdin, P.; Laurent, A. [Ecology of African horsesickness] 1974 Revue d'Elevage et de Medecine Veterinaire des Pays Tropicaux 2710 27 163-168 details   openurl
Davies, R.B.; Clark, G.G. Trypanosomes from elk and horse flies in New Mexico 1974 Journal of Wildlife Diseases 2709 10 63-65 details   openurl
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