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Benhajali, H., Richard-Yris, M. - A., Leroux, M., Ezzaouia, M., Charfi, F., & Hausberger, M. (2008). A note on the time budget and social behaviour of densely housed horses: A case study in Arab breeding mares. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 112(1-2), 196–200.
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Breuer, K., Sutcliffe, M. E. M., Mercer, J. T., Rance, K. A., Beattie, V. E., Sneddon, I. A., et al. (2003). The effect of breed on the development of adverse social behaviours in pigs. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 84(1), 59–74.
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Chaudhuri, M., & Ginsberg, J. R. (1990). Urinary androgen concentrations and social status in two species of free ranging zebra (Equus burchelli and E. grevyi). J Reprod Fert, 88, 127–133.
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Christensen, J. W., Ladewig, J., Sondergaard, E., & Malmkvist, J. (2002). Effects of individual versus group stabling on social behaviour in domestic stallions. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 75(3), 233–248.
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Christensen, J. W., Søndergaard, E., Thodberg, K., & Halekoh, U. (2011). Effects of repeated regrouping on horse behaviour and injuries. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 133(3), 199–206.
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Christensen, J. W., Zharkikh, T., Ladewig, J., & Yasinetskaya, N. (2002). Social behaviour in stallion groups (Equus przewalskii and Equus caballus) kept under natural and domestic conditions. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 76(1), 11–20.
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Cloutier, S., Newberry, R. C., & Honda, K. (2004). Comparison of social ranks based on worm-running and aggressive behaviour in young domestic fowl. Behav. Process., 65(1), 79–86.
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Flauger, B., & Krueger, K. (2012). Social feeding decisions in horses (Equus caballus). In Proceedings of the 2. International Equine Science Meeting (Vol. in press). Wald: Xenophon Publishing.
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Flauger, B., & Krueger, K. (2013). Aggressionslevel und Platzangebot bei Pferden (Equus caballus) [ Aggression level and enclosure size in horses (Equus caballus)]. Pferdeheilkunde, 29(4), 495–504.
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Fureix, C., Bourjade, M., Henry, S., Sankey, C., & Hausberger, M. (2012). Exploring aggression regulation in managed groups of horses Equus caballus. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 138(3–4), 216–228.
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