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Bell, R. J. W., Kingston, J. K., Mogg, T. D., & Perkins, N. R. (2007). The prevalence of gastric ulceration in racehorses in New Zealand. N Z Vet J, 55(1), 13–18.
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Bentley, T., Macky, K., & Edwards, J. (2006). Injuries to New Zealanders participating in adventure tourism and adventure sports: an analysis of Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) claims. N Z Med J, 119(1247), U2359.
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Boray, J. C. (1969). Experimental fascioliasis in Australia. Adv Parasitol, 7, 95–210.
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Linklater, W. L., Cameron, E. Z., Stafford, K. J., & Veltman, C. J. (2000). Social and spatial structure and range use by Kaimanawa wild horses (Equus caballus: Equidae). New Zealand J. Ecol., 24(2), 139–152.
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