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Alexandridis, A. (2009). Pferdgestützte Bewegungstherapie bei Essstörungen. mup, 1, 13–26.
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Bartosova, J., Dvorakova, R., Vancatova, M., & Svobodova, I. (2008). Comprehension of human pointing gesture in domestic horses: Effect of training method. In IESM 2008.
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Birke, L. (2007). “Learning to speak horse”: The culture of “natural horsemanship”. Society and Animals, 15(3), 217–239.
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Birke, L., Hockenhull, J., Creighton, E., Pinno, L., Mee, J., & Mills, D. (). Horses' responses to variation in human approach. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., In Press, Corrected Proof.
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Rozempolska-Ruci&#324, ska, I., Trojan, M., Kosik, E. &#380, bieta, Próchniak, T., et al. (2013). How “natural” training methods can affect equine mental state? A critical approach -- a review. Animal Science Papers & Reports, 31(3), 185.
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