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Christensen, J. W., Zharkikh, T., Ladewig, J., & Yasinetskaya, N. (2002). Social behaviour in stallion groups (Equus przewalskii and Equus caballus) kept under natural and domestic conditions. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 76(1), 11–20.
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King, S. R. B. (2002). Home range and habitat use of free-ranging Przewalski horses at Hustai National Park, Mongolia. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 78(2-4), 103–113.
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King, S. R. B., & Gurnell, J. (2005). Habitat use and spatial dynamics of takhi introduced to Hustai National Park, Mongolia. Biol. Conserva., 124(2), 277–290.
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