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Atwill, E. R., Mohammed, H. O., & Lopez, J. W. (1996). Evaluation of travel and use as a risk factor for seropositivity to Ehrlichia risticii in horses of New York state. Am J Vet Res, 57(3), 272–277.
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Heitkamp, H. C., Horstmann, T., & Hillgeris, D. (1998). [Riding injuries and injuries due to handling horses in experienced riders]. Unfallchirurg, 101(2), 122–128.
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Jonsson, H., & Egenvall, A. (2006). Prevalence of gastric ulceration in Swedish Standardbreds in race training. Equine Vet J, 38(3), 209–213.
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Peltzer, K., Mabilu, M. G., Mathoho, S. F., Nekhwevha, A. P., Sikhwivhilu, T., & Sinthumule, T. S. (2006). Trauma history and severity of gambling involvement among horse-race gamblers in a South African gambling setting. Psychol Rep, 99(2), 472–476.
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Romano, N., Vitale, F., Alesi, D. R., Bonura, F., La Licata, R., Intonazzo, V., et al. (1992). The changing pattern of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection in intravenous drug users. Results of a six-year seroprevalence study in Palermo, Italy. Am J Epidemiol, 135(11), 1189–1196.
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