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Barton, R. A., Byrne, R. W., & Whiten, A. (1996). Ecology, feeding competition and social structure in baboons. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol., 38(5), 321–329.
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Boyce, P. N., & McLoughlin, P. D. (2021). Ecological Interactions Involving Feral Horses and Predators: Review with Implications for Biodiversity Conservation. Jour. Wild. Mgmt., n/a(n/a).
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Bräuer, J., Call, J., & Tomasello, M. (2008). Chimpanzees do not take into account what others can hear in a competitive situation. Anim. Cogn., 11(1), 1435–9448.
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Duncan, P., Foose, T. J., Gordon, I. J., Gakahu, C. G., & Lloyd, M. (1990). Comparative nutrient extraction from forages by grazing bovids and equids: a test of the nutritional model of equid/bovid competition and coexistence. Oecologia, 84(3), 411–418.
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Huizinga, H. A., Boukamp, M., & Smolders, G. (1990). Estimated parameters of field performance testing of mares from the Dutch Warmblood riding horse population. Livestock Production Science, 26(4), 291–299.
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Kaminski, J., Pitsch, A., & Tomasello, M. (2013). Dogs steal in the dark. Animal Cognition, 16(3), 385–394.
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Scordato, E. S., & Drea, C. M. (2007). Scents and sensibility: information content of olfactory signals in the ringtailed lemur, Lemur catta. Anim. Behav., 73(2), 301–314.
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Shrader, A. M., Kerley, G. I. H., Kotler, B. P., & Brown, J. S. (2007). Social information, social feding, and competition in group-living goats (Capra hircus). Behav. Ecol., 18(1), 103–107.
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Smith, J. E., Kolowski, J. M., Graham, K. E., Dawes, S. E., & Holekamp, K. E. (2008). Social and ecological determinants of fission-fusion dynamics in the spotted hyaena. Anim. Behav., 76(3), 619–636.
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