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da Cruz, A. B., Hirata, S., dos Santos, M. E., & Mendonça, R. S. (2023). Show me your best side: Lateralization of social and resting behaviors in feral horses. Behav. Process., 206, 104839.
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da Cruz, A. B., Hirata, S., dos Santos, M. E., & Mendonça, R. S. (2023). Show me your best side: Lateralization of social and resting behaviors in feral horses. Behav. Process., 206, 104839.
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Reddon, A. R., & Hurd, P. L. (2009). Acting unilaterally: Why do animals with strongly lateralized brains behave differently than those with weakly lateralized brains? Bioscience Hypotheses, 2(6), 383–387.
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Reddon, A. R., & Hurd, P. L. (2009). Individual differences in cerebral lateralization are associated with shy-bold variation in the convict cichlid. Anim. Behav., 77(1), 189–193.
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Zucca, P., Cerri, F., Carluccio, A., & Baciadonna, L. (). Space availability influence laterality in donkeys (Equus asinus). Behav. Process., In Press, Uncorrected Proof.
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