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Konstantinov, S. A., & Veselkin, A. G. (1989). [The intensity and efficiency of a gadfly attack on cattle depending on the number and location of the animals in the herd]. Parazitologiia, 23(1), 3–10.
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Krcmar, S., & Maric, S. (2006). Analysis of the feeding sites for some horse flies (Diptera, Tabanidae) on a human in Croatia. Coll Antropol, 30(4), 901–904.
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Labruna, M. B., & Amaku, M. (2006). Rhythm of engorgement and detachment of Anocentor nitens females feeding on horses. Vet Parasitol, 137(3-4), 316–332.
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Strickman, D. (1982). Notes on Tabanidae (Diptera) from Paraguay. J Med Entomol, 19(4), 399–402.
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