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Author (up) Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages
R Foundation for Statistical Computing 2013 6295
Abramson, J.Z.; Hernández-Lloreda, V.; Call, J.; Colmenares, F. Experimental evidence for action imitation in killer whales (Orcinus orca) 2013 5695 16 11-22
Adelman, M.; Knijnik, J. Gender and Equestrian Sport 2013 6389
Baciadonna, L.; McElligott, A.G.; Briefer, E.F. Goats favour personal over social information in an experimental foraging task 2013 Peer J 6269 1
Becker-Birck, M.; Schmidt, A.; Wulf, M.; Aurich, J.; von der Wense, A.; Möstl, E.; Berz, R.; Aurich, C. Cortisol release, heart rate and heart rate variability, and superficial body temperature, in horses lunged either with hyperflexion of the neck or with an extended head and neck position 2013 Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition 6182 97 322-330
Begall, S.; Malkemper, E.P.; Cervený, J.; Nemec, P.; Burda, H. Magnetic alignment in mammals and other animals 2013 Mammalian Biology – Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde 5678 78 10-20
Benson-Amram, S.; Weldele, M.L.; Holekamp, K.E. A comparison of innovative problem-solving abilities between wild and captive spotted hyaenas, Crocuta crocuta 2013 Animal Behaviour 5657 85 349-356
Benz, B.; Benitz, B.; Krueger, K.; Winter, D. Weniger Einstreu bei gleichem Komfort 2013 Pferdezucht und Haltung 5654 1 66-71
Beran, M.J.; Smith, J.D.; Perdue, B.M. Language-Trained Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) Name What They Have Seen but Look First at What They Have Not Seen 2013 Psychological Science 5659
Briefer Freymond, S.; Briefer, E.F.; Niederhäusern, R.V.; Bachmann, I. Pattern of Social Interactions after Group Integration: A Possibility to Keep Stallions in Group 2013 PLoS ONE 5656 8 e54688 EP -