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Author (up) Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages
Acuna, B.D.; Sanes, J.N.; Donoghue, J.P. Cognitive mechanisms of transitive inference 2002 Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Experimentation cerebrale 602 146 1-10
Akins, C.K.; Klein, E.D.; Zentall, T.R. Imitative learning in Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) using the bidirectional control procedure 2002 Animal learning & behavior 239 30 275-281
Andersen, N.H.; Norgaard, A.; Jensen, T.J.; Ulstrup, J. Sequential unfolding of the two-domain protein Pseudomonas stutzeri cytochrome c4 2002 Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 3973 88 316-327
Appleby M. Consciousness, Cognition and Animal Welfare – J.K. Kirkwood, R.C. Hubrecht, S. Wickens, H. O'Leary, S. Oakley (Eds.), Universities Federation for Animal Welfare, 2001, 251 pp., Paperback, Supplement to Volume 10 of Animal Welfare, 15/US$ 30, ISSN 0962-7286 2002 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 3485 77 239-241
Appleby, M. Consciousness, Cognition and Animal Welfare: J.K. Kirkwood, R.C. Hubrecht, S. Wickens, H. O'Leary, S. Oakley (Eds.), Universities Federation for Animal Welfare, 2001, 251 pp., Paperback, Supplement to Volume 10 of Animal Welfare, [pound sign]15/US$ 30, ISSN 0962-7286 2002 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 2905 77 239-241
Aureli, F.; Cords, M.; van Schaik, C.P. Conflict resolution following aggression in gregarious animals: a predictive framework 2002 Animal Behaviour. 299 64 325-343
Barnard, C.J.; Luo, N. Acquisition of dominance status affects maze learning in mice 2002 Behavioural Processes 2075 60 53-59
Barrey, E.; Desliens, F.; Poirel, D.; Biau, S.; Lemaire, S.; Rivero, J.L.L.; Langlois, B. Early evaluation of dressage ability in different breeds 2002 Equine Veterinary Journal. Supplement 3726 319-324
Barton, R. The evolutionary ecolgy of the primate brain 2002 Comparative Primate Socioecology 5450 167-204
Bello, T.R. Practical treatment of body and open leg wounds of horses with bovine collagen, biosynthetic wound dressing and cyanoacrylate 2002 Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 3972 22 157-164