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Barton, M.D.; Hughes, K.L. Ecology of Rhodococcus equi 1984 Veterinary Microbiology 2688 9 65-76 details   openurl
Hughes, K.L.; Sulaiman, I. The ecology of Rhodococcus equi and physicochemical influences on growth 1987 Veterinary Microbiology 2678 14 241-250 details   openurl
Muscatello, G.; Gilkerson, J.R.; Browning, G.F. Comparison of two selective media for the recovery, isolation, enumeration and differentiation of Rhodococcus equi 2007 Veterinary Microbiology 2621 119 324-329 details   doi
Takai, S.; Fujimori, T.; Katsuzaki, K.; Tsubaki, S. Ecology of Rhodococcus equi in horses and their environment on horse-breeding farms 1987 Veterinary Microbiology 2679 14 233-239 details   openurl
Takai, S.; Narita, K.; Ando, K.; Tsubaki, S. Ecology of Rhodococcus (Corynebacterium) equi in soil on a horse-breeding farm 1986 Veterinary Microbiology 2683 12 169-177 details   openurl
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