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Author (up) Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages
Winter horse care 1994 Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 4664 14 115-117
A. Wiggins; K. Crowston From Conservation to Crowdsourcing: A Typology of Citizen Science 2011 2011 44th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 6430 1-10
Adolphs, R. Cognitive neuroscience of human social behaviour 2003 Nature Reviews. Neuroscience 4706 4 165-178
Ahmadinejad , S.M.; Asgari, Z. Facial expressions of the Caspian pony to its own picture, mirror and a combination of these two 2015 Proceedings of the 3. International Equine Science Meeting 5877
Ahmadinejad , S.M.; Pishkar, J.; Anisi, T.; Babayee, B. Verbal expressions of the horses to the pain 2015 Proceedings of the 3. International Equine Science Meeting 5890
Ahmadinejad , S.M.; Pishkar, J.; Bahmen, M. Comparisons of behavioral and physiological state in Caspian pony before and after stress 2015 Proceedings of the 3. International Equine Science Meeting 5891
Ahmadinejad, M. Promotion of stud management using equine applied science programs Mohsen A. Nejad University of applied science and technology, Tehran, Iran 2012 Proceedings of the 2. International Equine Science Meeting 5500 in press
Ahmadinejad, M., Tavakoli, S. Common injuries in athletic horses in Tehran‘s riding clubs 2012 Proceedings of the 2. International Equine Science Meeting 5495 in press
Ahrendt, L.P.; Christensen, J.W.; Ladewig, J. The ability of horses to learn an instrumental task through social observation 2012 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 5773 139 105-113
Ahrendt, L.P.; Labouriau, R.; Malmkvist, J.; Nicol, C.J.; Christensen, J.W. Development of a standard test to assess negative reinforcement learning in horses 2015 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 6650 169 38-42