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  Author (up) Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Byrne, Richard; Whiten, Andrew The machiavellian intelligence hypothesis:Editorial 1988 Machiavellian Intelligence 4430 1-9 details   isbn
Cheney, D.L.; Seyfarth, R.M Social and knowledge in vervet monkeys 1988 Machiavellian Intelligence 4787 255-270 details   isbn
Dasser V. Mapping social concepts in monkeys 1988 Machiavellian Intelligence 4792 85-93 details   isbn
Hauser M.D Invention and social transmission: new data from wild vervet monkeys 1988 Machiavellian Intelligence 4794 327-343 details   isbn
Milton, K. Foraging behaviour and the evolution of primate intelligence. 1988 Machiavellian Intelligence 5458 285–409 details   isbn
Seyfarth, R. M.; Cheney, D. L. Do monkeys understand their realtions? 1988 Machiavellian Intelligence 5457 details   isbn
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