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Crans, W.J.; McNelly, J.; Schulze, T.L.; Main, A. Isolation of eastern equine encephalitis virus from Aedes sollicitans during an epizootic in southern New Jersey 1986 Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association 2684 2 68-72 details   openurl
Loyola, E.G.; Rodriguez, M.H.; Gonzalez, L.; Arredondo, J.I.; Bown, D.N.; Vaca, M.A. Effect of indoor residual spraying of DDT and bendiocarb on the feeding patterns of Anopheles pseudopunctipennis in Mexico 1990 Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association 2671 6 635-640 details   openurl
Mitchell, C.J.; Darsie, R.F.J.; Monath, T.P.; Sabattini, M.S.; Daffner, J. The use of an animal-baited net trap for collecting mosquitoes during western equine encephalitis investigations in Argentina 1985 Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association 2686 1 43-47 details   openurl
Ulloa, A.; Gonzalez-Ceron, L.; Rodriguez, M.H. Host selection and gonotrophic cycle length of Anopheles punctimacula in southern Mexico 2006 Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association 1830 22 648-653 details   openurl
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